reckless detective

Chapter 415 Life and death are broad, and Zicheng said

Chapter 415 Life and death are broad, and Zicheng said (1)

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Yan Ruyu suddenly said to Qin Shouru: "For that ex-girlfriend who committed suicide? What's her name? Xiaoxiao, Zhang Xiaoqiu, right?"

"En." After agreeing, Qin Shouru realized, "Did you really guess it?"

"It should be said that I was interested in that matter." Yan Ruyu put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth, "Tell me, what's going on."

"We suspect...she didn't commit suicide." Minghui said.

"On what basis?"

Qin Shouru got up and picked up a folder from the side table in the corner of the room—it was obviously prepared long ago.

He handed the folder to Yan Ruyu, "This is the result of our investigation. There are three bases for saying that she did not commit suicide:

One, no one has ever seen a dead body.

Minghui and I visited a little friend and neighbor—of course, her family still refused to see me. If possible, I would also like to talk to his family.

The interview found that no one had seen her body. "

Yan Ruyu interrupted: "I remember you said that you heard the news of her death from her friend, and the friend who told you about Zhang Xiaoqiu's death went to her funeral. Why? There was no body to say goodbye at the funeral?"

"No, there was only one urn at the funeral."

Yan Ruyu nodded, signaling him to continue.

"The second basis is that Xiaoxiao once posted a long Weibo, the content of which was a suicide note.

At that time, I paid close attention to all the movements of Xiao Xiao, and immediately discovered that she wanted to commit suicide.

I didn't dare to contact her rashly, fearing that she would be provoked again, so I re-registered a Weibo account, cared for her as a stranger, and chatted with her hundreds of private messages every day.

I can't say how good the effect is, but I can feel that her idea of ​​committing suicide is gradually fading, and we even made an appointment to meet soon.

Then, she committed suicide suddenly. I didn't believe it at all, but... At that time, his family strongly rejected me. Besides, everyone died. I was discouraged, so I didn't pursue it any further.

Finally, there is a little basis, her whereabouts.

We were still chatting on the day she committed suicide, and she said she was going out to meet a friend.Even on the way to meet a friend, she texted me.

I remember very clearly that she said that she saw an ice cream shop she used to frequent and wanted to go in and buy one. "

"I used to go there often? Do you know that store?" Yan Ruyu asked.

"There is an ice cream store on Changchun Road. She likes it very much. For a while, I often took her there to eat, and I would buy it for her when I passed by. I think it must be that store."

As early as Qin Shouru began to describe the doubts, Wu Cuo had already taken out the notebook he carried with him and wrote on it from time to time.

At this moment, he stopped writing and concluded: "If you want to find out whether she committed suicide, you can investigate from several aspects.

First, what were the details of her death?There are many ways to commit suicide, which one did she choose?Where was the body found?Who was the first to find the body?Is it her family?Have you called the police?Did only her family know about it?
Second, who did she meet on the day of her death?That might be the person who saw her last, or... If she didn't commit suicide, could that person be the murderer?This is the most critical point.

Third, I remember that there was another man in your description..."

Qin Shouru added: "Yes, his name is Zhou Xizheng. He has been chasing Xiaoxiao in college. After we broke up, he was very courteous to Xiaoxiao. At that time Xiaoxiaozheng was sad. It can be said that he took advantage of it.

After Xiaoxiao was with him, he said that it was just to get revenge on her, that he wanted to sleep with her, and that he wanted to pay me some money by the way, that scumbag! "

Wu wrongly nodded, "That's right, it was him, did he have any abnormal behaviors before and after Zhang Xiaoqiu's death?"

"No, Zhou Xizheng... I don't know when... he disappeared. Anyway, I haven't heard any news about him, and I haven't seen him."

Minghui took over the conversation and explained to Wu Cuo: "The first question the team leader asked, the details of Zhang Xiaoqiu's death, I checked, but there is no report record about her, and there is no 120 first aid record."

"Where's the funeral home's records? Have you checked them?" Yan Ruyu asked.

"I checked, Zhang Xiaoqiu's family did hold a funeral for her, but they didn't cremate her body."

"What do you mean?"

"According to the staff of the funeral home, when Zhang Xiaoqiu's family found the funeral home, her body had already been cremated. It is said that she died in another place and was cremated on the spot. She only brought her ashes back, so only her urn was placed at the funeral. .”

"Outside?" Wu Cuo frowned, "It seems that her family is lying."

"That's right. The more I investigate, the more suspicious things become. That's why I asked everyone to help." Minghui said, "Should we file a case for investigation of such a serious suspicious incident? But Zhang Xiaoqiu's family is very strange, I'm afraid They won't agree."

Wu wrongly said: "Although the investigation of criminal cases should take care of the emotions of the victims' families as much as possible, it is not up to the families of the victims to decide whether there are doubts and whether they should be investigated.

The simplest example: If the victim was killed by his family members, such as a husband killing his wife, is it true that if the husband disagrees or does not cooperate with the investigation, the police will give up and let the murderer go free?It doesn't make sense.

It's just that right now, we need a reliable reporter..."

As soon as Wu Cuo said this, everyone turned to Qin Shouru.

"No problem," Qin Shouru said generously, "I was originally responsible for this matter, and you can ask me to do whatever you want."

He said this out of his mind, and he couldn't see if he wanted to show it in front of Minghui.

Minghui didn't say much, just cast him an encouraging look.Just at this glance, Qin Shouru was as happy as the landlord's foolish son.

Wu Cuo continued: "Your Weibo chat records are also needed, especially on the day of death."

"I've intercepted and printed this out," Qin Shouru pointed to the folder he had just handed to Wu Cuo.

Wu mistakenly opened the folder, and sure enough, there were five or six sheets of A4 paper densely packed with screenshots of chat records.

Wu Cuo glanced over it briefly, and to sum it up, the chat records between the two can be described by the word "healing".

It can be seen that Qin Shouru carefully shared with Zhang Xiaoqiu the positive and sunny things in life, such as a bite for the stray dog ​​he met, the blooming of the narcissus at home, or a joke with a friend.

In the chat records of the last day, Zhang Xiaoqiu said that she was going to meet someone and do a "good deed". When she finished this task, she would meet Qin Shouru on the opposite side of the screen.

"She didn't tell you who she wanted to see?"

"No, she said it was a secret."

"Check!" Wu Cuo said to Jin Ziduo: "All the communication records of Zhang Xiaoqiu during his lifetime, especially the week before his death, be sure to dig out this person!"

(End of this chapter)

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