I wish you a bright future

Chapter 637 Yang Su Changwen

Chapter 637 Yang Su Changwen
The fan's confession touched many people.

Yang Su and Sister Ran were sitting in the office, flipping through the comments, weeping uncontrollably.

"Woman" was broadcast, and Yang Su's outstanding performance as Lu Wugui in it surprised many people.

Yang Su became popular again, so red and purple.

Sister Ran used to help Yang Su get an endorsement to find investment, and when she called, the other party almost hung up after hearing the word Yang Su.

Nowadays, there are many endorsements from various sources, and even many scripts have been temporarily revised to add a disabled character and invite Yang Su to make a guest appearance in order to increase the ratings.

In the past, this kind of temporary script modification must have been criticized.

However, Yang Su's journey has not been easy. In addition, she is really powerful. Many people are looking forward to her appearance to add more beautiful colors to the script.

Yang Su can be said to be a complete outlier in the entertainment industry.

Su Yan seems to have a kind of magical power, the people around her will become so different, and the effect of this kind of difference is always amazing.

It's like other people's gossip about her, and she will not be scolded after she has made a statement stating the facts and making sense.

When others quit the circle, she also quit the circle. Others were abandoned or forgotten by fans, but she was called and remembered, even though she obviously did nothing.

Others changed the script and added characters. Her sister also changed the script and added characters. Others were sprayed to pieces, but her sisters were expected and favored.

So enviable.

But jealousy is useless.

Su Yan's journey along the way cannot be replicated.

You try to make a big statement like her and get gossip every day?

Su Yan's fans may not scold imitation as shameful or something, after all, they are all quality stones, but the fans of the artist's own family always distinguish right from wrong, right?There are definitely not a few people who lose fans every minute, who dares to take risks?
The first person to eat crabs is respected, and the others after that are just a little bit of enthusiasm.

And often there is a heavy price to pay for being popular.

No one can copy Su Yan's prosperity. Many people are jealous but they don't hate it. After all, they have no ability or courage.

Different from the tough voice a month ago, this time, Yang Su chose a more gentle response.

[@艺术杨素: Many people are very curious about why I came back and why I have the courage to come back. I have been silent for a long time, and today I will tell you the answer.

On the day when the real murderer came to justice, I asked someone to contact her for me. As a thank you, I treated her to a meal.That was the first time I saw my little senior sister, well, the ones on the screen before didn’t count.That was probably also the first time she saw me.

To my surprise, the first moment she saw me, the first expression in her eyes was not sympathy, but amazement.I also have low self-esteem as a disabled person. Her eyes lit up at that moment, like a ray of light, dispelled all my low self-esteem hidden in the dark corners.

Later, you will never guess what she did. 】

Recalling the previous encounter, Yang Su was in tears, but typed the next text with a smile.

[My little senior sister, she teased me, her expression and actions were like a hooligan, she came up to me and said——

"Beauty, your eyes are very pure, I like it."

Really, can you imagine?At that moment, I was so teased by her that I blushed.There was only one thought in my mind at the time, how could there be such a person?
Finally, I calmed down and said thank you to her, but she asked me to make a promise with my body in an unscrupulous manner, and I was stunned.

After knowing that I was disabled, I almost seldom spoke. The two years of reticence made me completely overwhelmed by such a girl.

But she, there is always a kind of power to comfort people's hearts.

We talked a lot, talked about my past, talked about my pain, some sadness that I had never been able to resort to before, it seems that in her place, the shackles are completely released, I don’t know why, you just want to open up to her It seems that your concealment will make you appear insincere, and facing her clear eyes, you will be ashamed and full of apology.

She didn't talk much and never interrupted. After I finished everything, she just told me four words gently, "It's all over."

So simple four words, I thought to myself, but I didn’t know why, I just cried, and when the tears burst out, I knew that I finally let go.

However, she asked me again if I would consider going back to the entertainment industry.Just like everyone was not optimistic about my comeback back then, I was also not optimistic at that time. She didn't force her, she just said that if I want to come back, I can contact her at any time.

I am shaken, I really like this industry, but I don't believe that for a person who is meeting for the first time, will she really spare no effort to help me?

Until she left, the person I entrusted to help contact her told me a word when he sent me away——

"She will not disappoint anyone who believes in her."

It was this sentence that made me choose to take a gamble, so Yang Su came back.

You must not know how she persuaded Universal Entertainment to sign me.

She told Boss Fang that if you sign me, the company doesn't care about me, she will fight for the resources for me, the loss will be hers, and the profit will be the company's, she only needs that contract.

Mr. Fang said, in this case, she can choose to fight for resources for me first. When I really show my strength, it will not be too late for Universal Entertainment to sign. She shook her head and disagreed. She said that the purpose of the contract is not to give me early Establish a reputation, but just let me know that the company has also taken a fancy to my potential, and the company has also evaluated my value. I can boldly rush forward, throw away my scruples, and don't need to belittle myself.

She really takes good care of the psychology of everyone around her.

Of course, Mr. Fang only told me these two days ago.

However, Universal Entertainment is Universal Entertainment after all, and she didn't really let her bear the loss alone. When she signed me, she told Su Yan that I enjoy the same treatment as other artists in the company.

To this day, I am still grateful to her, to Universal Entertainment, and to Brother Hong.

Telling my story is not to win sympathy, but just to let everyone know how good she is, and I want to tell everyone that sentence.

"She will not disappoint anyone who believes in her."

She has never let anyone down, even if she bears the misunderstanding and leaves sadly, the final truth will let everyone know that she has never made a mistake.

This time, too. 】

She won't disappoint anyone who believes in her, and this time, too.

So many people firmly believe that she will come back, and she will definitely come back.

Yang Su's long article was another tear gas bomb, and many people became more determined in their hearts.

Yes, from the time they fell in love with that girl, she never disappointed anyone who liked her.

This time, definitely, definitely will not be an exception.

(End of this chapter)

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