Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 354 This is probably love

Chapter 354 This is probably love

"Xiao Baorui, you! You stop first!" The man's hand kept moving on her smooth back, burning her skin bit by bit like fire, Tang Huanxi bit her lip tightly By the side, her eyes gradually began to become blurred, and a layer of mist appeared. At that time, she was like a deer lost in the forest, extremely cute.

"My lady... I don't want to stop..." Xiao Baorui suddenly withdrew his hand, gently climbed onto her fragrant shoulders, then buried his head in her neck, and dropped countless dense kisses.

"Xiao Baorui...how can you declare in a daytime..." Tang Huanxi gradually came to her senses with the sliver of reason left in her mind. She suddenly hugged the man's neck and bit his shoulder hard!

Xiao Baorui felt her anger, so he had no choice but to let go of his hand aggrieved.

"Miss, are you really angry?"

"What do you think? Look here?" Tang Huanxi pushed away the man lying on her body forcefully, and then pointed to her neck, "It's broad daylight, you insist on dragging me to this bed to mess around, I I have no face to see anyone..."

Angrily, Tang Huanxi pulled up her clothes angrily, then clenched her small fists and began to beat the man's chest!
"Xiao Baorui, you are a big pervert!"

"I have to be a lady alone." The man looked at her with sincerity in his eyes.

"Ahem..." His eyes were too direct and enthusiastic, Tang Huanxi looked away shyly, "Ahem, Xiao Baorui, stop messing around, I've been tossing around all morning, I haven't had lunch yet, I'm starving to death Already!"

"Miss, don't you want to eat me?" Xiao Baorui suddenly supported her by the shoulder, looking at her serious expression, "Miss, you... don't you understand?"

"Don't understand what?" Tang Huanxi blinked her eyes, completely puzzled.

"Ahem... It's what the husband and wife will do together after getting married..."

"I know!" Tang Huanxi rolled her eyes silently in her heart, and secretly complained that although she had never eaten pork, it was not that she had never seen certain restricted-rated movies!In her eyes, Xiao Baorui is the novice in this area. If he hadn't carefully trained him, he might not even be able to kiss!
However, she had a pure, cute and silly expression on her face, "When a man and a woman get married, they should respect and love each other, raise their eyebrows together, and live a good life!"

"My lady, I mean..." Xiao Baorui anxiously wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start.

Tang Huanxi got out of bed while arranging her clothes, then suddenly turned around and held her silly face in her hands, and said with a gentle smile in her eyes, "Xiao Baorui, I know what you want to say. I also understand that the relationship between us needs to be One step closer, it's better to have a negative distance contact, right?"

Cough cough--

After saying these words, Tang Huanxi felt her face was like a burning cloud. She lowered her eyes and said softly, "Let's all take a good bath tonight..."

After saying this, she rushed out of the room like a gust of wind.

Xiao Baorui was left with a dazed face, and after a breath, the fool suddenly laughed wildly, and boundless sweetness seemed to spread from his heart.

Tang Huanxi rushed to the kitchen and stood dumbfounded in front of the dazzling array of ingredients, her heart was beating non-stop. The words just now were blurted out by her, and they were also the truth deep in her heart. idea.

Until now, Tang Huanxi truly believed in one thing.

She fell in love with Xiao Baorui, a silly guy, and was willing to give everything for him.

This is probably love.

 Cough...Happy Valentine's Day, cuties, add another chapter.

  You guys vote a lot, Chengzi strives to let the hero eat braised pork tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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