Marvel's Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 332 South!South!South!South to end!

Chapter 332 South!South!South!South to end!
The start button is placed inside the spaceship?Is this design serious?Also, we haven't started yet!Hello!What if we agreed to disrupt the satellites first?
The hackers were stunned, and the agents also felt that things were getting more and more strange, so they silently put their hands on the weapons they carried with them.

"That jar is well done." Eric closed his eyes slightly, and quickly sensed Deadpool's position, which was only more than ten kilometers away from them.

"What do you know?" Killian released a strange blue energy with his hands, standing in front of Eric, with cold lights in his eyes, "I can find detailed information about each of them, Only you, I can't find any information, who are you?"

Eric waved his hand, and the energy in Killian's hand instantly escaped his control and flew into Eric's hand.

Killian suddenly panicked, his hands were swinging wildly in the air, trying to gather some energy again, but found that he couldn't do it anyway, he took a step back in horror, drew out his gun and pointed it at Eric.

"Did you heal your leg by relying on this? It's amazing energy." The composition of blue energy is very complicated, most of it is electrical energy, and it is also mixed with a lot of messy radiant energy.

Electric energy plus messy energy occupies ninety-nine percent of the space of blue energy. These are not attractive to Eric. Only less than one percent of the remaining energy is the essence and essence. Compared with , Those messy energies are almost like cow dung.

Eric tried to separate, but the essence was stuck in a pile of cow dung and refused to come out. With a little force, the essence burst instantly, decomposed, and disappeared without a trace.

However, in such a split second, Eric has already figured out the essence of that ray of energy, which is the Cosmic Cube!

Cosmic Cube, before he came to this world, he had obtained a small fragment, and he knew its horror well!
"It seems that Pioneer Technology has come up with something amazing!" Eric squeezed the lump of cow dung in his palm with all his strength.

The energy of the Cosmic Cube is too terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can use if they want to. This pile of cow dung is presumably the method of dilution and application developed by pioneer technology.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do?" The energy of the Cosmic Cube is his strongest hole card. Without this card, Killian feels like a lamb that has been skinned all the time, shivering in the corner .

Eric sneered and shook his head, "You brought us here, it seems like I should ask you, right?"

"Bang!" Eric was answered by a hot bullet.

"Be careful!" Sharon Carter exclaimed, with her hands behind her back, as if she wanted to use some equipment, but unfortunately she didn't have time.

"No one in this world can kill me with a gun!" Eric stood still, the bullet stopped motionless in front of his forehead.

"Mutants!" exclaimed a hacker.

"He's not. I've brought an X-gene detector." An agent quietly denied his guess.

Eric ignored them and sensed Deadpool's state.

Deadpool was packed into a small aircraft by Killian and the others. This aircraft is actually not small, but it is occupied by various instruments and equipment. The space for Deadpool is only as big as a small fish tank. Deadpool can only stay inside by curling himself up into a ball.

This aircraft does not have any power system, and the instruments and equipment on it are all used to break through the shielding force field of the barren land.

No power equipment is used, that is to say, this "aircraft" can only do free fall...

This is one of the reasons why they asked Deadpool to perform this task. Anyway, this guy can't die, right?
Free-falling Deadpool, the speed has reached the extreme, the aircraft has become a huge fireball, Deadpool is yelling inside, playing two selves with different voices, arguing with each other, and asking each other why they want to take this task.

The aircraft quickly passed through the shielding force field of the savage force, and the special equipment on it also played a role at this time, blasting a small hole in the shielding force field, allowing outsiders to get a glimpse of the iceberg in the savage land corner.

"Odin!" Eric's eyes lit up, and in just a short moment, he sensed Odin's breath, not only Odin, but also Thor, Sif, and the three warriors of Asgard!

"Everyone! I have already investigated clearly. This guy is not a tide organization at all. The purpose of his coming here is not to expose the truth! He is going there to get an extremely dangerous virus, a virus that can destroy all mankind. Virus!"

Eric looked around and quickly explained to everyone, "It's an extremely dangerous thing. His purpose of bringing everyone here is just to use you as bait and attract the forces behind you to send people over! The more people, the more infected people will be." The chance of the virus is high again!"

Eric's words caused a commotion in the cabin. Many hackers and agents were skeptical and asked Eric questions.

"Cough cough!" Eric coughed lightly, not loudly, but the plane shook and trembled, causing everyone to grasp the surrounding things tightly, "What I'm saying is the truth, as for you to believe it or not, it's up to you Everyone, that’s all for now! I still have something to do, let’s go first!”

After all, Eric pulled Killian up, opened the hatch and jumped down in front of everyone.

The cabin pressure was out of balance, making the airflow in the cabin very violent, and it wasn't until Eric closed the cabin door from the outside that it returned to calm.

"He, he doesn't seem to have a parachute?"

"Virus? Huh, do you believe it? If it's a virus, why did he go?"

"Maybe it's to destroy that virus."

"Report it. If it is a virus that can threaten the whole world, then this matter is beyond our capabilities. Let the people above make a decision!"


There is a mess in the cabin, and there is another place that is more messy than this.


Bor has been anxiously calling for Bor's power, but no matter how hard he tries, he just can't succeed. He has tried all kinds of methods and postures, but his divine power just doesn't respond, so you can't get angry people!
By now, Boer even began to wonder if Eric lied to him?Could Odin not be on Earth at all?
This possibility is still very high, he immediately came up with various conspiracy theories, and the image of Eric in his heart has also become a greedy demon.

"Damn it, I have to go back to Asgard right away! Hedda...huh?"

The Rainbow Bridge was only half summoned, and Bor stood there in a daze. At this moment, just as Deadpool broke through the barren land shielding force field, he sensed Bor's power!
Odin, right there!
"Damn it, you stupid natives, send me to the south!"

"South? Which south?" The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent looked confused.

"South! South! South! South to the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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