I wish you a bright future

Chapter 639 The Girl on the Screen

Chapter 639 The Girl on the Screen
Many people turned fans, but for the original fans, Jiang Hong's copywriting was a complete surprise to them.

Many people cried and left messages on Jiang Hong's Weibo, saying thank you for Teacher Jiang's notification, they will work hard to change, let her see the changes in this circle, and they will stick to the end, waiting for her return.

Of course, Jiang Hong's article also raised a question for Mo Yi's fans——

When will Mo Yi return?

Mo Yi has always said that he is temporarily retiring, but he has no plan to come back, and he has not told fans the specific time of his comeback. How can Su Yan be so sure that he will come back?
If Mo Yi doesn't come back, the new script can't be broadcast, does it mean that Su Yan won't come back?

Fans always have to consider every worst-case scenario and prepare for the worst, so they leave messages asking when Mo Yi will come back.

Mo Yi had no choice but to post on Weibo to give an explanation to many fans.

[@莫易: She talked to me about this topic. At that time, I told her that I would come back when my sister finished her college entrance examination. It was just chatting at that time. I didn’t expect that she would think of me before she left. Thank you Jiang Teacher, Mo Yi... will show his best state to welcome the new script! 】

Country C's college entrance examination is in June, but now, it's the end of February and it's close to March. That is to say, at the earliest and fastest, she will come back in three months.

Fans are excited, even if this date is just their imagination, at least they have something to look forward to.

And Fang Hong posted another Weibo at this time:
[@霸娱乐包夫方洪: The agreement with her remains unchanged. Even if the company changes, you are still welcome to become a member of us. The contract is ready and waiting for you. @Moyi]

Another big deal.

Fang Hong didn't say who this "she" was, nor did he say what this "agreement" was, but everyone understood Fang Hong's meaning almost instantly.

[Oh my god, how good is she? !Almost everything!I'm crying/crying/crying]

[She is always like this, taking care of everyone's feelings, from fans to friends, I never like the wrong person! /cry/cry]

[I beg Heizi, you see clearly, even if you still have a little bit of conscience, how can you have the heart to hurt a girl as good as her?Let her go! /cry/cry]


When one person sheds tears, it may be out of sadness. When thousands of people cry at the same time, it is more out of emotion.

On campus, in the company, on the side of the road, weeping sounds can be heard everywhere, and anyone who hears this sound can't bear to be harsh.

The anticipation of that person's return continues.

Comeback banners appeared on the street, and fans spontaneously put up posters about Su Yan.

The public scrolling screens of many commercial buildings or squares have also begun to be used as Su Yan's personal mixed-cut video display.

Su Yan's popularity was so high that almost everyone in the country was moved by this girl, so that when fans asked to buy a time slot for commercial scrolling, the person in charge immediately provided free publicity for the fans.

For nothing else, that person is Su Yan.

And it was the photos and videos of Su Yan that filled the streets that brought Su Yan great trouble.

It turned out that on this day, the father and son of the Su family who had been under house arrest for a long time couldn't take it anymore.

They were trapped in the residence that Gu Yanhen arranged for them, and they couldn't go out to get news. It's been almost two months, and they haven't received the news they want.

In England, although the Prime Minister's wife's illness is stable, who knows how long it will last?

Usually they are in other places, let alone a city, half a province is only about a month away.

This made Su Yuan, who had never been used to Gu Yanhen, begin to question his ability, and kept complaining to Su Qingfeng.

Su Qingfeng was not an impatient person, but after hearing too many complaints from his son, he inevitably became suspicious.

However, someone watched their every move, and they had no choice in this matter from the moment they decided to cooperate with Gu Yanhen.

But the impatient Su Yuan couldn't take it anymore, he opened the door and asked the person looking at them:
"Can we go to your master?"

The person who opened the door was about to shake his head reflexively, but Su Yuan added another sentence before they could speak, "We're not going by ourselves, you take us there."

Several gatekeepers looked at each other, seemingly hesitant.

Su Yuan said again:

"With so many of you, are you afraid that we won't be able to play tricks? Take us to meet your master. We just want to know something. It's been more than a month and there is no news at all. Are we not in a hurry?"

A few people thought about it, and they were right.

And the master's order is just not to let them run around, so it shouldn't be a big problem with them.

In addition, the gatekeepers knew the identities of the two in front of them, and because of their own displeasure, if there was a fight, they would not dare to fight harshly on their side, so there was no need to ask people to run away.

After weighing the pros and cons, the leader of the team didn't hesitate, made a gesture of invitation, and took the Su family father and son to the apartment where Gu Yanhen was.

From the place where the Su family's father and son lived, to Jinxiu Huating, they must have passed through the People's Square of the Imperial Capital.

And on the People's Square of the Imperial Capital, there was a huge scrolling screen. When the Su family father and son passed by, it was playing a photo video about Su Yan, which was mixed and edited by netizens.

Su Yuan just raised his head boredly, he swore that he really just raised his head casually, but the face that came into view made him stunned in place.

Like, so much like...

That face is so similar to the one deep in my memory.

Su Yuan stood still for a while, making the people who brought him vigilant all of a sudden, thinking that he was playing some tricks.

But Su Qingfeng, who knew his son quite well, frowned all of a sudden.

Even if Su Yuan wanted to play tricks, he would not use such a conspicuous method in this kind of place.

Thinking that he was deliberately playing a prank and not cooperating, Su Qingfeng frowned and shouted:

"what are you doing?"

However, Su Yuan still raised his head in ecstasy, ignoring Su Qingfeng's words.

Su Qingfeng became more and more puzzled, Su Yuan at this moment was too unusual.

Watching his son's eyes, he found that his attention seemed to be in another direction, following his line of sight, even Su Qingfeng was stunned.

This, this is...

Su Qingfeng's eyes widened in surprise.

Who is that on the screen? !

Su Qingfeng grabbed one of the people who brought them over and asked in a trembling voice:

"She...she, that, on the screen...that girl, who is it? What's her name?"

The people who brought Su Qingfeng and Su Yuan were carefully selected by Jiang Yuan from the army by Gu Yanhen.

The army's closed training, the news is blocked, and they don't know who Su Yan is at all. Hearing Su Qingfeng's question at this moment, he is completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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