Yipin farm girl

Chapter 978: Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony

Chapter 978: Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony (1)
very good!

Another scene of borrowing a knife to kill someone!

Fu Yunshan sneered, the scarlet silk in his hand was flying with the wind, with all his strength, he wrapped his hands around the neck of a man in black, his eyes flashed, and the killer move appeared!The red blood was immediately stained with Chi Lian, and the coquettish fiery red was full of bloody heat, dancing with the wind more and more violently!

"The general has an order, catch the alive!"

A dull voice sounded, and a group of men in black swarmed forward!

Fu Yunshan showed a cold smile between his brows, and quickly brushed his hand across his waist, took out the poison powder that Dongqing had stuffed for her, and sprinkled all of it on the Chilian red silk!
Next, it depends on how strong these people's resistance to poison is!

Waves of people in black were poisoned and fell to the ground, wave after wave continued to attack on top, if they didn't kill her, only a few people would exhaust her energy and stamina in one round!
The physical pros and cons of men and women are very obvious at this time!

At first Fu Yunshan was able to handle it, but later on he felt that his physical strength could not hold on, and he was sweating profusely.

I don't know how long it took, when Fu Yunshan felt that she could no longer hold on, more than 20 black shadows descended from the sky, protecting her firmly behind her, and one person supported her. Although her brows and eyes were a little cold, the words she spoke were full of concern , "Miss Fu San, we belong to the sixth prince, can you still hold on?"

Lou heavy!

Fu Yunshan took a couple of breaths, her face was as pale as paper, she exerted a lot of strength and nodded slightly, "I...it's fine!"

The man let go of his hand a little bit, his eyes were cold and stern, he looked at the densely packed men in black in front of him, and gave an order, "Ten people stand in the way, and the rest will escort Miss Fu San out of here safely with me!"


Among the hidden guards, ten people immediately came out, holding soft swords and blocking the front, forming a human wall!
The person opposite was stunned, and waved his hand, "Kill!"

The two sides fought together!
The leader of the dark guard who was supporting Fu Yunshan saw the disparity in the number of people, and gritted his teeth, "Back!"

Fu Yunshan's hands and feet were sore at this time, the secret guard said, "Miss Fu San, offended!" He stretched out his hand to grab Fu Yunshan and threw it on his back, pointing his toes, blinking and jumping a few feet away, more than ten people divided into two groups , one in front and one in the back, firmly protecting the two in the middle.

The leader of the man in black was annoyed, "Separate 30 people and chase them!"

But he was blocked by Lou Zhong's hidden guards!

Fu Yunshan was carried on the back and gritted his teeth to resist the feeling of fainting due to exhaustion, but when he saw the corpses in the courtyard, he collapsed instantly, slipped off the body of the hidden guard, staggered and almost dragged him into the house, "Wan'er! holly!"

The leader of the dark guards helped her into the room a few steps, and the room was messy, the screen and the ground were stained with blood, it could be seen that a fierce battle had passed!
Fu Yunshan's pale face became paler by a third, and even the color of his lips changed!The exhausted body softened even more, and sat down on the ground with a plop, Ayi Duo!Yelumo!
The leader of the dark guards was wandering around the room, when he turned around, he suddenly found a dagger dripping with blood and a letter on the tip of the dagger stuck in the door master!

"Miss Fu San!" He took it off and handed it to Fu Yunshan.

Fu Yunshan took the letter, only to see that it read: "Master An Ning, long time no see. Please invite your sister and maid to enjoy the scenery, attach the address, and wait for you, Dongfang."

Dongfang Sheng!
Fu Yunshan's lacquered eyes suddenly widened, biting his lips, his face turned completely cold, he struggled to stand up from the ground, and handed the paper to the leader of the dark guard, "Go to Dongfang Sheng's other courtyard!"

(End of this chapter)

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