reckless detective

Chapter 357 Bounty Hunter

Chapter 357 Bounty Hunter (33)

The next afternoon.

"How? Did you ask?"

Seeing Wu wrongly entering the house, Yan Ruyu stood up from the computer in a rare way.

Wu Cuo nodded and sat down, "I've identified it, the lighter belongs to Yu Sina. Each of these limited edition items has a number on it. We contacted the store and traced it back to the person who bought this lighter. Yes, because Li wanted Boss Yu to buy goods from him, he gave the lighter to Boss Yu. Boss Yu has always been careless with these things, so his daughter took them for use.

The ins and outs are clear, and now it's time to close the net. "

Yan Ruyu sighed, "It's time to come, it's still coming."

"Go catch it tomorrow morning," Wu Cuo drank a few sips of water quietly, "wait another night."

That night, both of them didn't sleep well. Wu Cuo took out his mobile phone to check from time to time. He hoped that Zhang Tailiu or Bai Ye would call, even if it was to inquire about the progress of the case.

He heard that in the bedroom, Yan Ruyu flipped pancakes from time to time, and simply shouted: "It's up to God, Old Yan, go to sleep!"

"Damn!" Yan Ruyu yelled sullenly, and then asked again: "If they don't turn themselves in, you can contact that Zhang Tailiu and beat him again. I think Zhang Tailiu is quite sensible, so why wait? "

"It's no problem to contact him, but if it's self-defeating, and it will cause trouble for Xiaobai and the others in their arrest operation tomorrow, no one can bear the responsibility.

You didn't go to the city hall today, so you don't know, but now I... hey!Because I have stayed in the same orphanage with Bai Ye and the others, we have a little friendship, and the higher ups attach great importance to this case, because they want to avoid suspicion, the director deliberately does not let me intervene, for fear that something will go wrong..."

"What can you do wrong? It's just... ridiculous!" Yan Ruyu resisted the urge to swear, and simply walked out of the bedroom, and sat down on the sofa bed where Wu Cuo slept, "It's better not to let you take care of it, so as not to If something goes wrong, you are still responsible, I will come!"


"I'm not in your group. It's not wrong to make a phone call with an old friend and persuade him to surrender, right?"

"Neither can you!"

"Why?!" Yan Ruyu moved closer to Wu Cuo and stared at him, "Old Wu, there is something wrong with you. With your style of doing things, it is time to contact Bai Ye and the others. Can you bear it until now?"

Wu Cuo was uncomfortable being stared at by him, so he simply sat up, "Well, I didn't want to tell you about this, you have to agree first, don't cause trouble."

Yan Ruyu glared at him, "Fart your fart!"

"The family members of the deceased found their superiors and demanded strict punishment, the murderer must die.

This time, each of the deceased had a family background, and the relationship was intertwined. On the day the body was found, the hall was furious, and it was definitely not groundless.

Now, the higher ups are afraid that the murderer will turn himself in. If he turns himself in, it will be... troublesome if he is sentenced to death. "

"Just for this? Are you hiding it from me?" Yan Ruyu said calmly.

"I see that you are very caring. You seem to... really hope that they will surrender..."

"I don't want it at all."


"There is no hope or no hope, I have no idea at all about this matter.

I'm just a case-solver. It's up to the judge to decide what sentence to take, and I don't care.

If the suspect's conscience finds out that he turned himself in, that would be good, but it would also reduce the fun of solving the case.

If it's my own taste, I don't want them to turn themselves in.

Buy Bai Ye a little more time, just because... I think you would want them to turn themselves in. "


"I'm not afraid that some people will be entangled to death. On the one hand, it is not easy to arrest murder suspects, and on the other hand, it is not easy for them."

"You mean... you're thinking about me?"

"Yes. Anyway, the reasoning part of this case is over, so why don't I go along with the flow to make you feel better.

It's a pity that the sky is not as expected. It seems that my wish will not come true. "

"Then you're wrong." Wu leaned on the cushion wrongly, "Actually... I don't care that much about the verdict.

Not only that, I was already mentally prepared that the murderer in this case would probably be sentenced to death.

Even if it's not easy to live again, committing such a serial murder case...takes people's lives, especially...the victim is likely to...hey!They may not have even met Bai Ye, and they are going to be killed just because they are born well? ...Even if they have some contact with me, I must say that this kind of murderer deserves to die! "

Yan Ruyu suddenly laughed and couldn't stop laughing.

Wu Cuo shrank to the corner of the bed, "Are you crazy?"

"Waste of time! Waste of time! You think I want to protect them, and I think you want to protect them. After all the calculations, I didn't expect to include myself in it.

The second time we went back to the orphanage was the time when we were invited by Bai Ye... I told them in different ways, hinting to Bai Ye that the murderer was Zhang Tailiu, and hinting to Zhang Tailiu that the murderer was Bai Ye.

Doing this is nothing more than watching them depend on each other, thinking that they will think about each other like us, fearing that the other will be wronged, so they choose to surrender...

Now it seems... huh, the rumors are wrong... These two people are nothing like us. "

Yan Ruyu picked up a cigarette, wanted to light it, but put it down again, "It's all said and done, I have nothing on my mind, I'm going to sleep."

This time, Yan Ruyu slept soundly, but Wu Cuo was still tossing and turning. .

After staying up until dawn, the phone finally rang, but it was Minghui calling.

"Team leader, I'm caught! It's in the interrogation room!"

"Great! What's going on?"

"All recruited."

"So happy?"

"Yeah, I will take the initiative to explain everything when I come back."


Case No. 201709010719, part of suspect Bai Ye's statement.

"My name is Bai Ye, white white, wild child's wild.

You should know my background, right?I don't need to say more, do I?

A total of three people died, surnamed Yu, and another young woman who was killed by me, and Yang Xiu who was killed by Zhao Sandao.

That day I watched with my own eyes Yang Xiu kick my brother...that is, Zhang Tailiu out of the house, with dirty words in his mouth.

She called my brother a thief, said he deserved to die, and threatened to go to their school to report.

It is impossible for my brother to be a thief, but for the sake of his future livelihood and to get his graduation certificate safely, he can only swallow his anger, not only admitting that he stole, but also humbly accompanying that woman, why?Just because she is rich?

I wanted to kill Yang Xiu, but that woman just had a conflict with my brother, so you will inevitably suspect my brother when she died.

I should wait a year or so, when no one will remember the expelled governess, and then I will do it.

But that day I happened to meet Yu Sina and Zhao Sandao to talk about things - in the community, a place where people betray people.

Their conversation made me change my plan, and I decided to give Zhao Sandao a try.

Anyway, they are all rich and unkind, and they should all be killed! "

(End of this chapter)

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