royal girl

Chapter 405 The Return of the King 2

Chapter 405 The Return of the King 2
"My lord...cousin..." Xia Bingyu chased after him and grabbed Ji Fuyan's lapel, "Things are not what you think, so we can't have a proper talk?"

"...I just want to be quiet, you have a good rest."

Ji Fuyan pulled back his skirt and strode out of the courtyard.

The early spring sun was so bright, looking up at the sky, he couldn't help but squint his eyes, forcing back the astringency in his eyes.There should have been a great tomorrow waiting for him. Over the years, he has made great achievements in the household department step by step, and he has exhausted every errand to complete every job.During these years of confrontation with Ji Qiyu, all his actions were done in an upright way.In the battle in the court, you may conspire and schem, and you may confront each other head-on, but you can't do things that lose your conscience.He never thought that he would use such means to murder Ji Qiyu's life.I never thought of killing a pregnant woman twice in the past, never thought of using such despicable and shameless means to win.

He knew what his father valued most in him, and he told Lord Xin Guo countless times not to be in a hurry, but to figure it out slowly.Although the fourth child has extremely high skills, he has accomplished every task very well, but his temper is too cold, strong and ruthless, and the father does not want such a tempered person to be the next emperor.Over the years, the emperor liked him, maintained him, and valued him. In fact, what he valued the most was that he was honest in doing things, treated people kindly, and could sit firmly in the country.Naturally, his temperament has shortcomings, but he hopes to impress his father with his hard-working nature, and let him know that although he does not have the means to turn the tide like the fourth child, he has enough patience and perseverance to persevere.

But all of this, when he couldn't prevent it, was suddenly destroyed, so fast, so unbelievable.

He always thought that his uncle had learned his lesson from what happened last time, and he would never be reckless again.And after that time, he really changed a lot in doing things. He shouldn't be careless, and he shouldn't really believe him like this.

What should he do when things have developed to this point?
Should I fight with my uncle, aunt and concubine, or stop there?

There may still be hope of victory if you fight hard, but if you give up on this, you must be a loser.

For so many years, he has put in so much effort, should he just give up like this?
He is angry, he is annoyed, he wishes to turn back time, but what happened has already happened, how should he deal with the aftermath?

Just when Ji Fuyan was still hesitating and hadn't made up his mind, news came that Master Liaowen had taken Sister Zhao to Guo'an Temple!
Master Liaowen... Master Liaowen...

Didn't Master Liaowen never get involved in worldly affairs?Why did she suddenly pick up Sister Zhao at such a juncture?
Ji Fuyan clenched his hands into fists, raised his head and said to his guards: "Please, my lords, go to the study." He wanted to discuss with his aides what was going on.

Sister Zhao was picked up by Master Wen, and she soon became known on the street.When Di Chen came to pick him up, he didn't think of keeping a low profile at all, but arrived at Prince Jing's Mansion ostentatiously all the way, and it was difficult for others not to know.What's more, at this time, Jing didn't know how many pairs of eyes were staring at Prince Jing's mansion, how could such a thing escape other people's eyes.

"... Are all the craftsmen gathered together?" Huiyu asked without raising her head.

The person standing in the flower hall was none other than the first craftsman Ji Qiyu found to make firecrackers, and now this person has become the leader of the craftsmen.At this time, he was standing in the center of the flower hall with his head down. Although he was a little uneasy, he quickly replied: "It is indeed the case when you return to the princess. Before leaving the capital, the prince ordered his subordinates to gather all the craftsmen together. No one is allowed to leave without an order."

Ji Qiyu gave another order in advance!

The weird feeling in Huiyu's heart came out again. Ji Qiyu left her seal before leaving, and left Jiang Qing in the front yard without being known. When playing an important role, Ji Qiyu left a message to gather all the well-known craftsmen together, and no one is allowed to leave without authorization.There is also the matter of Master Wen picking up Sister Zhao, how can there be so many coincidences in each one.

He thought of everything, even thought of what he would do, but before he left, he didn't say a word to himself.

Thinking about it now, Huiyu discovered a fact, maybe Ji Qiyu had already thought about the next thing before leaving, maybe Ji Qiyu left just to lure the snake out of the hole.He had planned everything, but because he was pregnant, he didn't want to worry about it, and he was afraid that there would be some unexpected changes in the plan, so he worried about hurting his body, so he simply didn't tell himself.But Ji Qiyu didn't count, there was a concubine Wen who was doing evil things in the palace.

If there was no such thing as Wen Xizhen, Ji Qiyu's plan might have really succeeded, and he would only be belatedly aware of what happened outside.Since Ji Qiyu kept Miao Rongguang and secretly left Jiang Qing outside, the most likely thing is to block the news from outside and not let her know.Before leaving, Ji Qiyu specifically asked herself not to go out if she had nothing to do, saying that she wanted to give herself a good birth control, but in fact she wanted to unknowingly cut off her contact with the outside world.If Wen Xizhen hadn't had this accident, Ji Qiyu would have arranged it very well.

But the accident still happened, and she still knew it.

"My lord must have given you some instructions before he left, so let's talk about it now." Huiyu calmed down at this time. If she guessed right this time, at least there is a possibility that Ji Qiyu will come back alive.

The craftsman hesitated for a while, but he didn't know whether to tell the prince's order. After all, the prince didn't say that he would tell the princess about this matter before he left...

Seeing the craftsman hesitating, Huiyu was not angry. If the man told her casually, she would feel that this craftsman is unusable, even disobeying the orders of her serious master. What are you going to do?
"It's fine if you don't say it. You are a good subordinate who obeys orders. In this way, I will tell you. If I am right, you will do as I say."

The craftsman had a bitter face, no, no, no.

"Before the prince leaves, he must tell you that if news of his accident comes from the capital, wait until Dingguogong leads someone to fight with Xinguogong, and then let you present the firecracker to the court, right?"

The craftsman was dumbfounded all of a sudden, he never expected that the princess could guess it!

Seeing his expression, Huiyu laughed, and she guessed right.

"In this case, then the prince must have asked you to carefully craft a firecracker, right?"



"The subordinate put it in a safe place in the big camp. The prince told me that this thing must be presented when there is a lot of quarrel in the court. The subordinate felt that the time had come, and was thinking of presenting the treasure tomorrow. Today, the princess will I summoned my subordinates." The craftsman looked at the princess anxiously, not knowing what to do next.

"Since the lord has already given his orders, then you should follow the lord's orders. However, because the situation in the court has changed slightly, remember to add a sentence when you offer the precious face saint, saying that the lord's protection of his son's education is the most important thing. One, there is another important reason, that is, I heard that there are raw materials needed to make firecrackers in Shanyang, the prince went to check it himself, but unexpectedly there was an accident, remember?"

"Yes, my subordinates have remembered it. However, there is no raw material in Shanyang..."

"You don't need to worry about this, I said it will happen naturally. Then you go down, this time the matter is done, and I will show credit for you when the prince comes back."

"...Thank you, Princess." The craftsman retreated anxiously, and only realized that he was covered in cold sweat when he left the palace.The concubine asked herself to say such a sentence, if the emperor listened... the heart could not help but shudder, the concubine is so scheming.And the raw material, if there is one, there is such a big tone, he dare not think about it.

After Huiyu met the craftsman, she immediately sent another letter to Wu Boyi of the Fengyi Club. The raw materials for making firecrackers that she asked Wu Boyi to buy in large quantities at the beginning were useful at this time, but they were still there. It would be good if her grandfather followed her around.The last time I talked with my grandfather, my grandfather obviously didn't know about Ji Qiyu's plan, if he knew, he would definitely tell himself so as not to make him sad.Even her grandfather didn't tell her, Ji Qiyu's plan this time seems to be kept secret enough.

Do you want to communicate with your grandfather?

Since Ji Qiyu didn't tell his grandfather, there must be his reasons. Wouldn't it be inappropriate for him to mention this matter to his grandfather at this time?If grandpa knew, would there be a knot in his heart, thinking that Ji Qiyu didn't trust him?After much deliberation, Huiyu still didn't decide to tell Xing Yulang about the matter. No matter what, Ji Qiyu had his reasons for doing so, and she couldn't disrupt his plan.

Sister Zhao was also sent away, and the family's affairs were stabilized. The outside affairs involved Dingguogong, Zhaoguogong charged into the battle, and grandpa tidied up the rear.Lying on the bed, Huiyu felt that she didn't have to worry about anything other than knowing whether Ji Qiyu was dead or alive, and she gradually fell asleep as she thought about it.As soon as she fell into the dream, Ji Qiyu's face immediately appeared. Although it was a little blurry, she knew it was him. Seeing him standing on the edge of the cliff and being knocked down by someone, she woke up from the dream immediately.

He opened his eyes, looked up at the ceiling, and wiped his forehead with his hand, which was covered with beads of sweat.I had a nightmare, knowing that maybe Ji Qiyu was fine, and told myself that the dream was the opposite, but the scene of him falling off the cliff in this dream always appeared in her dreams again and again, so tenacious.

The faint light came in through the tulle curtains, and Huiyu's vision was not very clear, and the patterns on the curtains were hazy and unclear. Such a dim vision made her feel very depressed.Because she didn't have the habit of letting girls stay on watch at night, Huiyu sat up by herself, trying to brighten the palace lantern in the corner of the room.He opened the curtain, lowered his head to put on his shoes, and just stood up when he heard light footsteps coming from the door.

She stood there stiffly all of a sudden, the sound of such footsteps was gentle but with a special pattern, only one person in the entire palace could make such footsteps.Subconsciously caressing his heart, he raised his head to look at the door, and saw that the newly replaced curtain with the river water blue ruyi pattern was gently lifted, and under the light, a tall figure walked in with a light footstep. .

He lowered his voice and didn't slow down his pace, the eager pace betrayed his eagerness.

(End of this chapter)

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