Necromancer in another world

Chapter 481 Tyr's Hand

Chapter 481 Tyr's Hand
A natural disaster army of over [-] blocked the way for Leo and the others. Looking at this enemy army, which was mostly composed of low-level undead, Leo and the others felt heavy instead of relaxed.

A natural disaster force that is close to or even less than their own in number, and half of them are low-level undead. With the strength of Leo's team, they only need one charge to disrupt their formation, and within a few minutes They can be defeated, and they can be wiped out in about 10 minutes.

It stands to reason that Leo and the others should be happy to meet such an opponent, but the problem is that the overall strength of the Scourge attacking Tyr's Hand is fixed. The weaker the Scourge they encounter here, the greater the pressure on Tyr's Hand Well, they are not stingy with sacrificing cannon fodder according to the usual practice of the Scourge, but now they only sent such a small force, such a petty attitude is really different from the usual style of the Scourge.

What is unusual is a monster. The uncharacteristic behavior of the Scourge forced Leo and the others to think about the worst. The battle of Tyr's Hand is now at a critical juncture. The attacking Scourge army was using nearly ten thousand cannon fodder to delay Leo's speed, thus allowing enough time for the undead Scourge attacking Tyr's Hand to defeat the Scarlet Crusade's final resistance.

"Quick fight!"

Scarlett swung her big sword and galloped wildly, taking the lead in attacking the undead natural disaster on the opposite side.

Leo commanded the swift and fierce bone dragon to assist, and the Scourge, which was trying to prevent Leo and the others from supporting Tyr's hand, suddenly felt a strong coercion, a coercion from the high-ranking undead creatures. It is the necromancer Longwei of the Twilight Bone Dragon.

Facing the top bone-type undead creatures, the Bone Dragon Scourge, the Scourge broke out. Thirty percent of the skeletons turned their backs. Under the coercion of the Bone Dragon, they attacked their fellow Scourge.

The skeleton's sudden rebellion caught the Scourge by surprise, and the undead Scourge who were attacked would naturally not show weakness. They launched a counterattack against the skeletons who dared to attack them. Just as they were fighting together, Scarlet led nearly ten thousand troops to kill them. up.

Standing on the head of a swift bone, Leo looked at the Scourge army that was defeated by Scarlett's leader in the chaos, and he was a little bit concerned about the fact that the skeletons controlled by the bone dragon kept falling under the attacks of the Scourge army and the Silver Dawn It didn't mean to stop it either.The Scourge really used this team of cannon fodder as cannon fodder, and the three thousand skeletons only sent ten middle-level necromancers to control them. How could they beat the bone dragon with their little control?

With the help of Leo's bone dragon, it took less than 5 minutes to wipe out nearly ten thousand natural disasters. When the last undead natural disaster fell, Scarlett did not stop. The female knight led the army and immediately marched towards Tyr's hand However, Leo suddenly came to her side and whispered something in her ear.

Scarlett first showed a surprised expression on her face, and then showed a look of fear. She immediately called Karin from the Silver Dawn and Bettina who was leading the dwarf warrior over and gave some instructions in a low voice. After the two left Afterwards, the entire army lined up in battle formation and continued to march.

Liadrin and Passonia, who saw the whole process in their eyes, subconsciously looked at the ground under their feet, with a mysterious smile on their faces.

The army led by Scarlett hadn't completely left the battlefield. Withered arms with sharp nails suddenly emerged from the ground, and nearly [-] ghouls launched a sneak attack on the entire army from the ground.

Just killed tens of thousands of undead natural disasters here, and the soldiers of the whole army are very relaxed. The surprise attack of the ghouls came suddenly again. Even if the ghouls couldn't wipe out the reinforcements who came to rescue Tyr's Hand, they could still inflict heavy damage on them, or at least slow them down.

However, these are based on normal circumstances. If it is a very normal situation, it will be completely different.

The person who made this arrangement was planning to attack them by surprise. If Scarlett and the others didn’t know, they would definitely be counted. But the problem is that the female knight already knows that there are thousands of ghouls underground and has already let Ka Lin and Bettina informed their soldiers that it was impossible for the ghouls to succeed when the entire army was prepared.

Just when the ghoul had just emerged half of its body from the ground, tens of thousands of warriors who had already prepared for this situation launched an attack that had been prepared for a long time. The ghouls with half their bodies still in the soil were headshot one by one. For a while, broken bones and carrion mixed with shriveled brain cores were scattered all over the ground. Less than one-tenth of the lucky ones out of the five thousand ghouls were successful. Drilled out of the soil, the other more than 4000 ghouls were all killed.

The undead Scourge, who originally wanted to plot against the opponent, hadn't recovered from the blow of the yin after the surprise attack failed, and the shadow arrows hit the head again. The warlocks of the Summoner Legion and the demon imps they summoned shot at this time, five hundred shadows Arrows and five hundred flaming arrows smashed over, and more than half of the surviving ghouls fell down, leaving only a few hundred scattered.

The five thousand ghouls who were ambushing here were almost completely wiped out without even tearing off a piece of their opponent's clothes. I don't know if the natural disaster commander who set up this trap after seeing this scene will be revived .

You actually want to use ghouls to ambush me, do you really think my poisonous flower vines and Anurekan are just for display?
Leo curled his lips in disdain, and he flicked his finger on the purple-white light spots emitted by the arcane barrage to kill all the remaining ghouls. So far, all the troops sent by the Scourge to intercept were wiped out.

Although the two armies are fighting without conspiracy and tricks, it is not a good thing to rely too much on it. Once the trick is discovered, the losses will be greater than the upright battle. If the five thousand ghouls were not for a surprise attack, then Hiding in the ground and slowly approaching the battlefield but rushing out at the beginning, the nearly ten thousand troops led by Scarlett would have to suffer certain casualties if they wanted to wipe them out, and the battle would be delayed for a long time.But the reality is that there are no ifs. The opponent's commander's deliberate arrangement gave Leo and the others a chance to do their tricks, so that five thousand ghouls were wiped out in one fell swoop.

"The situation in Tyr's Hand is very dangerous. Warriors, come with me to rescue the brothers of the Scarlet Crusade."

Another beautiful victory, Scarlett's prestige in the hearts of the eight thousand warriors of the Silver Dawn became even greater. Under her leadership, these warriors had no time to rest and immediately ran towards Tyr's Hand at a rapid march speed. Many people also knew in their hearts that the situation of Tyre's Hand was no longer good.

Leo rubbed his chin and sat on the head of a velociraptor walking along with the army. He could see that the soldiers of the Silver Dawn had already returned to their hearts. As long as Scarlet won a few more beautiful games, he could truly gain their recognition.

This girl Scarlett was born in the Lothar family. With the golden signboard of Grand Duke Lothar, it is easy to get the approval of the alliance fighters. In addition, she is not weak, and she is a paladin who combines Guangwei and Zheng. It couldn't be easier for the people of the Argent Dawn to return to their hearts.

Leo suddenly realized that he had a little jealousy, because he knew that if he was leading the team instead of Scarlett, it would be exponentially more difficult to subdue these Silver Dawn fighters. Is it a warlock who studies dark forces and demons?

Scratching his face, Leo was speechless with a gloomy expression on his face. As expected, Pinbae was everywhere.

Tyr's Hand, located in the lower right corner of the Eastern Plaguelands, used to be the residence of the famous Silver Hand Paladins. After the Silver Hand Knights were forcibly disbanded, it gradually became a place where Uther the Lightbringer died. At that time, it was an important stronghold of the Scarlet Crusade who stood at the forefront against the Scourge.

Although the Scarlet Crusade has become extreme and narrow under the guidance of Isilien and Dathrohan in recent years, it is less and less popular with the orthodox paladins, and everything related to these lunatics is hated by people , but the place of Tyr's Hand is an exception. It is still a sacred place in the hearts of many paladins, and has not changed due to the existence of the Scarlet Crusade.

But now this sacred place in the hearts of paladins is undergoing a catastrophe. Under the leadership of a group of death knights and high-level undead creatures, hundreds of thousands of mid-level undead creatures and countless low-level undead cannon fodder are facing each other. The Scarlet Crusade stationed here launched a wave-like offensive.

Tireless undead creatures are attacking Tyr's Hand wave after wave. Since the moment they arrived a few days ago, this offensive has never stopped, like the waves of the sea, wave after wave, garrisoning The Scarlet Crusade in the Hand of Tyr is like a small boat in the sea, constantly rising and falling, fighting against the Scourge.

From the beginning of the war to the present, many soldiers of the Scarlet Crusade have never rested at all. Even if they are not weak fighters, they can't stand the continuous battle for several days. If it weren't for the Scarlet Crusade commander Ma The Irish paladins have been fighting at the forefront of the fight against the undead Scourge, constantly inspiring their soldiers with their actions and shouts. The Scarlet Crusade, which had just experienced the defeat of the Ebon Fortress, had already collapsed under the attack of the Scourge.

However, the Scarlet Crusade has already run out of fuel after the battle. Even if it is as strong as Marlan, it is already exhausted. The commander of the Scarlet Crusade knows that his body can't last long. Such a long period of high load Even though she is a paladin known for her stamina, she was exhausted by the endless undead disasters and lost her last bit of power of the Holy Light.

The damn undead natural disaster, no matter how much you kill them, how many people did they come to attack Tyr's Hand this time?

Swinging a mace-headed hammer to kill the two abominations that came up, Marlan didn't care to wipe off the sweat dripping down her cheeks, because when she was at the end of her rope, she found that a death knight riding a skeleton horse had already set her sights on them. over him.

"Hundan who is taking advantage of others' danger, come on!"

Marlan took a deep breath, summoned up her last strength and looked at the death knight who rode his horse and stood 30 meters in front of her. She knew that this might be her last battle.

After waiting for a long time, the death knight did not launch an attack. This situation was beyond Marlan's expectation, but the female paladin didn't mind delaying the time. The longer she waited, the more her strength would recover.

But obviously some people didn't want to see such a situation. Another murderous death knight appeared from one side, and the eerie words unique to undead creatures came from the helmet with his visor pulled down.

"Thassarian, you still haven't been able to overcome the psychological barrier and not attack the enemy who has no resistance. You are really incompetent as the captain of the death knight. Leave this woman to me, Kuldila."

(End of this chapter)

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