Marvel's Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 291 Eternal Fire, Burn It For Me!

Chapter 291 Eternal Fire, Burn It For Me!

Each of the dwarves is a blacksmith master, and each dwarf has his own unique views on forging materials, but compared with Eric, the legendary blacksmith, they are all a bit behind.

The dwarves rely on their hundreds or thousands of years of forging experience, and they can roughly judge whether a material is good or bad by just looking at it and touching it.

Eric is different. The unified position is the unification of the four basic forces, which is an ultimate force field in physics, which allows him to understand a material from the molecular and atomic levels.

When he was still Magneto, his magnetic field ability could only help him understand various metals or magnetic materials, and he could only analyze a little bit of biological materials like insect shells.But after completing the unification of the four basic forces, all material materials are no problem!

In just a few days when Eitri designed the drawings, Eric won the respect of all dwarves. Whether it is the judgment of materials or the control of forging heat, Eric can do it perfectly. !Not even the most demanding dwarves can fault it.

Not only that, but he drank all the dwarves down!
Continuously crushing them in the two fields that the dwarves are best at, the dwarves are completely convinced of Eric, and they all look bright when they see him. Several devout dwarves even think that he is the god of forging, Dowaf reincarnation...

"Eric, have another drink!"

"it is good!"

"Good job! Have another drink!"


On Nidawei star ring, with Eric's joining, it became more lively.

When Eitri finally walked out of his design room, he saw Eric surrounded by his clansmen, drinking wine glass by glass. The wine barrels around him had already piled up like a mountain, but the dwarves still They are booing, and they are being sent bucket by bucket.

The dwarves are huge, and the wine glasses and barrels they use are also one size larger. A barrel of wine is like a barrel of gasoline on the earth, but Eric is always willing to come. The dwarves handed him a glass, and he drank a glass. Pass him a bucket, and he'll drink a bucket.

"What are you doing! You don't need to work!" Yitri blew his beard and stared angrily. Although the dwarves can't help drinking during working hours, they still have to finish their work!
"Eitri! No, don't worry, our work, hiccup, Eric has already done it for us!" A red-bearded dwarf hiccupped, put his arms around Eitri's neck in a drunken way, and spit out a A strong smell of alcohol.

"Eitri! Come and have a drink!" Eric raised his glass, waved his hand at Eitri, and then drank it upside down in one gulp, laughing heartily.

"Yes! Patriarch, come and have a drink! You are definitely not Eric's opponent!" The dwarves booed one after another.

Yitri's bad temper was aroused, he threw away the blueprint, picked up a wine barrel and started canning.

"Okay!" The dwarves onlookers all cheered, cheered, and screamed, watching Yitri kill a barrel of fine wine in one go.

Yitri threw the empty wine barrel, wiped the wine stains on his beard, and looked at Eric provocatively, "Are you okay?"

"Soon." Eric chuckled and shook his head.

"Hmph!" Yitri raised his head arrogantly.

"Patriarch, Eric means that you are about to catch up with him. He has already drank 98 barrels, and you are still 97 barrels away! Haha!" The dwarves didn't give the patriarch any face. They exposed it face to face, and laughed heartily.

Yitri stared blankly at the empty wine barrel in his footsteps, and then at Eric's flat stomach, 98 barrels?Are you kidding me?

Enough playing around, Eitri and Eric finally get back to serious work.

The shell of the old beetle was too huge, and Eitri offered two solutions for this.

The first one is to cut the worm shells into pieces, at least thousands of pieces of excellent armor can be refined, but the workload is greatly increased. Even if all the dwarves get started, it will take a year to complete. .

The second kind of compression, recompression.Relying on the huge energy and pressure of the Nidavi neutron star, the worm shell was compressed to the size of a person, and a super artifact was created.

"The difficulty of compression is that we cannot precisely control the point of action of star core energy on the worm shell, which will lead to uneven defense and uneven shape." Yitri frowned, looking at his design with lingering eyes picture.

As a dwarf, forging is his life, and he prefers to forge a single artifact rather than thousands of standard equipment.However, no dwarf can adjust the position of the worm shell against the pressure of the star core.

"Isn't it just a neutron star? I'm here!" Eric chuckled, and his body rose into the air. He waved his hand, and the worm shell also flew up, and flew towards the star core together, "Let's start, I Can't wait!"

"Are you sure? That's the weight of a neutron star!" Eitri looked at him in disbelief.

Eric laughed loudly, "It's just a neutron star, black holes are all my toys!"

"Okay! Let's start!" Yitri cheered up and shouted to the dwarves below: "Everyone pay attention, start adjusting the star core!"

Under the mobilization of Itri, the dwarves began to get busy quickly. Some controlled the machines, some checked the fire, and some adjusted the equipment. Everything was in order.

Eric soon arrived at the predetermined location, which is the center of the star core and the star ring, where the impact of the neutron star energy will reach its maximum.

"Open the furnace!" Yitri yelled in a melodious manner, and the dwarves controlled the instrument and adjusted the output of the star core to the maximum.

Nidavi's star core and furnace have almost never stopped, and they have also almost never been fully opened. Even forging the Eternal Gun, it only used [-]% to [-]% of the power, but today, the energy of this neutron star is fully blooming .

Bright as the morning sun, hot as the scorching sun!

Huge energy, temperature, and gravity bombarded the worm shell in an instant. Eric hid behind the worm shell and could still feel the huge pressure.

"Neutron star, it's interesting!" Eric chuckled, working with all his strength in a unified position, and stepped forward despite the pressure of the entire neutron star!
Eric, relying on his own strength, fights against the neutron star!This is not the limit, Eric tried a little bit, and found that he can directly manipulate the neutron star, it is just a magnetic field, a gravitational field and some energy, no matter how big it is, it is still within the scope of the unified position!

Compress, purify, strengthen, fuse...

The worm shell is like a huge piece of stubborn iron. Under Eric's control, it is constantly beaten by the neutron star to break out impurities, purify the essence, and compress the volume.At the same time, Eric is also using a unified position to constantly adjust its internal molecular structure to make it more perfect and stronger.

The insect shells the size of mountains began to shrink visible to the naked eye, one kilometer, one hundred meters, ten meters...

As the volume of the worm shell becomes smaller and smaller, and the texture becomes tighter, the speed of compression is obviously slowing down.

"It can't go on like this!" Eric calculated quickly, and found that at this rate, it would take at least ten or eight years to completely compress the insect shells to the size of a person, and the day lily would be cold by then!
Eric frowned and thought for a moment, and with a move in his heart, he took out the Eternal Flame and put it on.

"Eternal fire, burn it for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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