reckless detective

Chapter 418 Life and death are broad, and Zicheng said

Chapter 418 Life and death are broad, and Zicheng said (4)

Zhang Xiaochun helped his mother to sit down in the most comfortable position on the sofa.

After Wu Cuo and Minghui also sat down, his covetous eyes were glued to the two of them.

Minghui nodded to him in a friendly manner, and thanked the mother and son for their cooperation, but was ignored.

"What did you just say?" Mother asked, "What's wrong with my little Qiu?"

"That's exactly what we want to ask you." Wu Cuo tried to slow down his tone as much as possible: "The day your daughter committed suicide...who was the first to find out?"

Hearing the word "suicide", my mother almost fainted again.

Wu Cuo quickly sped up his speech and said, "Please believe that we just want to give your daughter justice, and you don't want your daughter to be wronged, do you?"

The mother broke down and cried loudly.This made Wu Cuo and Minghui unexpected.

They believe that the grief of a mother is absolutely real, that a child dies young, and a white-haired person gives a black-haired person, which is a huge torture for any mother.

But at the same time, it has been more than four years since Zhang Xiaoqiu passed away. Although time is not a special medicine, it is the only thing that can heal the pain.

Four years later, the mother mentioned her daughter as if she was newly mourned, which somewhat confused the two of them.

Wu Cuo wanted to ask Zhang Xiaochun, but seeing his cold eyes, he felt that this was not a good idea.

While crying, the mother asked intermittently: "Xiaoqiu...what's the matter?" Instead, she didn't answer Wu Cuo's question.

Wu Cuo had no choice but to say: "You calm down first, and I will tell you everything I know."

After hearing this, the mother felt relieved a little, and finally gradually stopped crying.

Wu Cuo briefly recounted: "According to our investigation, your daughter Zhang Xiaoqiu once had an appointment with a..." Wu Cuo carefully chose the words "to meet with a netizen who once proposed to commit suicide together with Xiaoqiu. You all know about this ?"

Mother shook her head.

Wu Cuo continued: "I know that this process may cause you pain, but I am afraid that you are the only one in the world who can help Xiao Qiu selflessly and don't want her to be wronged. Please think about what Xiao Qiu was like in the last period of his life? It doesn't matter what you want to talk about."

"I... I can't think about it, it hit me too hard... The daughter I raised so hard is too cruel to me..."

Wu knew by mistake that she meant that the death of a daughter was really cruel to a mother.

"You don't know at all that Zhang Xiaoqiu has the idea of ​​committing suicide?"

Mother broke down in tears again and just shook her head.

Minghui turned to Zhang Xiaochun, "What about you? According to our investigation, you and your sister live at home, so you can say that you get along day and night, right? Didn't you notice anything unusual about your sister?"

Zhang Xiaochun endured the questioning of the two for the sake of his mother.


Obviously, he didn't bother to say a word.

The inquiry fell into a moment of silence.

Wu Cuo felt the phone vibrate in his trouser pocket.

He pretended to check the time, took out his phone, and turned on the screen.

There is a message from Yan Ruyu on the lock screen, only three words.

Qin Shouru.

Wu Cuo immediately understood what he meant.

Yan Ruyu always knows when to provoke the enemy, and he is good at using the opponent's anger to find flaws.

For this family, perhaps anger was more conducive to inquiry than sadness.

"Can you talk about Qin Shouru? I heard that he made a big mistake when he broke up with your daughter." Wu Cuo asked.

When she heard Qin Shouru's name, her mother cried so hard that she beat her chest and feet. Zhang Xiaochun also said angrily, "He is the murderer! He killed my sister! My sister... used to be so cheerful... so nice..."

Zhang Xiaochun's tone was fierce, full of doting and nostalgia for his sister, every cell in his body was full of emotions.Wu Cuo even felt that if Qin Shouru was right in front of him, Zhang Xiaochun would rush forward without hesitation and grab him by the neck.

"But according to our investigation, after Qin Shouru, Zhang Xiaoqiu had a boyfriend named Zhou Xizheng."

"That's not so clear." Zhang Xiaochun said.

"I don't know?" Wu Cuo felt that he had caught a small loophole, "But as far as we know, Qin Shouru, who wanted to make up for his mistakes, had reminded you many times that Zhou Xizheng was a man of dishonesty, and was kicked out by you."

Zhang Xiaochun's expression suddenly became ugly, the muscles on the bridge of his nose twitched, and he quickly reached out to rub his nose, pretending to be about to sneeze.

Wu Cuo and Minghui knew very well that this was a state in which lies were exposed.

The sobbing mother quickly took over the conversation and said: "Xiaochun is busy with work, so I don't know much about his sister. I know Zhou Xizheng, he is not a good person..."

The mother cried again, "My daughter...meeting these scumbags...lucky life..."

"Zhou Xizheng blackmailed you?" Wu Cuo asked suddenly.

Mother's shoulders shook, not from crying, but from surprise.

She and her son looked at each other, and replied cautiously: "No."

Then he asked tentatively, "What's the matter? Why do you ask such a question?"

"Forgive me, but I just came up with such an idea suddenly. Because Zhou Xizheng blackmailed Qin Shouru as Zhang Xiaoqiu's boyfriend, and asked Qin Shouru to pay Zhang Xiaoqiu's youth loss.

Since he wants money and he doesn't mean anything to Zhang Xiaoqiu, if he can't blackmail Qin Shouru, will he turn around and blackmail Zhang Xiaoqiu, or... to blackmail you.

Because he has an excellent reason to blackmail—sorry, I shouldn’t say that—the reason he blackmailed you is that Zhang Xiaoqiu was pregnant.

For girls who are not yet married, they must want to hide this news, right?He can use spreading this news and tarnishing Zhang Xiaoqiu's reputation as a threat to extort money from you.

Moreover, based on Zhou Xizheng's character—of course, our understanding of him is only one-sided—if our understanding of him is not too biased, then there is reason to believe that he can do this kind of thing. "

At this moment, Zhang Xiaochun's face became ugly. He tried his best to hide it, but he knew that Wu Cuo had already seen the flaw.

The poor mother could only cry, and cried again until she almost fainted.

"Please leave, my mother can't be stimulated anymore." Zhang Xiaoqiu issued the order to evict the guest.

"It's true that we shouldn't bother you any more, and we're leaving now." Wu got up by mistake.

Today's interrogation was not fruitless, and he was already very satisfied.After all, in Qin Shouru's description, this is a family that is so sad that it is a bit weird.

Minghui also got up, and said to Zhang Xiaochun: "I'm sorry, bringing up the past, made your mother sad.

In order to avoid hurting them, can we make an appointment with you to talk alone?You must know something about your sister. "

Sometimes, Minghui's attitude is even tougher than that of men.At this moment, she looked directly into Zhang Xiaochun's eyes without avoiding.

Zhang Xiaochun still wanted to put on a vicious look, but unfortunately he lost his momentum, and when he met Minghui's gaze, he dodged for a while.

"Okay." He bowed his head.

"Today is Saturday, are you free in the afternoon? - Even if you are not free, you can put down less important things for my sister, right?" Ming Hui followed closely.

Zhang Xiaochun could only nod his head.

Minghui finally said with satisfaction: "Then at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, we will pick you up."

(End of this chapter)

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