The female doctor in space comes to farm

Chapter 243 Da Luo Luo's Common Sense Class

Chapter 243 Da Luo Luo's Common Sense Class
When everyone saw her stripping off the young man's clothes, they felt contemptuous. This girl really doesn't know how to be ashamed, stripping off men's clothes in broad daylight.

Amid the contempt of the crowd, Su Xiaoluo washed his hands with Dr. Wu, his face became serious, and a cold aura enveloped his whole body, like a soldier about to go to the battlefield.

Su Xiaoluo took out a small porcelain bottle from her small backpack and fed the spiritual spring water inside to the young man's mouth. This is undiluted spiritual spring water, full of spiritual energy, hoping to restore the young man's dying heart.

Everyone was taken aback, what is that?
The man was also curious, but it was inconvenient to talk at this time, so he didn't say anything.

After drinking the water from the spiritual spring, the young man's pale complexion slightly improved, but it was still frighteningly white, and his lips turned purple, making him look a little scary.

Su Xiaoluo took out the needle and thread from the backpack and threw it into the white wine basin to soak, then picked up the cotton ball soaked in white wine and wiped the boy's wound.

The old doctor and the others were taken aback. What are needles and threads used for? Sewing clothes?

Su Zhiheng watched Su Xiaoluo's quick movements from the side. This girl was very different from usual when she was doing things. Now her whole body is indifferent. If anyone dares to disturb her, she might jump up and kill him!
The brothers and sisters of the Lin family looked at the young man's wound, their faces froze, and they prayed for Su Xiaoluo in their hearts, nothing could go wrong, and it must be healed!
After wiping the wound, he took the needle and thread from Dr. Wu and began to sew up the boy's wound.

"What is she going to do?"

"Sew wounds like clothes? This girl is probably crazy!"

"Don't mess around if you don't have the ability, I think she should go home and sew clothes!"

Seeing Su Xiaoluo's actions, the man was also very shocked. Can healing and sewing be mixed together?Isn't this nonsense, but just now he agreed to ask for medical treatment, what else can he say now, he can only wait, if he disturbs her, what if she is frightened and hurts her brother again.

"Little girl, if you don't know how to cure diseases, just tell me straight up. No one will laugh at you, but you can't sew human skin like fabric. This is not a joke!" The old doctor couldn't stand it, and said earnestly.

Su Xiaoluo didn't raise her head, and continued to stitch the wound, saying, "The purpose of stitching the wound is to prevent the blood from losing so fast, which is conducive to the healing of the wound."

reduce blood flow?
The old doctor was taken aback, he couldn't save him, the first reason was that the boy was bleeding too much, and the second reason was such a big wound, even after taking medicine, he couldn't stop the bleeding immediately, the bleeding was too much, but it was fatal, but Now this girl actually said that suturing the wound can reduce the blood flow?
While the old doctor was hesitating and discussing with everyone, Su Xiaoluo had already stitched up the wound, cut off the excess thread with scissors in hand, took the jade wound ointment that Doctor Wu took out from her backpack, and applied it on the boy's wound. Painted.

The old doctor took a look, the stitched wound did indeed bleed a lot slower than before, does this method really work?
After applying the ointment, Su Xiaoluo washed his hands, Doctor Wu immediately wrapped up the boy's wound with a quick cotton cloth, and called a man to help.

Su Xiaoluo was not idle, she had asked Bai Xuan to crush the blood ginseng and put it in a bottle, then took out the bottle of blood ginseng from her backpack, opened the boy's mouth without any explanation, and fed it.

Although it was difficult, he still fed the blood ginseng with the help of Xuanming Zhenqi.

(End of this chapter)

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