Chapter 427

Chapter 401 It's Too Hateful

"What are you arguing about? It's the middle of the night, what a shame!" A familiar voice from the villagers came.

It turned out that the noisy people in the village quieted down in an instant, and they all looked at the people with respect. The village head is here, that's great, Mrs. Ye, who is a demon in the middle of the night, will definitely not end well!

Taking advantage of the dark night and high wind to burn down other people's new houses, what a bad behavior!
"Village chief, you have to make decisions for the Lin family. In the middle of the night, Mrs. Ye unexpectedly appeared in his new home and lit a fire. Do you think it's hateful or not?"

"Grandma Ye must be uneasy and kind, you must not believe her nonsense."

Su Haiqing looked forward with a cold face, and Ye Pozi exuded a smell of scorched meat, which was very pungent, resisting the feeling of vomiting in her heart, and asked sharply, "What's the matter, it's so late at night, please tell me , Xiao Luo, you said just now that you knew what was going on, what did you say?"

After stopping the villagers, they looked at Su Xiaoluo.

Seeing the disdain on Granny Ye's face, Su Xiaoluo sneered in her heart, "Uncle villager, I actually ate too much at night and couldn't sleep, so I wanted to come to the new house, but as soon as I arrived, I saw Granny Ye holding firewood. , Holding a torch and trying to burn my house down, I was scared to death, but I didn’t dare to make a sound, but for some reason, Granny Ye suddenly fell into the fire and shouted for help, everyone knows what happened after that.”

"Oh, that's really the case. Mrs. Ye is really shameless."

"It's really going to burn down the newly built house, Mrs. Ye is really cruel!"

"Cut, how can someone who is not even willing to be saved by his own grandson be so cruel?"

Grandma Ye looked at Su Xiaoluo, and couldn't help wondering, could this girl really see her, no, why didn't she find anyone just now, there was only a ghost with a white shadow, but she was still actively arguing.

"What are you talking about, dead girl, I came here from sleepwalking, how could I burn your house down, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin looked at Su Xiaoluo, but Su Xiaoluo looked terrified, she didn't dare to ask anything, but went up to hold Su Xiaoluo's hand, comforting her that she was fine.

"Mother, Mrs. Ye also said that she was going to throw the dead mouse into the well of our house. I pretended to be a cat and frightened her. Now the dead mouse is still by the well. Uncle village, if you don't believe it , just go and have a look, it’s scary.”

She said, sobbing inadvertently.

Seeing Su Xiaoluo like this, the people in the village felt very distressed. Seeing the good things that Mrs. Ye did, she actually wanted to burn down other people's houses and scare other people's little girls into such a state, it's really too much!
"You still have to throw dead mice, Mrs. Ye is really hateful!"

Lin Hu snorted at Mrs. Ye who was sitting on the ground, reached out and took the torch and walked towards the well. After a while, he said angrily to the village chief, "Uncle village, there are really two dead mice, both of which stink. Well, maybe Mrs. Ye really has bad intentions, Xiao Luo must be right."

As Lin Hu said, he also cushioned the two dead mice on the ground with something, picked them up and showed them to the villagers.

"Oh, it's disgusting, Lin Hu, it's better to throw it away!"

"That's right, that's right, how long has this been dead, it really stinks!"

The villagers covered their noses one by one, and waved to Lin Hu one by one, asking him to throw away the dead mouse. After all, the smell was really bad. If it was thrown into the well, would the water still be drinkable?

(End of this chapter)

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