Chapter 287
"I can see clearly just now, don't try to quibble!"

Gu Sheng's eyes were cold, she hated this couple very much, it's fine to take advantage of it, it's not a crime.

As long as they don't take advantage of them, it's fine, but this person can't help but want to steal her things?

Although Gu Sheng's valuable things are placed in the space, she feels annoyed when someone messes with her things.

The flight attendant came very quickly, and the thief wanted to run away, but was restrained by Gu Sheng.

He didn't even know why such a big man like him couldn't get rid of this woman's hand.

The strength is really great and a bit scary.

Seeing the flight attendant, the thief preemptively attacked, "I just wanted to go to the toilet, and she falsely accused me of stealing!"

Now that he couldn't run away, he could only find a way to get rid of the crimes on him.

"Are you kidding me, is there a toilet in your car?"

Gu Sheng was a little speechless, this person is really out of his mind, can he treat everyone as fools?
"I've never sat on a sleeper berth in my life, so I'm curious to come and have a look when I go to the toilet, can't I?"

The thief was angry, this woman is really evil, and my wife was not pleased with her in the afternoon.

He had a bad start at night, and this time he might have encountered a bad star.

Gu Sheng rolled his eyes speechlessly, and threw him in front of the flight attendant.

"Hi, I saw him digging through my things with my own eyes, and I'd like to ask you to deal with it."

"Ma'am, don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

The leader happened to be the flight attendant who upgraded Gu Sheng's ticket in the afternoon, and behind her were several security guards on the train.

When Gu Sheng let go of him, they had quickly restrained the thief.

"Don't move!"

"How can you do this, I didn't do anything!"

The thief scratched his head, "You can't arrest people without evidence!"

"With all the witnesses in front of you, can you still deny it?"

For the first time, Gu Sheng realized that some people may be shameless, as long as he is not embarrassed, it seems that others will not be embarrassed.

"I'm not wrong, I also said that you are trying to get revenge on me, isn't it because my wife wants to change places with you in the afternoon.

I know it made you unhappy, but didn't my wife apologize later. "

The man's eyeballs rolled cunningly, thinking that Gu Sheng must have a good family background for being so generous.

If he can get a little money, it will be enough for him and his wife to spend a while.

Gu Sheng twitched angrily, "Do you think two strangers, you and your wife, can affect my mood?"

Her mind is not so small, why waste her heart in front of strangers.

Unexpectedly, the thief exploded when he heard this sentence, "Of course you don't care about anything.

If it weren't for you, would we be worth spending money to make up the fare?You have money and don't care about anything.

But for us, we are all ordinary people, taking a train is equivalent to using up several months of food at home. "

His voice was a little choked when he said it later, "It's clear that I didn't steal anything, but you just want to frame me!"


The woman in the afternoon suddenly came over with the child in her arms, tears streaming down her face.

"What's going on? The baby is hungry."

"It's the girl in the afternoon. Maybe because you wanted to change positions, she was annoyed, so she falsely accused me of stealing her things just now."

The thief frowned, but he was slightly relieved when he thought of his wife's combat effectiveness.

With his wife around, maybe he could really get some money.

(End of this chapter)

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