reckless detective

Chapter 360 A Hot Meal

Chapter 360 A Hot Meal (2)

"Some time ago, my younger sister in my hometown had a divorce with her brother-in-law, and the younger sister came to me with her child in a fit of rage, and said she couldn't go back.

Now that people have come, they have to settle down first, and the two of them live in my house.After staying for half a month, my sister said that she would come to the restaurant to help.

I also have a big heart, thinking that we are all a family, so I didn't treat her politely.My sister really came over to help serve the meals and clean up.

When she comes, the child will naturally be brought along. At the age of three or four, she can already run and run, and plays in restaurants during the day.

Who knows, something happened early yesterday morning! "

"What happened?"

"My sister was scalded! It happened at this time yesterday. We rushed to the hospital in a panic. We didn't take care of the child for a while. By the time I found out that the child was gone, it was already mid-afternoon."

"You mean, you knew about the child's disappearance?"

The proprietress nodded with tears in her eyes, "I don't dare to say anything! My sister is miserable enough, if she knows that the child is lost, she can't blame me to death! So... hey! My husband has been looking for her all day long. child……"

"So did you call the police?"

"No... I didn't dare to call the police. I was afraid that the news would spread. My sister knew... Besides, Xiao Yu is naughty. Once before, he ran to the park to play with other children until dark. We found out It took me a long time to find it... So, I wondered, might he be playing wild this time... Who knows, the good boy is now... My poor little sister, I'm sorry for you ..."

The proprietress wailed bitterly.Minghui felt sorry for her, and felt that an adult like her was really annoying.

When she stopped crying, Minghui asked again: "When was the last time you saw the child?"

"It was just yesterday morning, after his mother was scalded, the store was full of chaos, but I am sure that the child was eating at that time, eating a small snack similar to crispy noodles.

I thought to myself at the time, this kid is too ignorant, his mother was scalded, and he was still eating there, not in a hurry.

After that, I went to the hospital with the ambulance, and it was already noon when I came back. It was the busiest time of business, and I helped the store non-stop.

It was already mid-afternoon by the time we started eating.

I was thinking of calling Xiao Yu to eat two bites together, the child must be hungry too, only then did I realize that Xiao Yu was nowhere to be found.

I wasn't too anxious at the time, I just thought that I don't know where he went to play, but he didn't come back after dark. We were so anxious that my husband went out to look for it all night. "

"Did my sister offend anyone? And you two, who do you have trouble with on weekdays?"

"We do business just to make money out of harmony, and we usually make people feel a little bit about everything, how can we make enemies with people?
That younger sister of mine is even more honest, she only knows how to bury her head in her work, otherwise that man of hers wouldn't be having a good time outside... Hey!What a crime we have done! "

"Is your sister seriously injured?" Yan Ruyu asked suddenly.

"It's serious, otherwise I wouldn't be hospitalized... hey!"

"How did she get burned?" Yan Ruyu asked.

"I slipped and fell while serving hot water, and I don't know the exact situation..." The proprietress was talking, looking at the master chef, "I was not in the back kitchen at the time, but Master Wu was."

The master took over the conversation, "I asked her to bring the boiling water. Every morning, I add water to cook the soup. The water I add must be boiled water. This is an old rule. But I didn't expect her to be scalded. It was an accident."

Another young assistant cook also said: "Yes, I can testify that early yesterday morning, I don't know why a puddle of water was spilled on the back kitchen floor, and it was there!" The group of cooks pointed to a piece in the middle of the back kitchen The ground said: "I almost slipped and fell. I also said at the time that after shaving the sheep bones on my hands, I would take a mop to mop the floor. Before I could go, she had already fallen."

"So she fell here too?" Wu Cuo asked.

"you do not say."

"Water?" Wu Cuo squatted down, carefully checked the position pointed by the chef, and reached out to touch the ground from time to time.

"Your land...has always been this oily?" He asked.

"No oil, the back kitchen is full of knives and fire, and there is such a big pot of hot soup. It's not a joke when someone falls down. Sister Wang always uses dish soap when mopping the floor... "Chef Wu also stretched out his hand to touch the floor, and put his feet on the ground a few times, "This...something is wrong...Is it because Miss Wang hasn't mopped the floor properly these two days?"

Chef Wu was full of anger when he spoke. When he shouted, Sister Wang outside became anxious. She didn't dare to come in, so she shouted at the back chef: "What are you talking about?! I am not lazy! Yesterday the ground was not water! It was oil! I mopped the ground several times!"

"Oil?" Wu Cuo frowned and said, "Who spilled the oil on the ground?"

"That's weird..." The kitchen assistant frowned and said, "I was responsible for cleaning the back kitchen when work was over the day before yesterday, and I obviously cleaned up the floor before returning to the dormitory.

I was the first one here yesterday morning, and I almost slipped and fell when I arrived, and only then did I discover the pool of oil..."

"So, you're trying to say...someone sneaked into the kitchen the night before yesterday."

"Yes! Otherwise, where did the oil come from?"

Something is wrong!Yan Ruyu also frowned.

First, the kid's mother got burned because of slipping, causing the oil she slipped to appear strange.The next day, the child was thrown into the pot.

Is there any connection between these two things?
Yan Ruyu asked the proprietress, "Who is holding the key to the store?"

The proprietress shook her head: "It's useless."

"Useless? What do you mean?"

The proprietress pointed to the back door, "The dormitory is in the back yard. The back door is not locked all the year round, and it is connected to the back yard. The dozen or so helpers and waiters living in the back yard may enter the restaurant at night."

"Do you not lock the door at night?" Yan Ruyu was a little surprised.

"One reason is that the store doesn't release money at night, and I take the money home every afternoon after finishing the account, so I'm not afraid of someone stealing it.

Secondly, it is convenient to leave a door for them to use some hot water or something. The proprietress explained, "However, the backyard gate is locked, so only your own people can enter the store."Could it be...someone went to the back kitchen to boil hot water at night, and accidentally spilled oil..."

While talking, the boss came back in a hurry. This is a rough man with a gold chain hanging around his neck. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted loudly: "What's going on?! Dead? Why did he die? ?”

When he shouted, the landlady's suppressed emotions seemed to open a gap, and she burst into tears, unable to stop.

She grabbed her man's hand and asked in a voice: "What should I do? What should I do? How can I explain to her..."

What troubled the proprietress was that before she had time to explain to her sister, that bastard brother-in-law came to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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