reckless detective

Chapter 469 Being a Man

Chapter 469 Being a Man (11)

On the way back, Minghui sent Jin Duo a name: Li Yongle.

Soon, Jin Jinduo gave Li Yongle's information.

Li Yongle, born in 1992, his hometown is located in a rural area in southwestern China. In November 2016, his father was injured while farming and was sent to the hospital to die.

In the same month, Li Yongle was in a trance due to extreme grief. While smoking on the top floor of his work unit, he accidentally fell from the building and died on the spot.

The local public security bureau hastily conducted an autopsy, because Li Yongle's work unit and family members quickly reached a settlement, and the judiciary did not further arbitrate or intervene.

The work unit paid Li Yongle's family a total of 40 yuan in compensation, and one life was bought.

In March 2017, Li Yongle's mother died of gas poisoning—the stove in her house was briquette coal, and it was just when it was getting warmer and colder. It is impossible to verify whether her death was an accident, suicide, or—homicide?

Thinking of the last result, Minghui's heart shrank.

This kind of thinking is not groundless. For the place where Li Yongle's family lives, 40 is an astronomical figure. It is not impossible to kill people for 40.

But she didn't have the time to think about it right now, she needed to verify a few details.

After thinking for a while, Minghui sent another message to Jinzi.

Can you add me to Li Yongle's classmate group?

Soon, Minghui's WeChat sent a reminder.She has joined Li Yongle's group of graduate students.

After waiting for a while, no one in the group spoke.

When the two of them were about to arrive at the hotel, no one spoke.This is probably the legendary "dead group".

Minghui simply @Everyone, and said: I'm going on a self-driving tour in the Southwest during the New Year's Day holiday, and I'm going to visit Li Yongle's mother by the way, is anyone going with me?

A few seconds later, three people appeared in the group.

A: No, I don’t have time to work overtime
A: You are quite free. Where do you work?

B: [Like]
B: You are so kind

C: Sorry, I may not have added you, classmate, who are you?
It seems that Li Yongle's classmates don't know that his mother has passed away.

Minghui ignored their questions, and said again: Li Yongle is so pitiful, what a pity!I'm going to go to his grave

B: Burn more paper money, even our wishes are counted
C: yeah yeah

B: [Send a red envelope to Minghui.Title: Help me deliver it to Li Yongle's mother]
B: By the way, which classmate are you?

Taking advantage of the fact that he hadn't put on his clothes yet, Minghui said again: You don't need to give money, I will definitely bring you my heart.

Minghui: By the way, does Li Yongle smoke?

Minghui: I'm going to visit the grave, do I need to bring him some alcohol and cigarettes?
B: You are about to receive the red envelope, help me take it, that is my heart
B: He doesn't smoke. The family is in trouble. Where can I get money to smoke?
Minghui: Are you sure?

B: Of course, I also lived in a dormitory for one year. It’s not for nothing

A: I testify that he does not smoke

Minghui: But I heard that he fell because he went to smoke on the roof of the company

B: I don't know

B: Maybe you will learn to smoke after working?

A: Shit, I'm doing an internship with him, don't you know?
A: No smoking

Minghui: Then why...

A: Afraid of taking responsibility, we all think Li Yongle committed suicide
A: If he falls from a building, Li Yongle himself is responsible. If he commits suicide, especially because he was oppressed by Lao Guan, he will pay even more

B: Tsk tsk tsk, Laoguan really knows how to settle accounts
C:? ? ?
C: Why did he commit suicide?

A: Isn't his father dead?
A: I feel that after his father died, he became mentally abnormal. He said that his father died purely because he had no money.
C: Then there is no need to jump off the building, right?

D: what do you know

B: That's right, @D, aren't you doing an internship at Laoguan's company?What was the situation?

D: He is suffocating in his heart, blaming Lao Guanguang for oppressing him to work and not giving him money
D: He told me that that year, if he hadn’t been oppressed by Laoguan and found an internship unit outside with a similar salary, he would have the money to save his father’s life
D: Jumping off the building is to take revenge on Laoguan, and use his life to ruin Laoguan's company

A: Imitate that 13-hop company?

D: That’s about it


A: It’s too extreme
A: Well, even though we are in the same unit, I am still not familiar with him

D: Did you not see his state at that time?

C: what state

D: That’s right, I think it’s no surprise that he did anything.

A: yes yes yes
A: I am not surprised that he died

Minghui: @A, @D, since you suspect suicide?Why didn't you tell the police?

A: Are you stupid?

D: That is, tell the truth to the police?Do we still want to graduate?

A: How can a person not bow his head under the eaves


Next, several people quickly changed the subject and stopped discussing Li Yongle.

Minghui put away the phone, leaned on the back of the car seat, and rubbed his temples.

Qin Shouru said: "What are you worrying about? Look, you will have a breakthrough as soon as you get out of the case..."

Minghui smiled, "You want me to relax?"


"What a stupid way... But it's kind of fun to be stupid."



Time moves forward half a day, morning.

Minghui and Qin Shouru had just left the hotel.

Wu Cuo was the first to wake up among the remaining people.He was the best drinker, and he drank the least last night. Compared to him, Jin Ziduo was almost drunk by Dandan.

Eggy hasn't woken up yet, he did drink too much last night.

Wu entered his room by mistake and sat down on the footstool in front of his bed.

Within an hour, Yan Ruyu and Xiao Bai also came to Dandan's room one after another.

Eggy hasn't woken up yet.

Yan Ruyu simply took a glass of cold water from the bathroom and poured it hard on Eggy's face.

Eggy shuddered, almost bouncing off the bed directly.

"Depend on!"

Seeing the water glass in Yan Ruyu's hand, he cursed angrily and threw a pillow at Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu had been on guard for a long time, she dodged and caught the pillow.

He threw the pillow over and said, "If I were you, I wouldn't have time to be angry now."

"What do you mean?" Dandan's voice was very hoarse. After saying this, he staggered out of bed, grabbed a bottle of mineral water on the table, unscrewed it, drank most of the bottle, and impatiently Hit yourself on the bed.

"I'm sleepy, don't mess around." Eggy issued the order to evict the guest.

"Last night you called us brothers and told us a secret, why? Forgot?"

Eggy lay there like a dead body without moving for half a minute.

Just when several people wondered if he had fallen asleep, he got up suddenly.

"What did you say?!"

Yan Ruyu looked at him with interest, but asked Wu Cuo, "Old Wu, how much do you think that secret is worth?"

Wu Cuo thought for a moment, "I don't know."

He turned to Eggy again, "However, if I were you, even if I spent all my money to buy the other party to keep a secret, I'd be willing."

 By the way...ladyfirst is actually my common nickname when I used to play dota...

(End of this chapter)

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