I wish you a bright future

Chapter 479 The Last Chance

Chapter 479 The Last Chance
Probably God heard Sister Ran's prayer——

Yuzu's phone went through.

"Sister Ran?"

Sister Ran took a deep breath, forced herself to suppress the emotions that were just on the verge of collapse, and asked in a calm voice as much as possible:
"Yuzi, can you contact Yanyan? Can you tell her...not to go?"

The phone fell silent all of a sudden, and as time went by, Sister Ran's original anticipation cooled down a little bit.

Just when Sister Ran wanted to ask again, Yuzu finally spoke.

"Sister Ran, I'm sorry, I can't change her decision, and I also support her leaving."

"Yuzu, you..."

Yuzu didn't give Sister Ran a chance to continue, and interrupted indifferently:
"Sister Ran, you've noticed her since she entered the entertainment circle. Do you think this circle brought her more joy or more harm?"

Sister Ran was dumbfounded.

"Of course, you will tell me that this is her own choice, not to mention that she likes this circle, she likes filming, and to achieve her wish, these are all things she must accept. Yes, I admit it. Let's put these aside Don't talk about it, my sister is going to break up with Gu Yanhen, you know it? You should be able to see that she is going to deal with Imperial Media, right? What do you want her to do after staying? Do you want her to turn against the person she loves? At this time Leaving is the best choice for her."

Sister Ran closed her eyes deeply, and after a long while, she couldn't help but smile bitterly:
"okay, I get it."


After Yuzi responded lightly, she was about to hang up the phone, but she heard Sister Ran urgently stopped her again:
"Hey grapefruit..."


"If possible, can I let her log in to Weibo?"

"Sister Ran..."

"Yuzu, listen to me first."

As if she was afraid that Yuzu would refuse, Sister Ran hurriedly snatched the conversation away, "I didn't want to use some cruel trick to make her stay soft after reading the comments from online fans, I just think...she has loved this circle for so many years, when she left , should not be harboring regret and resentment. You should also know her temperament. Now that she has decided to leave, ten cows will not be able to pull back, so it is unlikely that she can change her mind by surfing the Internet, so... promise How am I? Grapefruit, I beg you."

Yuzu's pupils suddenly enlarged.


Sister Ran has rarely been so humble.

Yuzu's fingertips trembled, but she finally compromised.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

Sister Ran seemed to be relieved, and her tone was a little more relieved: "Thank you, Yuzu."

Yuzu smiled and hung up the phone.

He didn't say no thanks, because he could afford this thank you.

He's not a fool, he knows what Sister Ran's idea is, he doesn't point it out, he just... doesn't want to see that person struggling in pain, give her a chance to make the final decision, otherwise if she regrets it in the future, he will bear a large part of it responsibility.

In the office, Sister Ran, who heard the busy tone from the phone, slumped back to the office chair in a daze.

Sister Ran's phone was not turned on, so Yang Su didn't know what she and Youzi were talking about. Seeing Sister Ran like this now, Yang Su felt a little flustered, and hurriedly asked:

"Sister Ran, how are you doing?"

Sister Ran raised her head and smiled palely:

"I don't know, I tried my best, let's see her choice."

As she spoke, she briefly talked to Yang Su about the conversation she had with Yuzu just now, and Yang Su closed his eyes in pain.

She knew what sister ran's hard work meant.

She is betting, betting on Su Yan's soft heart towards fans, betting on her love for this circle, betting on her desire for dreams.

Suddenly, Yang Su's pupils opened again, with bits and pieces of brilliance flashing in his eyes, three points of hope, three points of firmness, three points of determination, and one point of calculation.

"No, Sister Ran, it's not enough. This kind of betting is not enough. We need to increase the stakes."

Sister Ran stared blankly and turned her head to look at her:
"How to increase the chips?"

What chips can they add?

Yang Su took out his mobile phone and posted a Weibo message:
[@艺术杨素: You still have another chance. Sister Ran found someone who could contact her, and that person promised to persuade her to go back to Weibo for one last look. If you have anything you want to say to her, hurry up and say it. This is the last time you will see her. 】

Yang Su didn't specify who she was, but everyone knew it well.

Weibo exploded.

Because of Yang Su's words, you still have one last chance.

what chance?Is it... a chance to keep her?
The originally depressed people seemed to cheer up all of a sudden, and even the support club, which had been silent since the accident, finally posted a blog.

[@苏岩粉丝粉丝全球投助会: She will come back for one last look, little stones, no matter how many times you leave or come back, please speak out the love in your heart, those who have misunderstood her, we do not ask you to like her She only asks for an apology. I hope the original blog owner will take the initiative to delete the comments on her Weibo. In the last moment, we can let her see the purest world full of love, warmth and kindness, okay? Please ! / bow / bow]

No matter how many times you leave or come back, this sentence is really heartbreaking.

Su Yan, who has lost his fans several times, has dropped from 5000 million Weibo fans to a few million, but now, it is close to [-] million.

I don't know whether to laugh and say that it is good to rely on misfortunes or blessings, or sigh that it is better to say that things are impermanent.

Human nature is inherently good, this saying is actually true.

Su Yan's incident has caused too many people to reflect on themselves, and anyone with a little conscience has now stood up.

The one who bears the brunt is the one who said his speculation at the beginning.

[Apologies for my ignorance in the past, self-righteousness to piece together the so-called truth, although it is stated at the beginning of the article that it is only speculation, but this time, most people were misled by my blog post, I should bear a large part of the responsibility for this, sorry, I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I still hope you can stay. You are an excellent artist, and I look forward to more and better works from you. 】

Later, many black fans came out and deleted the blog to apologize.

What was even more surprising was that many seniors who had never worked with Su Yan spoke out, hoping that Su Yan would come back and looking forward to cooperating with her.

Corn even deleted comments on a large scale, paying for its own stupidity.

In just half an hour, under Su Yan's Weibo, all the previous scolding voices disappeared without a trace, and the cleanup and speed were unprecedented in the entertainment industry.

Little Shitou never let go of any chance to confess his love, he just hoped that this would slightly arouse her desire to turn back.

Even just a little.

[You always say that if you like more, you will be more happy, and if you like less, you will not care about it. You seem to be tolerant, but in fact, probably we did not give you enough sense of security.You may always think that no one can live without you. After you leave, time will make us forget you. We will have new idols and fans of new idols, but I want to tell you today, no . 】


(End of this chapter)

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