The female doctor in space comes to farm

Chapter 231 Why is she pretending to be polite?

Chapter 231 Why is she pretending to be polite?

Thinking of the situation that day, I feel that Su Xiaoluo did the right thing. If you don't treat people who want to treat their injuries, and if you don't pay for them at night, who would be willing to treat their illnesses?

"You can pull it off, it's late at night, if I don't have money, I won't go!"

"You are willing to use the pension money to treat Xiao Zhuzi's illness, why do I not believe it so much!"

"Hey, you just hope that Xiao Zhuzi will die so that you can take back the daughter of Ye Xiang's family. It's true that the granddaughter is closer than the grandson, and the brain is flooded."

"Cut, why don't you say that Xiao Luo took the blood ginseng and came out to save Xiao Zhuzi, but it was worth hundreds of taels of silver, and he was losing money if he took ten taels of silver!" Su Dayong told the truth indignantly.

Lin Hu and Lin Xiaomei were also in agreement. They also knew what happened last time. The effect of the blood ginseng was very good. Seeing that Xiao Zhuzi was about to die, he insisted on saving his life. Ten taels of silver is not much for one life.

Blood ginseng?
People in the village were surprised to hear that blood ginseng cost hundreds of taels of silver. If that was the case, they should be charged 50 taels of silver. Can the special medicine be treated the same as ordinary medicine?
What are you dreaming about? If you go to the Medical Products Hall, even if it costs 100 taels of silver, they may not necessarily save you!
"Shameless!" Dr. Wu rushed over when he heard about the incident, "Grandma Ye, I know the situation of Xiaozhuzi very clearly. If Xiaoluo hadn't brought out the blood ginseng, he would have died. Maybe you don't care, you always I hoped that Xiao Zhuzi would die and asked Ye Ping to raise the daughter of Ye Xiang’s family, I really don’t understand what kind of medicine Ye Xiang gave you, and hoped that my own grandson would die, it’s been a long time!”

The matter is clear, the villagers were on Su Xiaoluo's side originally, and now they are accusing Granny Ye, saying that she is unreasonable, looking for trouble for nothing, unkind, and deserves her son and daughter not to want her Yunyun.

Su Xiaoluo comforted Lin and Su Ye, and felt relieved when she saw her getting better. When she saw Su Dayong standing beside her mother, her eyes flickered, and she thanked her with a light smile.

Seeing that Mrs. Ye was ashamed and indignant and silent, Su Haiqing immediately punished her and locked her in the ancestral hall for a few days. Everyone in the village applauded, and no one disagreed.

Granny Ye's silence is not because outsiders think she is shameless, she really hurts badly on her face, although Su Xiaoluo's slaps seem to be painless or itchy, but she knows it herself, and the pain is excruciating because of the skillful slaps on her bones and muscles , but there is no redness on the face.

Unable to help, Mrs. Ye explained that the village head had a few men from the village dragged Mrs. Ye away and locked her in the ancestral hall. The atmosphere in the village was getting worse and worse.

Lin Xiaomei told Su Xiaoluo about Granny Ye's claim that Mrs. Lin seduced a man. Su Xiaoluo squeezed her hands hard and scanned the villagers. It was originally planned to build a workshop to help the people in the village, but now it seems unnecessary.

"Ladies, uncles, uncles and aunts, I want to ask if you all have any opinions on my mother, and think that my mother, a widowed mother, should not live such a happy life with a child, without any trace of hard work, on the contrary, it is getting worse and worse. Younger?"

Mrs. Lin gave Su Xiaoluo a hand and asked her to stop talking, but Su Xiaoluo's temperament was not willing. She thought about what she had done for the village. She originally expected the villagers to help them, but now she didn't even have the minimum trust. No, why is she pretending to be polite!
(End of this chapter)

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