Miss is not human

Chapter 692 The Unworthy Name That Comes From Your Mouth

Chapter 692 The Unworthy Name That Comes From Your Mouth

"Isn't the Feng family and the Bai family doing a lot of things recently? The attack on my Wu family's server caused a lot of losses to my Wu family!" Wu Aoshan snorted coldly, really didn't want to play riddles with Yunzi.

"Patriarch Wu, I don't know. How did I get so far? For what your Wu family did, I just attacked the server. I'm already doing the Wu family a lot of face." Yunzi leaned on the back of the chair, not at all like a lady. It looks like a second ruffian instead.

"What did the Wu family do? Miss Feng has no evidence, so don't open your mouth. Why is the head of the Feng family attacking us now?" Wu Aoshan snorted coldly as if he would not admit it to death.

Yun Zi hates such a thick-skinned person the most. When encountering such a person, she always wants to slap that face twice, and then drag this face to the ground and step on it twice.

"Do I have to say it? My No. 13 apartment took over a business and went to a space. The demons in this space are sucking human souls. Then why does this demon space use Wu's server?" Yun Zi also turned cold, looking at Wu Wu Aoshan.

"Oh, how could such a thing happen? Why don't I know? Which game is it?

The hottest one right now is the monster space, but everyone is playing well, and no one died.

It's impossible for this soul to be alive after being sucked in, right? Patriarch Feng, please don't talk nonsense! "Wu Aoshan acted like I would never admit to death what you can do with me.

It's too thick-skinned!
Yun Zi snorted coldly, and slapped the table with a palm: "Don't blame me for being shameless, don't think that no one can control what the Wu family has done!"

"That's not quite right, what do you mean shameless?
Miss Feng, has no one taught you tutoring?Oh, I also forgot that the young lady of the Feng family lived in the countryside with her grandmother since she was a child. That kind of vulgar servant in the countryside may not understand the rules of our capital.

I said, how could it be possible for a place like the Feng family to have a big business..."

Wu Aoshan didn't say the next sentence, because there was a dagger on Wu Aoshan's neck, shining with a dark light.

The Devouring Blade, the dagger that devoured the Siren at the beginning hangs in front of Wu Aoshan's neck like this, as if as long as he speaks a word, the tip of the dagger will cut his throat.

Let him give it a try, the feeling that if you want to survive, you can't die.

"Feng Yunzi, what are you doing? You're crazy! This is the head of the Wu family!" Wen Jing shouted at this time, but she didn't dare to move.

It's hard to say, if Wu Aoshan bleeds a little because of her, then no matter how powerful her daughter is, she can't save her.

"You say I can, don't mention my grandma, people like you don't deserve her name." Yunzi's cold voice echoed throughout the private room, as if she was about to kill someone if she disagreed with her.

Feng Qinghong was frightened into a cold sweat, and pulled Yun Zi forcefully: "What are you doing? Speak well! Put the dagger away!"

After all, they are a country with the rule of law, so it's not good to be blatant here, so just kill the head of the family!

Besides, how many eyes are staring at their Feng family? Knowing that their Feng family has invited Patriarch Wu to talk today.

If it gets out, what kind of turmoil will it cause to the stocks of the entire Feng family.

It seems that Feng Qinghong is about to see the life of working overtime again!
"I said, sister Feng is not good for my parents, is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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