Chapter 675
As Zihan took the lead in applauding, there was a burst of warm applause.

Tang Huanxi blushed suddenly, "When I saw this poem by accident, I thought the artistic conception of this poem was very beautiful, so I quietly remembered this poem in my heart."

"This poem is indeed a superb work. Plum and snow compete for spring and refuse to give in to each other. This style of writing is indeed novel, unique and unexpected. Especially in the last two sentences, plum mustache is three points whiter than snow, but snow is less fragrant than plum." Cleverly reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the two. People are the same, each has its own strengths and weaknesses. It is only right to be self-aware, to learn from others' strengths and to make up for one's own weaknesses. This poem is both interesting and , reasonable and interesting, worthy of deep thought." Jin Sheng smiled slightly, and seriously commented on the poem.

After listening to his words, Xiao Zihan and Mu Sheng looked thoughtful.

"All right, all right, don't even think about it, hurry up and eat, Huanxi has made such a large table of dishes, if it gets cold, it won't taste good!" Qian said with a smile, "Besides, aren't you guys Have you wanted to go to the Lantern Festival for a long time? Eat, eat, and let's go out together and have a look later!"

Qian's voice suddenly resounded, bringing everyone's attention back to the delicious food on the table.

This delicious New Year's Eve dinner came to a lively end.

"Huanxi, leave this place to me. You go back and change your clothes first, and we'll go out together later." Qian quickly cleaned up the dishes, and Hong Fu and Hong Rong were also helping.

Tang Huanxi raised her arm and smelled the oily smoke on her body, and finally nodded with a smile.

She went back to the room, washed up briefly, changed her clothes, then hugged Xiao Yijin, followed behind Xiao Baorui, and went out with a few children.

The Lantern Festival in Yunshui County has always been very lively. Although Song Zhuo left, Qi Yan is also capable.

On the huge street, there are lights and festoons all the way, and various lanterns are hung on both sides. The lights are bright and beautiful.

On both sides of the bustling street, there are many small vendors hawking.

Xiao Baorui tightly held the palm of the person beside him, and smiled slightly.

"This lantern is exquisite." Tang Huanxi was attracted by a lotus-shaped lantern, and couldn't move her feet immediately. "Brother, how do you sell this lantern?"

"Madam has good eyesight!" The lantern vendor gave Tang Huanxi a thumbs up with a smile, "To be honest, this lantern is very delicate and unique, Madam, please take a look."

The little brother carefully held the lantern in his hand, and gently touched a certain opening on the handle.

The lotus flower, which was just about to explode, bloomed slowly, even accompanied by a burst of melodious music.

"It's so beautiful!" Tang Huanxi couldn't help admiring, "This lantern is really exquisite, I wonder if my little brother is willing to part with it?"

"Ma'am, in fact, this lantern was not made by my father at home," the little brother hung up the lantern carefully, and then said with a smile, "Although my father's craftsmanship is also very light, but my father can only make some ordinary ones. The lantern, this lantern, was placed by the villain."

"So you can't buy it anymore?" Tang Huanxi sighed softly, her tone full of regret.

"No, ma'am, the young master who handed over the lantern to the villain said that this lantern is only for gift and not for sale."

"Is it just for gift or for sale?" Tang Huanxi frowned, and a look of surprise flashed across her eyes.

"Yes, it's only for giving away and not for sale. If Madam can answer a question from the villain, this lantern can be given to Madam." The little brother looked at Tang Huanxi and said with a smile.

"Ma'am, let's go." Xiao Baorui suddenly suppressed the smile in his eyes, held Tang Huanxi's hand, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Hey... don't Madam want this lantern?"

"A lantern, it takes a lot of time to make a mystery, and there must be something hidden in it." Xiao Baorui sneered again and again, and his sharp eyes flicked across the face of the little brother who sold the lantern.

Those eyes were too fierce, and the younger brother shrank his neck subconsciously.

Tang Huanxi looked sideways at Xiao Baorui and smiled, "Husband, let's go and have a look around."


The two walked hand in hand side by side, stopping and going all the way.

"What's the matter?" Tang Huanxi asked worriedly after sensing the chilly air pressure suddenly released by Xiao Baorui, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"Miss, someone is following us." Xiao Baorui stopped in his tracks, deliberately lowered his voice, and then raised his hand to brush the black hair on her forehead behind her ears.

"Yes," Tang Huanxi obediently responded, and then stretched out her hand to hug Xiao Yijin in his arms.

"I heard that the pens, inks, papers and inkstones in Babaozhai are excellent works, why don't we go and have a look?" Tang Huanxi looked up at Xiao Baorui, with a sly gleam in his eyes.

"...Okay!" Xiao Baorui instantly understood her intention and nodded with a smile.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Baorui led Tang Huanxi into Babaozhai, and within less than a cup of tea, a gray figure sneaked up behind him!
Xiao Baorui quickly struck out and quickly grabbed his throat!
"Say, who are you, why are you following us?" Xiao Baorui slightly increased the strength of his hands, his eyes were cold and without the slightest warmth.

"Cough cough—forgive me—"

"Xiao Baorui, let go first." Tang Huanxi frowned, walked up to the man, and asked softly, "Who are you? Why are you following me and my husband?"

"Ahem, I don't intend to offend you, but my son wants to see you." The man looked at Tang Huanxi and said sincerely, "Ma'am, my young master is Tang Lingtian, the son of Chaozhou governor."

"Chaozhou Governor?"

"Son of Tang Hao?"


Xiao Baorui immediately glanced at his wife, and both of them saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"My son is waiting for you two in the private room on the second floor of the Reminiscence Building."

Xiao Baorui was thoughtful, and finally raised his lips, and a sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"How does your son know that I will definitely attend the appointment?"

"My son said that if General Xiao wants to know some secrets of the Xiao family in Jinling, he will definitely come to the appointment."

The Xiao family in Jinling.

certain secrets.

These words are enough to arouse Xiao Baorui's curiosity.

But in the end he suppressed the doubt deep in his heart, and smiled slightly, "Tonight is New Year's Eve, Mr. Tang didn't stay in Chaozhou Governor's Mansion to reunite with his family, but he rushed to Yunshui County all the way. I think Mr. Tang will be more than I should be more anxious."

"Husband, I heard that Shao Ji's fresh meat wontons on East Street are very delicious, why don't we try it?"

"Okay." Seeing the two leave Babaozhai one after the other, the gray-clothed old slave stamped anxiously!

Sure enough, as you expected, these two people are really not easy to invite!

(End of this chapter)

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