Marvel's Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 195 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

Chapter 195 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind
Ward is very anxious now, very very anxious, he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

This was originally a very simple task, infiltrating, tracking, investigating, contacting, gaining favor with the target, and then obtaining information.

He has completed this type of task many times, and he believes that this time, he can also complete it very well, even if the target is the daughter of the richest man in the world.

Originally, everything went smoothly. With the strong logistical support of S.H.I.E.L.D., he entered Yale University very easily, and was assigned to the same class as Skye.

Quantum physics, what the hell is this major?He couldn't understand a word of what the professor said on the podium, but for the sake of the task, he had to pretend to have benefited a lot, and then used the time after class to memorize a lot of words, formulas, and hypotheses...

This stuff is longer than SHIELD's confidentiality regulations, and it is more difficult to understand. Is this something learned by humans?I really don't understand how this young lady's head grows!

Fortunately, his purpose was not to study, but to get close to this young lady.

With his handsome appearance, agility, professionally trained behavior, many adventures in the field, and the logistical support of S.H.I.E.L.D., Ward quickly developed Skye into his little fan girl. It gave him a sense of accomplishment, and he believed that this mission would be able to be successfully completed as usual.

However, a Christmas holiday unexpectedly changed this sure-fire mission.

On this day, Ward took advantage of the rare vacation time to sweat profusely with an Asian female agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., looking for spiritual sustenance in the collision of the two souls and flesh.

The postures of the two changed one after another, Muay Thai, kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, flower planter martial arts, military boxing, the fourth set of radio gymnastics...

Ward, who had an advantage in physical strength and strength, was actually beaten by a female agent who looked a little weak!
"Ward, you can't!" The woman smiled contemptuously and kicked him away, "Garrett is more resistant to beating."

Ward was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, panting violently, feeling that his whole body was about to fall apart, but his unyielding character made him want to get up and continue fighting, "Agent May, why, why are you so powerful?"

"Why? Warriors become stronger only in battle, boy, I'm ten years older than you! When you reach my age..."

"By then, I will be able to defeat you?" Ward reluctantly raised his head, looking expectantly at this powerful woman.

"No!" Agent May shook his head and smiled coldly, "At that time, you will lose faster, because I will be stronger!"

Ward rolled his eyes and lay back unwillingly. Seeing this, May shook her head contemptuously, "Okay, the special training is over, and I will tell Garrett that your grades have passed."

May left with brisk steps, and Ward lay on the floor for a long time, until a phone call made him sit up with a jolt, it was Skye!
The young lady first told her how she missed him, and then invited him to New York with a shy but expectant tone.

A lot of unsuitable images popped up in Ward's mind. He smiled and felt that the injuries on his body were not so painful. He immediately took a bath, changed his clothes, and then took the nearest maglev train to New York.

As if they were on campus, the two went shopping, watched movies, pressed the road, and chatted until late at night. Skye told Ward very cryptically that her father Eric was not at home these two days.

Now, Ward couldn't bear it anymore. He found a nearby hotel and wanted to do some sports that were not suitable for children.

Then, an accident happened.

As soon as the two entered the hotel, Skye received a call and ran out in a hurry. Before leaving, he asked Ward to wait for her to come back. What can Ward do?Wait!

He was halfway through the shower when he heard the door knock.Even at this time, he still maintained the vigilance of a special agent, carefully distinguishing, and found that the person who came was not Skye, his footsteps were heavy, and he sounded like a man, and he was not a light man.

theft?robbery?Or kidnapping?Ward thought of several possibilities in an instant, and then hid in a corner of the bathroom, waiting on the sidelines.

Ward originally thought that the person who came was just a strong and ordinary person, and with his skill, he would definitely be able to catch him. However, when the person stepped into the bathroom and smashed the corner of the wall where he was hiding with an iron fist , he realized that he was wrong.

A metal arm!It is very similar to the metal prosthesis produced by Stark Industries, but more powerful. The iconic pentagram cluster logo on it made Ward instantly recognize his identity, Winter Soldier!
Ward, who is a Hydra, of course knows this humanoid weapon. His adoptive father Garrett has praised his combat effectiveness more than once, saying that Stark Industries' metal prosthetics can't even reach one-tenth of the power of the Winter Soldier. .

"Damn it, why did the Winter Soldier appear here!" Ward was stunned, but the Winter Soldier was not. With a pull of the metal arm, he was pulled out from the corner.

"Long live Hydra! Damn it, we're in the same group!" Ward became impatient, and hurriedly yelled the slogan. Unfortunately, the Winter Soldier is just a killing machine with no soul. How could he understand this phrase?With a round throw of the arm, Ward was almost thrown out of the window.

Ward finally had a chance to breathe, cheered himself up, and used the fighting skills he learned from Agent May to fight the Winter Soldier for [-] rounds.

The results of it?Punch!The Winter Soldier held Ward's foot hard and punched Ward in the chest. Ward passed out without humming.

When he woke up again, he found himself tied up in a dark basement. Beside him was Miss Skye, whom he had been waiting for, and two muscular men. The three of them were tied up like him. next to.

In this situation, how can Ward not be anxious?

He was very anxious, and Skye wanted to cry.

It was all her plan to lure Ward first, then hint and tell him to wait at the hotel, but she ran out herself, assigned two muscular men to subdue Ward, and then filmed some sex scenes Photos of the burning were posted online, discrediting him and reducing him to a laughingstock.

This is a commonly used move in novels. She often sees it on the Internet of some novels that Eric strictly forbids her to read. In her mind, this can teach the villain a lesson without making things uncontrollable. , is a very perfect plan.

It's a pity that she didn't expect that she wanted to be a praying mantis catching cicadas, but someone planned to have an oriole behind her.

Since the two muscular men entered the hotel, they have never been able to come out, and they did not answer the phone calls or text messages. Miss Skye, who was eager to understand the development of the situation, was very anxious. After a fierce ideological struggle , quietly entered the hotel.

Then, boom, dizzy...

 Finally finished writing, go to bed and sleep...

  good night everybody
(End of this chapter)

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