reckless detective

Chapter 490 Favor

Chapter 490 Favor (7)

Hearing the yelling and scolding accompanied by the hasty knock on the door again, Wei Wuxian couldn't help feeling that he was really lucky.

Brother-in-law is here!
As he expected, he came aggressively.And he has already figured out a coping strategy.

He rubbed his hands nervously and opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, he kicked his brother-in-law down.

Taking advantage of the time when his brother-in-law was lying down, he snatched the door into the bedroom and closed the bedroom door behind him.

The brother-in-law was furious, and his cursing voice changed its tone.

"I'll kill you!"

He rushed into the house and slammed the door shut.

Wei Wuxian heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the door closing, if this kid is so crazy that he doesn't care about his neighbors watching, it will be really difficult.

The brother-in-law kicked hard on the bedroom door.

"What are you hiding?! Get out!"

Wei Wuxian remained silent, and he shouted again: "Sister! I'm here to save you!" He wished that the whole world would come out and call him a hero.

Wei Wuxian sneered in the room as a stern and soft-hearted idiot.

He gently unlocked the bedroom door, but his brother-in-law didn't pay attention. When he kicked the door again, the door opened quickly, causing him to lose his footing and stagger.

Just as he bent over and sprinted two steps to find his balance, the knife in Wei Wuxian's hand had already been chopped off.

Practice makes perfect, he is quite familiar with this watermelon knife, it is just like his own hand, quite measured.

The knife was accurately cut on the neck of my brother-in-law.

Although a shocking wound was left on the back of the neck, it didn't hit the artery, so he wasn't dead yet!
Although he didn't die, he was scared to death.

The four corpses on the ground came into view, and the brother-in-law instantly collapsed on the ground, his crotch was wet.

"Depend on!"

Wei Wuxian frowned.

The brother-in-law just felt that the knife in Wei Wuxian's hand was going to blind his eyes.

"Forgive me! Brother-in-law, please spare me!" He kowtowed, "I'm the only one left...Brother-in-law..."

What he meant was that he was the only seedling left in the family.

"Hehe..." Wei Wuxian sneered, "Trash! Moth! What's the use of keeping you?!"


Without waiting for the other party to defend, it was another stab.

The gushing blood seems to be able to wash away the greed of the dead and wash away the sins of the living.

Everything is at peace.

Wei Wuxian felt that he hadn't been this quiet for a long time, so comfortable, so relaxed, so... want to sleep for a while.

He was lying on his bed, as usual, next to his dead wife.

The bloodstains on the walls, ceiling, and windows seemed to draw a red curtain for him, making the light dim.

Really good for sleeping.

He yawned and fell asleep in no time.

Wei Wuxian had a dream. He dreamed that he died too, and that he would be judged by the king of Hades together with the people he killed.

The King of Hades said that these people were too greedy in life, and they would go to hell and suffer from deep frying.

As for Wei Wuxian, since he is so capable of killing people, why not take Hei Wuchang's position.

Wei Wuxian was very happy, and then... woke up.

The moment he woke up, he was a little dazed, and it took him ten seconds to figure out where he was and why the people around him died.

He turned his head to see his wife staring at him.

"What are you looking at? Not convinced? It's too late."

Wei Wuxian was thinking about a question, do you want to eat?
According to the plan, it was his turn to die next, whether to get up and have a meal and be a full ghost, or just leave the trouble and just die.

He's going to die anyway, and Wei Wuxian doesn't mind spending a little more time thinking about everything before he dies.

He opens the refrigerator.Since I haven't had time to go shopping, my refrigerator is empty, only two eggs, a small handful of wilted and yellowed vegetables that I don't know when I bought them, and various sauces.

He opened the cupboard again, but fortunately, instant noodles are still a regular food at home.

Wei Wuxian carefully cooked himself a bowl of noodles, ate a small piece of pickles, and drank a small cup of wine.

When he was full of wine and food, he turned on the gas at home.

When An An lay down on the bed quietly, Wei Wuxian was a little sad and hesitant.

He felt that he should live for a while, and just die like this... It's a bit of a loss.

Wei Wuxian slowly sat up from the bed.

Already he could smell the faint smell of gas and knew that he would be poisoned soon.It's still too late to turn off the gas.

But he looked at the five corpses around him again, and killed five people, would he survive?

Wei Wuxian was dejected, and lay back on the bed again.

After 1 minute, he sat up again. It doesn’t matter if you turn off the gas first, at least you have to think clearly, and you can’t die with regrets.

Yes, I'm not immortal, I just need a little time.

After convincing himself, Wei Wuxian quickly rushed to the kitchen, turned off the gas, and opened the window to let in the air.

He sat in the living room by himself, and found that a pot of hibiscus in the living room was blooming.

The hibiscus originally bloomed twice in three days, so he didn't pay special attention to it, but now he thinks the bright red flowers are very beautiful.

If you die, you won't be able to see the flower?Wei Wuxian looked at the fish tank again, the little goldfish is also good, and the green turtle is also good—although Du Ruo kept one of the goldfish dead every three days.

In Wei Wuxian's eyes, everything has become cute, how could he be willing to leave this cute world?
Or...not dead?

However, five lives, the police will not let him go.Turn yourself in? ……Can consider it.

Wei Wuxian decided to go to the supermarket to buy some things first, he had so many things to consider, at least he had to have a full stomach first.

He took a shower, changed his clothes, went downstairs, drove, and bought a trunk full of things.

Wei Wuxian is not an unrestrained person, on the contrary, he has never been interested in shopping.

But this time, for some reason, everything I saw was cute.

When he sees oranges, he thinks of the freshness and sweetness of orange juice; when he sees kiwi fruit, he thinks of the wonderful taste of the small sesame-shaped core that creaks between his lips and teeth; The situation of snacks... Among other things, he bought only two kilograms of spicy strips, and he was full of infinite love for everything around him.

When he got home, Wei Wuxian accepted the fact.

He doesn't want to die, why should he die?Killing is also forced. After finally killing those who persecuted him, he should live well. Why should he be buried with them?

So... it's time to think about disposing of the corpse.

Wei Wuxian ate some fruit and snacks indiscriminately, thinking while eating.

Bury, dismember the body, burn it...or melt the body with chemical reagents like in TV dramas, and flush it directly into the sewer... For the inexperienced Wei Wuxian, it was really difficult to choose.

In the dead of night, he finally thought of a perfect idea.

What if he died here too?He glanced at his brother-in-law who was lying on the ground. It was a blessing that they were about the same height and build.

(End of this chapter)

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