Marvel's Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 515 Hello, Galactus

Chapter 515 Hello, Galactus

Moon, Observer Base.

Eric had just stepped out of the gate disguised as a crater, and happened to see a bright silver streamer entering the earth's atmosphere. Neither the Skynet defense system nor the alien blocking system developed by Mister Fantastic and others had any effect.

"Silver Surfer, a poor man." Eric sighed, opened the portal and went straight to the earth.

Silver Surfer, from the Janravians in the constellation Cygnus, a utopian planet.Back then Galactus fell in love with his planet, and he wanted to save his planet on the condition that he would be enslaved by the swallowing star forever and find food for the swallowing star.

Galactus agreed to his begging, bestowing upon him powerful primordial cosmic energy, allowing him to completely forget the past, lose emotion, morality, and conscience...and become a star-eating messenger.

After becoming the envoy of devouring stars, Silver Shadow Man immediately fulfilled his duties, pointing to his hometown behind him, "That star can be eaten."

But Galactus didn't do that, "I made an agreement with a respectable person that I can't eat that one."


Silver Surfer's speed is very fast, his body surface is covered with a layer of galactic glaze, which is the super metal that was born by combining with his own ability after Galactus gave him the original cosmic energy, and has a higher strength than Adamant alloy. hardness.

When Eric teleported back to the earth, the Silver Surfer had already stepped on a surfboard and flew around the earth, causing many weather anomalies around the world.

The Egyptian pyramids were covered with a layer of five centimeters of snow, the Sea of ​​Japan was frozen in large areas, and the entire city of California was without power...

Iron Man didn't listen to Eric's dissuasion, and had already rushed over. Unfortunately, before he got close, he was cut off by the cosmic radiation of Silver Surfer. He hoped that the reactor would stop directly and lose all energy.

Without the support of energy, the nano-armor could not survive, it turned into a handful of iron sand in an instant, fell off from him, and Tony also started a free fall movement. Without the steel armor, his super high IQ could The situation is not useful at all.

"Damn! What the hell is that? No, now is not the time to think about it, what should I do? Quick, quick, quick! Tony, you can do it, you have the most powerful brain in the world, you can definitely come up with There is a way!" Tony slapped his head while using his brain, trying to shake something out of it.

This trick is really effective, it really reminded Tony of something useful, "Magic! Damn it, the magic that Odin gave me, I should have tried it before! How did you say that spell?"

When he was in the barren land of Antarctica, Odin taught Tony a lot of knowledge about rune magic, but Tony thought highly of himself and always tried to use scientific methods to crack it, using magic instead of blessing magic runes on his armor. The first thing is to create a keyboard that can spell spells, but it really allows him to complete a spell independently, which he has never done once.

One by one, the blunt and obscure spells popped out of Tony's mouth, and his hands quickly slid in mid-air. The divine power endowed by Odin was finally awakened, and burst out from his body, showing various gorgeous scenes between his hands. brilliance.

But how can it be so easy to cast a complete magic?Thor, the god of thunder, is more than 5000 years old, and he still only wields a hammer. Tony is a newcomer, and it is also impossible to achieve it overnight.

This thing requires talent.Fortunately, Tony's talent is good. When he was more than ten meters away from the ground, he released a complete magic, turned into a magic shield, and put it under his body to help him slow down. Finally, he was a foot away from the ground. Time finally stopped.

"Papa papa!" Tony just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard a burst of clapping from the side. He turned his head and saw that it was Eric who was applauding for him. Behind him was still floating the monster that caused him to fall.

"Damn it, you saw it all? Why didn't you save me?" Tony was still in shock, seeing Eric's appearance, and he was so angry.

Eric shrugged and pointed to the Silver Surfer behind him, "I have to catch him first, and I think our great Iron Man can solve this little trouble without me, right? Congratulations, you I just successfully released a magic spell, which has reached the level of Asgardian kindergarten kindergarten! Don’t be discouraged, Asgardians live very long, and their kindergarten generally lasts 20 years.”

"Then I'm too old!" Tony struggled to get up and looked at Silver Surfer.

Silver Surfer is still awake, but the energy of his whole body is suppressed, and the surfboard is also sealed layer by layer. Except for the normal life support system, everything else is sealed by Eric, which looks similar to a vegetable.

"What kind of monster is this guy? You caught him, so the trouble is solved?" Tony circled around the Silver Surfer twice, but unfortunately without the help of the armor detector, he couldn't see anything.

"He's not troublesome, the one behind him is." Eric stepped forward, smeared on the Silver Surfer, took off a piece of mercury-like metal, and threw it to Tony, "For you, Galaxy Glaze, Bea The metal harder than Deman alloy is the only one in the universe, I hope you can research something."

"Oh, damn, this thing has radiation!" Tony said radiation, but his body was very honest, and he stuffed the Galaxy Glaze in his arms, like a treasure, "Wait, where are you going?"

Eric had already opened the portal and looked back at Tony, "I'll go meet his boss and say sorry for me and Skye!"


Galactus, the most eminent of the five creation gods...

Cough cough, although it is the most unstoppable one, it is also one of the serious five. The full star swallow represents the ceiling of the single universe, with great strength.

The only reason this boss visited Earth was because he was hungry.For some unknown reason, Galactus must devour certain special planets to absorb energy, such as the home star of the Skrull Empire.

At the very beginning, Galactus could control his desire to eat, and found some uninhabited planets to devour, but later, hunger had swallowed his reason, so that he could no longer distinguish whether there were people on the planet, and later, he It even specifically devoured living planets.

Of course, these are all things to say later. What Eric is going to face today is a Tun Xing who has a certain degree of rationality, and it is a hungry Tun Xing. He is not panicking at all.

Galactus relied on Silver Surfer's surfboard to locate him, and he was already near Jupiter at this moment. When Eric teleported over, he happened to block his way.

"Hello, Galactus!" Eric's eyes released a lot of light, and he kept scanning Galactus.

(End of this chapter)

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