Yipin farm girl

Chapter 430: The Royal Family

Chapter 430: The Royal Family (5)
Needless to say, Siming also knows the effect of musk. If pregnant women smell it too much, they will have a miscarriage. If a girl who has not left the cabinet smells it too much, she may be infertile for life!

Fu Yunshan took out the hairpin given by Fu Amber from her body, and showed it to Si Ming. Si Ming only took a sniff, and then pulled the hairpin off. It was also hollow and full of musk powder.

Without further ado, Fu Yunshan turned to Bai Xinyue's room and took her hairpin too. In the same place, it was still hollow!
She put away all the things with a cold face, and when she went to Xu's house to see Fu Jianqiu, she didn't mention Fu Amber and the hairpin.

On the tenth day of the lunar new year, Fu Yingchun invited her to Fang's house for a visit, and Fu Yunshan arrived as scheduled.

Fu Yingchun is full of pearls and emeralds, and is dressed in a gorgeous dress. She twists her waist and calls for sister Shan from a distance.Looking at her slender waist, Fu Yunshan smiled. Fang Zhixing is a cripple, so it's hard for her to dress up like this in winter to attract bees and butterflies!
"Ms. Fang." Fu Yunshan turned slightly, Fu Yingchun pretended to be affectionate and pinched her, Bai Su squatted down to salute, Fu Yingchun glanced at her, and said in surprise, "Ah, there is such a smart and handsome sister Shan beside her." She's so cute, she doesn't make a sound, I still think of her as a young lady, it's really wronged to be a girl."

"A servant is a lowly life, so she is not worthy of being a young lady." Bai Su twitched the corners of her lips and forced a smile.

Fu Yingchun chuckled twice, "That Bai Xinyue used to be the girl of my fifth uncle's family, but now she's a lady! Take good care of her, maybe you will have a lucky day."

"Yes, the slave must be fine..."

Bai Su raised his eyes to look at Fu Yunshan, and when he noticed the smile in his master's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, he lowered his head, and didn't dare to speak out.

"Look at you scaring this girl!" Fu Yingchun pursed her lips and smiled, and Fu Yunshan happily accompanied her in acting.

After lunch, the two of them warmed up in the yard together. Fu Yingchun waved away the other people in the yard, leaving only his own big girl and little girl to wait on her. The big girl brought refreshments and tea to dress up. He smiled and poured a glass for Fu Yunshan, "This is the Junshan silver needle that my father sent back from the capital. It is said that it was bestowed by the emperor himself. Try it."

"Miss San is really a big face. Our young mistress Junshan Yinzhen is very precious. Even the master and wife, the young mistress is reluctant to make a cup. As soon as you come, the young mistress brewed a whole pot..." Xiao Dian stood aside Smiling to make fun of her, Fu Yingchun scolded her with a smile, and persuaded Fu Yunshan to drink with earnest eyes.

Fu Yunshan looked at the upright buds and the ups and downs of the tea leaves, and sighed that the tea was really good, what a pity...

She took the cup, drank it all in one gulp, and passed out as she wished.

The corner of Fu Yingchun's lips curled up into a sly smile, and he raised his hand to beckon. A man in a brown robe walked out from behind a tree not far away, with a wretched expression on his face.

Bai Su let out a cry of surprise, rushed over to protect Fu Yunshan behind him, stared at the wretched man, "You, what do you want to do?"

"Stop! Don't come here!" Xiao Dian glared at the man, leaned close to Fu Yingchun's ear, and said in a low voice, "Young Mistress, this is your yard after all, you can't escape if something happens, why not..."

Fu Yingchun thought for a moment, then nodded, glanced at Bai Su, and said impatiently, "Feed her the dumb medicine, if it doesn't work, kill her and bury her."

Bai Su's eyes widened, and he turned his head back in horror and shook Fu Yunshan vigorously, "Girl, help, wake up, save me..."

"Pull it down!" Fu Yingchun pouted.

The big girl stepped forward, dragged her down by her hair.

Xiao Dian took the teacup and handed it to Fu Yingchun, "Young Mistress, take a sip of tea and take a break, and the rest will be arranged by servants."

(End of this chapter)

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