reckless detective

Chapter 445 Mountain

Chapter 445 Mountain (8)

"When I came here to work, it can be said that I was suffering from hunger and cold, and Mr. Tang treated me well.

Now he is gone, his parents have just arrived from their hometown in the country.The old people couldn't bear this kind of blow, they all fell ill, and no one took care of them in the hospital.

I paid for the medical expenses of the two elders and let them have a good rest. As for the company, because there are still some balances that have not been recovered, I thought that before the news of Mr. Tang's death was announced, I would go back to the account and treat it as a debt to the company. Let the old man save some living security. "

Wu Cuo asked: "How about the money?"

The assistant calmly handed over a ledger, "The company's business is actually quite simple, that is, to sell news to the cooperative entertainment media...Look here for the last dozen or so transactions," the assistant pointed to a place on the book and said, "here The ones marked as unsettled are those that haven’t been paid, or only partially paid.”

He pointed to several "unsettled" items that had been crossed out in the notebook, and said, "These are the accounts that I have to return in the past two days, totaling more than 3 yuan."

Wu made a quick mental calculation, and it was indeed more than 3 yuan.

The assistant said again: "If you don't believe me, you can check the accounts, and you can also contact the media to check."

Wu Cuo was afraid that Tian'er would be chattered to death, so he changed the subject and said, "Does Tang Lipei's ex-wife often come to ask for money?"

"I'm used to making trouble every two days or two."

"Tang Lipei gives her money every time?"

"Even if it's for the sake of the child, I have to give some..."

"Listen to you, he is good to the child?"

"Of course, when we are on a business trip, no matter how busy he is, he will bring some small gifts for his son."

"What did the kid do to him?"

"Of course it's fine...Anyway, I see them talking and laughing when they get along, it's pretty good.

Children, what do you know, whoever treats him well, whoever buys him something, he treats whomever is nice. "

The assistant pushed his glasses and said, "Officer, I hear what you mean, you are prejudiced against paparazzi.

Let me be honest, Mr. Tang is not a bad person, he also wants to be a director, if conditions permit, who would be a paparazzi, not just for a living.

But you see, he can become the number one paparazzi in China, which shows that he is serious. Otherwise, there are so many paparazzi and entertainment reporters, why is he the only one famous?

To me, if he really has the opportunity to make a movie, he must be much better than those who make money. "

There is some truth to this statement. Wu Cuo believes that anyone who can become a leader in an industry must have self-discipline and seriousness that ordinary people do not possess.

"Then can you tell us about Tang Lipei in your eyes?"

This time, Wu Cuo's attitude was much more sincere.

"Actually, Mr. Tang is just an ordinary person, with little money and no good looks.

It's not easy to do this job, sometimes you have to squat in all kinds of places for a piece of news, for a month or two...Those celebrities, especially cheating, are becoming more and more savvy as if they have practiced anti-reconnaissance up.

I remember that last month, the company's total income was only 3000 yuan. "

Wu made a mistake and found that the assistant spoke logically, so he asked, "Where did you graduate from?"

"Film school is also a director major."

No wonder.Wu Cuo knew it in his heart, these two people cherish each other.

Yan Ruyu asked: "You are Tang Lipei's assistant, you should be very clear about his affairs, right?"

"Yes, as long as it is related to the company's business, I know best."

"I are his assistant, you and Tang Lipei get along day and night, right?"

"you can say it this way."

"But he was dead for more than ten days before he was discovered by the neighbors. You haven't looked for him in the half a month since he disappeared?"

"I understand what you mean," the assistant said, "The situation is special. For a company like ours that makes money by selling news, confidentiality is the first priority. One person followed up and didn't answer the phone.

So, he disappeared for more than ten days, I thought he was digging news.I handle the daily affairs of the company well, as long as there are no mistakes, he will naturally contact me if he needs help, as we have always done in the past. "

Wu nodded wrongly, "Understood."

Yan Ruyu asked again: "Someone sent a threatening letter to Tang Lipei, do you know?"

"It's commonplace, the office can receive it almost every day, and there are even more perverted ones, throwing dead mice at our door."

"Does anyone know what it is?"

"Crazy fans, those celebrities who have been exposed, who don't have a few stupid fans.

Some celebrities are also shameless. After being exposed, they dare not confront us directly. They secretly inquired about our address, and then revealed it to fans who are stupid, and use these fans to deal with us... They are really good at it. implicate yourself in...

Hehe, they probably felt that they were sure of these fans, even if they did something outrageous, they would not confess them if they were arrested.

In order to avoid enemies, the company moved several times a year." The assistant pointed to the door, "You should have seen it when you came, and you didn't even dare to hang up the sign, for fear of being recognized. "

"But someone sent a threatening letter to his home, and the other party came in while he was away and delivered the letter. Do you know about this?"

"Of course I know. Mr. Tang went all out to change the door lock that day. I contacted the lock changer for him... It cost thousands of dollars to change to a fingerprint combination lock with the highest security level."

"Then have similar intimidation incidents occurred since the lock was changed?"

"It should be gone... I haven't heard Mr. Tang say it."

"If the password is fingerprint lock...does anyone have the password of his house, do you know?" Wu Cuo asked.

"I have it, and Wu Qiong should have it too. I don't know about the others... However, Mr. Tang has a habit of changing the locks if there are important materials in his home... such as important news that is being followed up.

This is also understandable, after all, this is what we eat. "

"What's the password on his door that you know?"

"967102... He usually uses this password. Even if he changes the password to prevent people, he will change it back later."

"Okay, thank you very much," Wu Cuo continued to ask, "Although Mr. Tang is good in everything in your heart, but...he sells fake news and slanders others, you know that?"

"That's also for making money and living."

Wu Cuo's impression of this assistant deepened.

He not only worships Tang Lipei, but blindly.

In a sense, he is no different from a brain-dead fan.Of course, you can't trust the words of this kind of person.

Yan Ruyu asked again: "People who have been exposed spontaneously set up an organization called 'Crowdfunding Kills Tang Lipei', have you heard of it?"

"I've never heard of it, but...the group of thugs organized themselves and played tricks behind their backs. It's not difficult to guess."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. Please recall carefully, did Tang Lipei have any unusual behavior before he disappeared? Or did any strange things happen?"

The assistant thought for a moment.

"Don't say it, there's really something going on."

(End of this chapter)

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