Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1174 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Chapter 1174 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Kilsolo's orcs are in motion!
Leo, who was talking to Scarlett, raised his eyebrows, as if everything has been squeezed into today, maybe I should look at the almanac when I get married with Scarlett.

"Let the Raven Man continue to monitor those orcs, Ansu." Leo ordered his subordinates who reported him, and finally added, "Just keep track of their whereabouts, and don't get too close to avoid being caught. Find."

Leo didn't want the orcs to know that someone was secretly monitoring their actions. He didn't want to cause trouble. Although the arakkoa sent by Ansu to monitor the orcs didn't know anything, as long as there was a slight possibility of accidents, Leo was unwilling.

Anzu, the god of crows, is a deity worshiped by the arakkoa of Draenor, and is the belief of the entire arakkoa race.However, the arakkoi didn't know that during the battle of Auchindoun, the god they worshiped had merged with the storm crow and became Leo's servant.Through Ansu, Leo easily turned the arakkoa of Draenor into his own forces.

Thinking about what happened to the Raven Man, it can only be described as tragedy.Wouldn't it be sad that one of the two great races in the Draenor world and the orcs have been reduced to the point of becoming someone else's pawn without knowing it?

"Obey, great master."

Ansu promised that he could be regarded as an old courtier under Leo. After all, the crow followed him when he first debuted. After Ansu fused, he was able to stand up.

An Su attaches great importance to the status he has finally obtained today, and he dare not neglect Lei Ao's instructions.

Scarlett noticed that Leo was absent-minded, so she couldn't help asking strangely: "What's the matter, did something happen?"


of course!

But Leo won't tell Scarlet for the time being, he still doesn't know what Carlos and the others intend to do, and he should wait until he has accurate information, so as not to let this silly girl think wildly again.

When the orcs were involved, Leo's attitude became much more cautious. Who made Scarlett hate the orcs so much? He didn't want to cause unnecessary incidents because of this silly girl's impulsiveness.

Smiling, Leo said to Scarlett: "It's nothing serious, I'm just wondering if so many things happened today, will the wedding be affected, it's getting late now, you know I'm looking forward to the evening .”

Evening... ugh!

Scarlett's expression suddenly became extremely unnatural, and Leo could clearly see a blush from the female paladin's ears all the way to her neck, and it was rapidly spreading downward.

Wow, Sha Niu looks so cute when she's shy.

Leo sighed loudly, but Scarlett hummed softly in return.Just as Leo was about to tease Scarlett a few words, Adelaide came out to be the savior.

"His Royal Highness, the general plan has been discussed."

After saying this, Edlaide began to explain in detail.When it came to business, Leo had no choice but to depress his desire to tease the female paladin and focus on building the magic hall.

Scarlett let out a long breath, Edelaide stood up too timely, if he slowed down for a few seconds, maybe he would be teased by Leo.

Thinking of Leo always teasing herself with these things, the female paladin gave someone a reproachful look.

Why does this nasty fellow think about those things so much?
Leo didn't know Scarlett's thoughts. If he knew that the female paladin thought so, he would definitely say: This girl is really stupid.Confucius once said: Food and sex are sex.It's human nature to eat and do that.Survival and reproduction are human instincts. If these two most basic instincts are suppressed, there will be no problems.

The time from Lei Ao's speech to Adlaide and others discussing the plan was very short, and the total time would not exceed 10 to [-] minutes. In this short period of time, a set of detailed plans was completed.

It has to be said that the efficiency of Adelaide and others is still good. In fact, it is no wonder that no one who can be a minister of a country is not a mediocre person. They all have a few brushes in their hands, especially a positive person like Arathor. In a country that is on the rise, it is almost impossible for mediocre people to climb to high positions.

"The plan is good, but the cost is a bit high."

Hearing Leo's evaluation, Adelaide could only smile wryly. Your Highness, what you want to build is a magic hall, not an ordinary building. Can the cost be so low?That place is a place to cultivate spellcasters, and the magic materials that need to be consumed in it are by no means a small amount, but if magicians are involved, you don't want to save money.

"How about this..." Leo thought for a while, and said to Adelaide, "In the name of the Kingdom of Arathor, you invite the Mage Guild and the Warlock Guild, and tell them that if they can contribute to this matter, the Palace of Magic We can share some of the benefits after completion with them. You must know that this place is the only channel that can connect to the source of the fire world and sense the purest magical elements. As long as the members of the Warlock Guild and the Mage Guild are not out of their minds, it is impossible to refuse. .”

Edlaide didn't respond immediately, but asked hesitantly, "Your Highness, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Leo's meaning was very simple, "The workers needed for Arathor to produce land and build magic temples, and the Warlock Guild and Mage Guild are responsible for the rest."

You are trying to be an empty-handed white wolf.

Edlaide understood that Leo didn't want to spend money on the magic hall, but he also wanted to build the magic hall, so the Mage Guild and the Warlock Guild became the sponsors.Earth, Arathor came out, and people, Arathor also came out, but Arathor didn't care about the big guys who built the magic temple - magic materials and seal cutting circles.

If other people dared to go to the Mage Guild and Warlock Guild like this, they would definitely be treated as crazy and beaten with sticks, and in severe cases, they would be hit by magic and paralyzed. The temptation of the source channel, the two guilds could only hold their noses and bear it. Not only could they not show the slightest dissatisfaction, but they had to greet each other with a smile.

Who let Leo do the exclusive business, have you seen anyone else who can open up a passage to the source of the fire world?
It is the dream of every magician to be in contact with the purest magic element between heaven and earth. Such a good thing cannot be found with a lantern, and anyone who pushes it out is a fool.

So, this bamboo stick Leo has finalized the two guilds, and the other party is willing to beat them, and he is very grateful.

Edlaide couldn't help mourning for the two guilds. The latter was sold by Leo and had to help Leo count the money cheerfully. Let me ask, after the construction of such a magic hall in Stromgarde, the headquarters of the two guilds will not move. come over?After the two guilds settled in Stromgarde, their ties with the Kingdom of Arathor would become increasingly close. Once foreign enemies invaded, wouldn't the members of the two guilds also become the defense force of Stromgarde?
His Royal Highness wants to build a magic hall, in addition to enhancing the power of the kingdom's spellcasters, he also has the intention of bringing the two major guilds of warlocks and mages into the kingdom's camp.

Edelaide seemed to have guessed Leo's purpose in a flash of his mind, but he didn't know that Leo's construction of the magic hall was not as complicated as he thought.

"As you order, Your Royal Highness."

After Edlaide finished speaking, he retreated, and got together with several other ministers of the kingdom to discuss again.Leo just gave them a rough goal, and many details must be considered in order to make it work.

"Edelaide and the others are busy again." Scarlett looked at Leo with a questioning look, "Can the Mage Guild and the Warlock Guild agree? If they agree, will it cause Stormwind and Torrent?" Friction between castles?"

Arathola's move away from the Mage Guild and the Warlock Guild is digging into the corner of the Stormwind Kingdom, which will inevitably intensify the friction between the two human kingdoms. Scarlett doesn't want to have a bad relationship with Varian.

Leo sighed secretly when he heard the words, a silly girl is a silly girl, her thinking is sometimes too naive.

It is impossible for a kingdom to rise and become strong without offending others.Arathor wants to take the throne of the number one human race from the Stormwind Kingdom, and it is absolutely impossible for the two countries not to have friction.During this process, what Leo and Scarlett can do is to control the situation within a certain range and prevent the friction from escalating.

Holding Scarlett's hand, Leo said softly, "Leave the matter to me."

Scarlett struggled lightly, but Leo held it too tightly, and the female paladin couldn't get out of someone's clutches, so she could only acquiesce with a blushing face.The two are standing on a high place now, and their every move has been noticed by all the ministers of the kingdom. Leo's behavior made the female paladin so ashamed that he was about to burn.

Scarlett's reaction not only didn't make Leo stop, but made him even more proud. The female paladin grew up in the Holy Light Cathedral, and the education she received was too conservative. Such an ordinary action of holding hands between lovers can provoke She was blushing, if it was night, what would it be like when the two of them were in the same room?

Leo is looking forward to it more and more now, why is he so ignorant today, wouldn't it be better to get dark early?I don't know if I waited very anxiously, have I reached the point of burning with anxiety?

"Leo, Deathwing didn't attack Orgrimmar directly, but went to Darkshore and wreaked havoc in the port city of Auberdine in the night elf Darkshore. Now he is heading towards Orgrimmar along the coastline. Ma, Passonia estimated that Deathwing was stimulated by the fall of Ragnaros, and he will continue to vent before reaching Orgrimmar, and Kalimdor will be severely damaged."

The news from Walsen brought Leo back from reverie to reality. The fall of the Balrog will inevitably have a great impact on Deathwing's plan to destroy the world. What Walson doesn't know is that after the fall of Ragnaros At the same time, Grim Batol, the stronghold of the Twilight's Hammer, was also destroyed by Sinai Salaya and the Dragon Lich Legion. It would be strange if Deathwing didn't go crazy after being stimulated by this double.

It's just that this guy took his anger out on the night elf, would Tyrande endure it?

(End of this chapter)

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