Necromancer in another world

Chapter 416 The Unsettled Pool

Chapter 416 The Unsettled Pool
Standing on the altar, Zumuraen looked down at the crowd of kneeling kinsmen, his face was very proud. This evil witch doctor enjoyed the feeling of others kneeling in front of him, but he didn't want to think about the Sandfury in front of the altar either. Is he the one the trolls are kneeling down to? Either this guy is really narcissistic or he's actually paranoid.

Seka, who had become a half-dead existence beside Zumulan, was muttering devoutly to himself, as if he was communicating with some kind of existence, but in fact he was just talking to himself.For the sake of the gods he believed in, he made his body so inhuman and ghostless that even his spirit seemed to have problems. Seka has become a complete fanatic, and to put it bluntly, he is a religious lunatic.

Of the three trolls presiding over the ceremony, only the priest Sethus was more normal. He was leading the believers to worship the altar and extolled the greatness of the gods.On the altar, several cages held the sacrifices that the Sandfury trolls offered to their gods this time - two humans, a man and a woman, a goblin, an orc and a dwarf.

Seeing that the sun was in the middle of the sky and it was the best time to sacrifice, Sessus gave an order to Nekrum below, and the latter immediately led his Sandfury executioner to the altar, ready to sacrifice the sacrifice with blood.

"No, you can't do that!"

"You savage trolls."

"God, please, I'm willing to pay to redeem my life."

Seeing a group of grinning trolls approaching, some of the sacrifices in the cage were angry and some panicked. The goblin even offered to redeem his life with money, so that even the goblins who regard money as their life are willing to take out gold coins It's really rare, but it's a pity that the Sandfury troll didn't pay attention to him.

Nekrum enjoyed the miserable and desperate eyes of others. He smiled at the sacrifice in the cage, a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

"It is your honor to sacrifice your life for the great god Shadra, aliens." After finishing speaking, ignoring the reactions of the sacrifices, Nekrum signaled to the Sandfury executioner behind him, "Kill them all."

The Sandfury Executioner was about to step up to the altar, but suddenly there was a commotion under the altar, and the attention of the Sandfury trolls, including Nekrum, was attracted.

A huge metal beetle of unknown origin suddenly broke into the Sandfury troll's field of vision, and the troll was stunned when he found the big beetle, although Zul Farakri had never been short of beetles because of Seka's wicked taste. A creature, but it was the first time they had seen such a large beetle.

The Sandfury trolls were in a daze, but the big beetle didn't. After discovering the Sandfury troll, the big bug let out a sharp hiss. Startled.Just as the trolls turned their heads to look for the source of the sound, rows of sharp ground thorns suddenly rose from their feet. The accident happened suddenly, and the defenseless Sandfury troll who was kneeling together was almost killed by the attack of these ground thorns. As many as two hundred.

This is not over yet, just when the Sandfury trolls were surprised by the sudden appearance of the ground thorns, the ground thorns that killed their compatriots exploded again, and three or four hundred sandstorms flew down from the rocks. The angry troll dies.

The beetle finally let out a triumphant hiss, and the bewildered Sandfury troll found its attacker.

"Kill this bug, it has broken the sacred ritual."

Sessus pointed to the big metal beetle and said, the Sandfury troll who was kneeling in front of the altar honestly seemed to guess the size by himself when he guessed 99 points, but he ran into a cheating guy and threw a full [-] points He clicked to kill his suffocated goods in seconds, and killed the big metal beetle with endless anger and murderous intent.

Seeing that the Sandfury trolls killed the big metal beetle without showing any weakness, it shook its body, and its metal spikes shot down dozens of Sandfury trolls rushing to the front like sharp arrows. On the ground, these unlucky trolls were trampled to a pulp by their companions rushing from behind before they could scream.

After killing dozens more trolls, the big metal beetle hissed provocatively, then turned and ran away.

How can it be so cheap to run away after destroying our sacred ceremony?

The angry Sandfury troll chased after them wildly. They found that although the giant beetle looked heavy, its speed was not slow. They were only a line faster than it when they ran with all their strength. It didn't take much effort to chase and kill this bug. is impossible.But even if it takes a while, the Sandfury trolls won't give up. Who let their sacred rituals be interrupted by it?

Destroying our sacrifice to the gods, we will not stop until we kill this bug.

With this in mind, the Sandfury trolls chased after them all the way. After they left, the altar that was still crowded with people was empty, except for Nekrum and the Sandfury executioner who were monitoring the few sacrifices, including Se The trolls including Seth, Zumulan and Seka all chased them out, and the whole altar became deserted.

There was such a big situation on the side of the altar, and it is impossible for Ukez, who is close at hand, to not know that the King of Sandfury ignored this matter and instead made the guards loyal to him strengthen the defense of the palace, because he It is suspected that this is a conspiracy by the priests against themselves.

Leo and Vol'jin, who were hidden in the dark, witnessed all this, and had an intuitive understanding of the struggle between the kingship and divine power of the Sandfury troll. Seeing that the Sandfury troll at the altar was killed by Anu Brekhan lured them to the sacred pool, and the two knew that the biggest obstacle to breaking into Uqz's palace was gone.

"Do you want to kill him now?"

Vol'jin asked Leo, and the latter shook his head to signal him not to be so anxious. What they have to do now is to wait until something happens to the sacred pool and the Sandfury trolls are dragged there before they can act.

The Sandfury trolls chasing Anubrekan didn't know that they had stepped into the opponent's trap. When they were led by Anubrekan near the sacred pool, the big beetle suddenly burrowed into the ground. The angry troll disappeared from sight.

The unreconciled trolls followed closely into the cave drilled by Anubrekan, but before they could get in, a violent explosion sounded, and the cave drilled by the Crypt Demon Commander began to collapse under the huge vibration, many of them were too late The evacuated Sandfury trolls were buried alive below.

"This cunning bug! Seka, what the hell are you doing?"

Seeing the collapsed burrow, Zumulan was so angry that he couldn't enjoy the kneeling of tens of thousands of compatriots because of the harassment of the big beetle. The evil Sandfury witch doctor was very dissatisfied with Seka. The source of the beetles in Lak is Seka, and of course he must be blamed for what happened now.

"It's none of my business."

Seka felt that he had been wronged. He just got some small beetles, and he couldn't handle such a big bug.Besides, what right does Zumulan have to ask him, how old is this guy?

"It's none of your business? How dare you say it's none of your business. Who doesn't know that you like to mess with those disgusting little bugs when you're free?" Zumulan sneered. He had disliked Seka a long time ago. This guy The worms that come out like to run around when they have nothing to do, so that he has to clean up the hero cemetery in Zul'Farrak every once in a while to prevent the corpses buried in it from being damaged by these worms.

"Disgusting?" Seka looked disdainful, "Compared to those corpses you've been messing with all day, my beetles are much cuter."

The two leaders suddenly had internal strife, and the Sandfury trolls were a little at a loss. Fortunately, Sessus stood up. He separated the two companions who were about to perform martial arts, pointed to the sacred pool in front of him and said: "You two Idiot, look ahead, don't you find anything strange?"

It's just a sacred pool with no waves, it's always been like this, what's so strange about it?

Seka and Zumulan looked at Sessus with foolish eyes, Sandfury Priest was so angry that he jumped up and down, and it was a shame that he was despised by these two idiots.

"You know the sacred pool ahead, so can you tell me where Veresa and her men have gone?"

That ugly woman who dared to throw face at us just because she could communicate with Gazrella?
Seka and Zumulan took a closer look and found that there was no trace of Veresa near the sacred pool, only a strange kobold holding a scepter standing at the other end of the pool silently watching them.

"Catch that dog and ask if you know it?"

Zum'rahn said this to Sessus, and at the same time he signaled his Sandfury trolls to carry out his orders.

Standing at the other end of the sacred pool is naturally the kobold land master Flintage. Although Flintage's race has a word dog, he obviously does not think that he is the same kind of creature as those low-intelligence beasts. Listen Flintarg was outraged to see Zum'rah belittle him so much.

This damned troll actually dared to treat such a handsome and strong kobold like me as a dog. If you don't give you some color, you won't know how powerful I am.

Flintag raised the scepter in his hand, a powerful electric current emanated from the top of the scepter, and the sound of zzz's current echoed over the sacred pool, and ripples appeared in the calm pool.

A thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and a strong wind blew along with it. Flintarg shouted: "A thunderstorm is coming to Zul'Farrak!"

Boom!Boom!Boom! ...

Hundreds of lightning bolts as thick as a person struck down, and the dazzling white lightning made people's vision blurred for a while. The sudden strong light stimulation temporarily blinded the Sandfury trolls, and they had to close their eyes.The Sandfury troll who closed his eyes didn't know that all the thunder and lightning blasted into the sacred pool. The powerful current broke the calmness of the pool. Bubbles came out of the calm pool. Existence is awakened.

Flintage, who cast Thunderstorm, jumped back, and Hectors took the risk to carry it on his body, and the bodies of the two disappeared into the void under the miniature illusion of the dracolich.When the thunderstorm passed and the Sandfury trolls opened their eyes again, there was only a waving pool of water and the body of Veresa, the water master, in front of them.

(Thanks to book friends: Kanbaishu, mollusc fish, rubinho, lavender film style tickets\(^o^)/~)

(Thanks to the book friend: Fallen X Devil for the reward ^_^)

(End of this chapter)

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