Marvel's Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 462 Frank, you kill again!

Chapter 462 Frank, you kill again!
The Skrulls are all over the earth, if you want to use God's ruling to catch them all, you'd better have a careful plan.

But time waits for no one, the spaceship loses contact, and the Skrulls on Earth will soon discover the anomaly. Eric and Braised must be quick.

The superheroes detained on the spaceship became the main force. Their strength is not weak, but they were misled by "acquaintances" and accidentally attacked before they fell into the enemy's hands. powerful!

The heroes were awakened one by one, and when they knew the truth, they were all furious and their combat power increased sharply, vowing to fight the Scruis to the death.

The Imitation Master accosts Eric for the first time after learning that his clone killed She-Hulk, "Leave him to me!"

The imitation master doesn't talk much on weekdays. His abilities are somewhat similar to Eric's new skills. They can copy the abilities he sees. It's just that what Eric can copy is the ability, but the imitation master can only Copy martial arts.

Eric didn't know him very well. According to the news from the marinated egg, he seemed to be from the World Security Council.

"Don't worry, you solve your own troubles by yourself." This is Eric's promise, and playing against the high imitation version of himself is also a rare opportunity to hone.

The imitation master left, and the black widow ran over again. She was quite guilty of "herself" killing Iron Man, and asked Eric if there was any way to remedy it.

Eric pondered for a moment, then nodded solemnly, "I will definitely bring them all back!"

"Thank you!" Black Widow breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to prepare equipment.

However, Eric fell into deep thought. There are still ways to revive the dead superhero. The time gem of Ancient One is the easiest way. However, the three temples have disappeared since the invasion of Thanos. Eric Until now, I can't find where Gu Yi went.

"I'm afraid the time gem is useless, so I can only go to him!" Eric opened a space door casually, glanced inside, and quickly closed the space door, "Use this to make a deal!"


In New York, the Skrull knockoff team finds another long-hidden superhero, a blind man, Daredevil.

When he was very young, he was doused with radioactive chemical waste and lost his eyesight, but his hearing was extremely developed, and his physical fitness was far beyond ordinary people. Coupled with acquired training, he possessed a good martial arts.On weekdays, he disguised himself as a lawyer in Hell's Kitchen, and after nightfall, he turned into a night devil, punishing evil and promoting good.

"It's just a small character, master of imitation, you go and deal with it." The copycat Wolverine closed the file and threw it into the trash can.

The master imitator nodded silently, turned and left without delay.

"Logan, the captain has been out of contact for two hours! The mother ship can't be contacted either." Black Widow walked in and looked at Wolverine worriedly, "Could something happen?"

Wolverine pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "It's hard to say, maybe Her Majesty's experiment is at a critical moment, or something really happened."

"Could it be that he's back?" A gleam of fear flashed in Black Widow's beautiful eyes. That godlike man can scare away many people just by rumors!
Wolverine looked serious, "I can't be sure, but no matter what happens, we must be prepared."

"You mean, she..."

"That's right! What he cares most about is his daughter. To control his daughter, this plan should be the safest."

Black Widow nodded, "Understood, I'll deal with it."

Wolverine watched the black widow leave, and then glanced at the trash can, "This Daredevil seems to have stayed in the same orphanage as his daughter, so let you be companions!"


The copycat version of Master Mimic is very confident in his abilities. After transforming into Master Mimic, he not only perfectly inherited his abilities, but also inherited all his memories. He knows almost all martial arts on the entire earth. He doesn’t believe in a Ordinary people learn better than themselves, which comes from the confidence of the Skrulls and the pride of imitating masters.

The imitator, the Skrull, the two identities, the two memories, are mixed together, so that the Skrull sometimes thinks that he is the taciturn imitator.This situation is very common. The stronger the imitator's ability, the greater the influence on the Skrull people. Several Skrull people have lost themselves because of this, completely regarded themselves as genuine, and forgot the mission of the Skrull Empire. clean up.

Fortunately, the ability to imitate the master is not too strong.The copycat imitation master secretly rejoiced, while quickly searching the target area, and soon found Daredevil.No, it's daytime, and he's not Daredevil, but a good-natured lawyer, Matt.

At the moment, Matt is receiving his client, a slightly obese black woman. She seems to have been greatly wronged, and she is telling something with tears streaming down her face. Matt listens very carefully, interjecting from time to time to ask for a few details, It seemed that he really wanted to help her.

Suddenly, Matt turned his head slightly, his ears moved, and a trace of abnormal noise from the imitation master had aroused his vigilance. During this special period, the other party might not be a good person, so he turned his head and said in as gentle a tone as possible, " Mrs. Kate, how about coming here today? I have a guest who needs to be entertained, and we will make an appointment next time."

"Guest?" Mrs. Kate was taken aback, and suddenly remembered some rumors about Hell's Kitchen, she stood up in a panic, "Oh, okay, I'm leaving now."

Before going out, Mrs. Kate hesitated for a moment, then turned around and said, "Lawyer Matt, you must pay attention to safety, we poor people can only count on you."

Matt smiled warmly and drew a cross in front of him, "The Lord will bless us."

After Mrs. Kate left, Matt's face changed, and he pulled the blind stick in his hand, and it turned into two short sticks, facing the corner, "Come out!"

The imitation master jumped out, tilted his head to look at the short stick in Matt's hand, groped behind his back for a while, and took out two short sticks.

"Is it my turn?" Matt seemed to know the purpose of imitating the master, but his face was calm.

The master of imitation did not speak, but quietly observed every subtle movement of Matt. His ability was to extract and imitate the opponent's martial arts from these details.

"Why don't you talk? Who are you?" Matt turned his head slightly, so that his ears were aimed at the other party, so that he could hear the other party's heartbeat more clearly.

"Your catcher!" The Master Mimic leaps forward, lunging at Matt in a classic Daredevil move.

Matt sensed the opponent's movements and was stunned for a while.

The imitation master sneered, but the castration disappeared, and the short stick was about to hit Matt on the head.

"Touch!" A bullet suddenly shot in from the window, hitting Master Mimic's temple, and Master Mimic fell to the ground in disbelief, and changed back into a Skrull in an instant.

"Damn it, Frank, you killed again!"

(End of this chapter)

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