Marvel's Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 418 Hulk Legion?I have seen!

Chapter 418 Hulk Legion?I have seen!

Maybe it was fate, maybe Loki did it deliberately for revenge, almost all of the hundreds of warships came towards New York.

That's right, a battleship!Loki didn't care about the lives of the Chitauri at all, let alone their losses. After controlling the Chitauri commander, he ordered the battleship to land directly!
In the interstellar war, the general landing operations are carried out by sending some relatively small spaceships and fighters.Loki's style of play is very rare. The battleship is huge, and it is built directly in the space dock when it is built. If it lands, the ship will be destroyed if it is not careful.

Hundreds of warships smashed through the atmosphere, and they pressed down on the earth in a black mass, as if the sky was falling, making people breathless.

Some New Yorkers panicked, some remained calm, some fled, and some hid at home.And the superheroes responded immediately.

The first to meet these warships are the missiles and various large weapons of the major forces on the earth.

S.H.I.E.L.D., the military, and the Star Alliance have all installed a large number of Skye Industries electromagnetic guns. At this time, no one will hide their secrets. As many as there are, the guns are all fired, and the guns are unanimously exposed, bringing the Chitauri warships The first wave of damage.

The electromagnetic gun has no pollution, no emissions, long range, great power, and even no defect of overheating the barrel. As long as the energy and shells are sufficient, it can be fired for a whole day. The only disadvantage is that the cost is too expensive.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and other forces are equipped with large-scale electromagnetic guns, also called rail guns. The shells weigh a ton. Under the action of a super-strong electromagnetic field, the shells are instantly accelerated to Mach [-].Purely physical attacks, even the Chitauri's battleship shields can't hold up a few times.

With one round of salvo, nearly half of the invading warships were shot down. The results were brilliant, but problems followed one after another.

The battleship is too big, even if it is smashed by a shell, it will be enough to smash the whole New York!

"Damn aliens! They are going to die together! They drove the battleship into the atmosphere!" Braised Dan's eyes were red with anxiety, but he couldn't help it.The only thing that can be done is to urge the four pioneer officers who rushed back from outer space, "Kroll! Max! Hall! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Don't worry, Fury, look at me!" Iron Man's voice came suddenly, which startled the bittern.

"Stark! What time is this, and you still have the time to invade our system!" Potato almost drew his gun in anger, making Skye, who was standing by the side, frowned wildly. This is the Star Alliance, where Iron Man invaded. But her computer!
Iron Man didn't care, he smiled, "Don't be nervous, Fury, this is a Trojan horse buried a long time ago, in retaliation for what little Skye did to Jarvis!"

"Dear Uncle Tony, which time are you talking about?" Skye frowned, summoned the future, and found the wooden horse in the blink of an eye.

"Uh..." Iron Man was choked immediately. He and Skye's network battles have always lost more than wins, which made him very embarrassed. He hurriedly changed the subject, "Listen, I have a way to clean up the wreckage of those battleships , But, when this matter is over, you have to help me!"

"Help you? Help you with what?" Braised Egg was anxious like an ant on a hot pan, "Damn it, Tony, hurry up! No matter what it is, I will help you!"

"You'll understand in a while..." After Iron Man finished speaking, he turned off the voice, and the Trojan horse in Skye's computer also self-destructed at this moment and disappeared.

While speaking, the Chitauri battleship in the sky underwent a new change.From the broken battleships, a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers flew out, and they flew through the sky in strangely shaped fighter planes.

In addition to them, there are many huge flying creatures like giant centipedes, which are unique Leviathan beasts of the Chitauri, and like the Chitauri, they have a body that is half mechanical and half biological.

Chitauri and Leviathan creatures flew onto the streets of New York one after another, beating anyone they saw, blowing up buildings when they saw them, full of desire to destroy everything.

Iron Man didn't even think about them at the moment. The wreckage of the fallen warships, as well as the complete battleships, were far more dangerous than these chitauri chitauri.

"Jarvis, aim at everything that falls, including those intact battleships, and fire the Mark Cannon!"

"Understood, sir." Jarvis completed his instruction in an instant. In the sky, the steel armors raised their right arms one after another, emitting a red light, shining on the battleships.

Then, a miracle happened!Those warships, no matter they were intact or damaged, began to shrink rapidly under everyone's noses. In the blink of an eye, they turned into children's toys and fell to the ground without even making a hole.

"Pym Particles!" After witnessing all this, Potato and Skye stared at each other with wry smiles, "No wonder we want to help, if Pym finds out that he stole Pym Particles, It's going to be crazy."

Skye swallowed, his eyes dodged, "Well, Mr. Pim shouldn't care about the life and death of the earth, right?"

"I hope, his temper, hey..."


The battleship was shrunk, and the sky in New York was cleared, as if the sun was shining through the clouds. The Chitauri rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and let out a shrill scream.

The superheroes on Earth were also shocked, but they immediately realized that this is the best opportunity to attack!
What are you waiting for?kill it!
Avengers, X-Men, Utopia, S.H.I.E.L.D., Star Alliance, Fantastic Four, Night Owl...

Almost all the superteams, one by one, rushed to the front and fought with the Chitauri.

Iron Man's battle armor also landed one after another, and under the control of the newly upgraded artificial intelligence Ultron, he fought with the Chitauri.Immediately afterwards, Ivan's Terminator armor also rushed to the battlefield. Suddenly, all his armors were concentrated in Wakanda, and they were dispatched temporarily, which delayed a lot of time and allowed Iron Man to steal the limelight.

With the addition of these extraordinary forces, the Chitauri's offensive has been slowed down, but they still have an advantage. The strength of dozens of warships has suppressed the superheroes in number.

"Roar! Hulk, smash!" With a roar, the four-handed Hulk brought his wife, the female Hulk, into the battlefield. They all aimed at those Leviathan creatures and smashed wildly.

Their strong defense and self-healing ability made them not worry about getting hurt at all, and they jumped directly into the mouth of the Leviathan creature monster, smashing it from the inside out!In just a few minutes, the husband and wife took down more than a dozen Leviathan creatures!
"Hulk! Damn it, we still have five thousand Hulks, where are they?" Braised Dan's eyes lit up, staring at the four-handed Hulk, almost drooling.

"I don't know either. Dr. Banner and his wife have been waiting at my house for several months. They just wanted to wait for Eric to come back so that they could see Ross, but unfortunately they haven't seen him until now." Skye shrugged, looking helpless, "It's a pity that Eric was afraid that the Hulks would be too destructive if they stayed on the earth, so he took them away."

At this time, Captain Marvel flew back, "The Hulk Legion? I've seen it!"

(End of this chapter)

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