Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1134 Changed History

Chapter 1134 Changed History
"Arthas, your father's blood and the blood of your people demand justice!"

Alliance soldiers were standing in front of the gate of Icecrown Citadel, and Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon was shouting at Icecrown Citadel.After nearly a month of hard work, the coalition forces finally conquered Yimeheim and cleared the last obstacle to the Icecrown Citadel. Although the Fearless Expeditionary Force, the vanguard of the alliance, lost nearly two-thirds of its personnel, they were still in Bolvar. Under his leadership, he was still in good spirits, and the troops rushed to Icecrown Citadel after only a simple modification.

The alliance's army has reached the gate of Icecrown Citadel, the army is approaching the city, and the situation of the Scourge is grim.

Under the siege of the Alliance army and blood elves, Salein, and the Forsaken, can the Scourge really hold their last fortress?

Nobody thought the Scourge had this ability.

So what if the Lich King sits in Icecrown Citadel, can he defeat Kael'thas, Varian, Sylvanas and many other powerful people by himself?
If Lana Thiel hadn't led the Salein family to betray the Scourge, perhaps the undead Scourge could have set up traps based on the coalition's unfamiliarity with the terrain of the Icecrown Glacier to stop the coalition from advancing. However, the reality is that there is no such thing. With the Blood Queen She provided information with the Salein family under her, and the coalition forces are no longer blind to the terrain of Icecrown Glacier. It is not so easy for the Scourge to trap them.

As for the city defense system of Icecrown Citadel, Lannathel, who is the Queen of Blood, is very clear about it. With her status in the Scourge, the information she can provide is too much and too precious. With Lannathel in the Scourge There are few secrets in front of the coalition forces.

It was precisely because he knew the defense situation of Icecrown Citadel that Bolvar was confident in conquering the last fortress of the Scourge. His fearless expeditionary force did not rush forward blindly, but took targeted measures.

By the time King Varian and the others arrived with the main force, the gate of Icecrown Citadel had already been broken by me.

Bovar thought so, he didn't know that a pair of eyes hidden in the dark were staring at him quietly above his head at this time.

Malygos is known as the king of magic. He is proficient in magic in any field. Naturally, it is impossible to avoid hidden magic. With the strength of the blue dragon king, the invisible magic barrier set up by the blue dragon king has been spread throughout the world, and few people can find it. Leo can swagger on top of Malygos and let the Blue Dragon King fly over Icecrown Citadel.

"Is it really because of me that there has been a major change in the plot? Without the participation of the tribal army, only Duke Bolvar's fearless expeditionary force is left, and the Scourge Gate incident will not happen?"

Leo muttered in a voice that only he could hear, but Bolvar didn't know that Leo's dracolich army had already arrived at Icecrown Citadel before his fearless expeditionary force arrived at Icecrown Citadel. The dracolich, under the leadership of the black dragon prince Nefarian, Pelishion, and Hectors, had scouted the Icecrown Citadel for dozens of miles.

In the trajectory of the original history, when the army of the Alliance and the army of the Bolvar army, led by the young Saurfang, rushed to the gate of the Icecrown Citadel, they were overshadowed by the Forsaken under the command of Putres. When the Lich King emerged from Icecrown Citadel, the Forsaken used Scourge catapults to hurl countless specially-made plague barrels at Wrathgate.

The plague toxins specially made by the Royal Apothecary were carried in the overwhelming plague barrels. The plague toxins that even the Lich King couldn't stand exploded in the coalition forces. How could the soldiers of the Alliance and Horde withstand it?

In the battle of Scourge Gate, the Grand Duke Bolvar and his fearless expeditionary force became history. Because of this incident, the alliance became more and more distrustful of the Horde. What made Varian even more angry was that, as a member of the Horde at the time, Ka Ross Hellscream not only did not show the slightest guilt about this, but instead sneered at the alliance. This also deepened the hatred of human beings towards orcs, deepened the rift between the two camps, and made it impossible to shake hands and make peace.

Leo was deeply vigilant about the annihilation of the Fearless Expeditionary Force and what happened to Bolvar. He didn't want such a tragedy to happen under his nose, so before the Fearless Expeditionary Force reached Icecrown Citadel, he let the dracolich army investigate Trail of Putres.

Nefarian and the others found nothing. Did Putres hide it too well, or did they really give up?
Of the two possibilities, Leo is more inclined to the former. The dracolich is a good at hiding his whereabouts. Since they can't find the trace of Putres, it means that the Royal Apothecary of the Undercity probably really gave up. Yes, after all, the current alliance is too strong, and Putres may not have the courage to dare to play tricks.

It's a pity that I can't use this opportunity to catch the bug Putres, but this should be a headache for Cirvanas, why should I worry so much, I just want to ensure that the Grand Duke of Bolvar and his fearless As long as the expeditionary force is safe and sound.

"Nefarian, you, Hectors, and Pelishion, be alert to me. If you see a cataclysmic catapult carrying a plague barrel, let me know immediately."

In my heart, I thought that Putres did not dare to show up, and Leo did not relax his vigilance in action, and the monitoring of the dracolich army did not relax at all. In case Putres is a fool, in case he is desperate for revenge and is forgotten If the Revenge Army really dared to do something that would risk the disgrace of the world, it would be too late to make amends.

If according to the original plot, the gate of Icecrown Citadel would have opened after Bolvar yelled so loudly, and Arthas would walk out slowly with Frostmourne in his hand, and say "I'll let you see What is the justice of the king."

However, this is not the original plot, and the characters participating in the performance naturally cannot follow the original script. The gate of Icecrown Citadel has not been opened, and Arthas has not appeared. The answer to Bolvar is the closed gate and Northrend. The howling cold wind.

The Scourge did not respond to Bolvar's call.

Bolvar waited for a while and still didn't get an answer. The Grand Duke of the Stormwind Kingdom was angry. What does Scourge mean? A bit of a reaction isn't it?

"Arthas, you coward, do you think you'll be fine if you hide? The evil will be punished, the Scourge will be destroyed, and the Holy Light will judge you!" Bovar raised his sword and shouted, "For justice, attack!"

quack quack...

Several giant siege vehicles moved forward slowly under the guard of a group of soldiers holding large shields. The thick ram on the top of the siege vehicle, which was covered with iron and needed to be embraced by several people, was pulled little by little as the siege vehicle advanced. Get up, once they get close to the Icecrown Citadel, they can immediately attack the gate of the city.

"Damn humans, no one can offend the great Lich King."

The characteristic hoarse and ugly voice of the lich sounded in the city, and another powerful lich, the death whisperer, who took his place after the arch lich Kel'Thuzad was killed by Leo, appeared.

Seeing this rare female member of the Lich, Leo couldn't help curling his lips.

It is true that the Death Whisperer's personal strength is not weak, and he is only a little behind the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad, but when it comes to arranging troops and commanding troops to fight, Death Whisperer and Kel'Thuzad are completely incomparable. This lady Lich is a newcomer on the battlefield, expecting her to repel the Fearless Expeditionary Army commanded by Bolvar is not as realistic as expecting a sow to climb a tree.

"If Lana'thel hadn't betrayed the Scourge, the position of commander would never be the Deathwhisperer's. It seems that the Lich King really doesn't have anyone available. He actually found such a person to be in charge of the first order of Icecrown Citadel. A line of defense."

Leo shook his head again and again. The Scourge was so weakened that Icecrown Citadel could not stand it. The only thing to worry about was how long it would take for Bolvar to break through the gate of the fortress and how many casualties he would suffer.

Facing the attack of the Fearless Expeditionary Army, at this time, it is time to learn from Putres and let the natural disaster catapults keep hitting the plague barrels until the entire army of the Fearless Expeditionary Army is wiped out.Deathwhisper wanted to do that, but the plague barrels stored by the Scourge were all used up in dealing with Copresa's demon army, and the new plague barrels hadn't been made yet, so she could only watch the fearless expedition press on And do it in a hurry.

Damn humans, they chose this time to attack Icecrown Citadel. If there is a plague barrel, I will let you come and die as many times as you like.

The Deathwhisper kept cursing, and she didn't even think about it. If it wasn't for knowing that the plague barrels in Icecrown Citadel were exhausted, how could Bolvar not wait for the main force of the coalition led by Varian and others?

It’s not unreasonable to know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. If it weren’t for the information provided by Lana Thiel, the alliance would know the reality of Icecrown Fortress. I’m afraid that Bolvar would still be repairing the army in Yimiheim, so as to give the Scourge Allow enough time to craft a new batch of plague barrels.

Fortunately, there is no if in reality, and such a thing will never happen. The soldiers of the Alliance do not need to carry the plague barrels and risk being infected by the plague toxins to attack the Icecrown Citadel, thus greatly reducing casualties.

"Soldiers of the Scourge, warriors of the Lich King, kill the living for me."

Under the shout of the dead whisperer, countless undead crawled out from the ground, and the Fearless Expeditionary Army immediately fell into the siege of the army of undead.

In this regard, the soldiers of the Fearless Expeditionary Army did not panic. Under the command of Bolvar and officers at all levels, they maintained a tight battle formation and fought against the attack of the undead army towards the Icecrown Fortress.

Icecrown Citadel is the home of the Scourge. How could the Scourge not garrison heavy troops here? Soldiers who have fought against the Scourge many times already have the consciousness of being besieged by the undead army.

"Damn living, you will eventually drown in your own blood... ah..."

The voice of the Death Whisperer was quite hysterical. She was talking and a sharp arrow pierced her head. Smashed together, the witch who took Kel'Thuzad's place was like a rooster whose throat had been cut while crowing, its hoarse cries came to an abrupt end.

Leo's eyes were fixed, and he saw Cirvanas' figure flashing away in the undead army of the Scourge.

(End of this chapter)

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