reckless detective

Chapter 329 Bounty Hunter

Chapter 329 Bounty Hunter (5)

"Sexual assault?"

"Yes, semen spots were found in the body of the deceased, and DNA samples were extracted after swabbing, which can be used for comparison with the suspect."

"The same strangulation tool, and the corpses were transported back to the vicinity of the community by the murderer, I think the case should be merged." Wu wrongly said.

Everyone nodded, Xiaobai looked at the photo of the deceased and said: "I have a question - either I am talking about the deceased, or... from the appearance, Yu Sina is obviously younger and more beautiful, why the murderer... ...Choose Yang Xiu?"

"If it were you, you would choose Yu Si Na, right?" Wu Cuo asked.

This question made Xiaobai even more nervous. He secretly glanced at Xu Xinger - after all, his forensic girlfriend was in the same department as Xu Xinger.

Wu Cuo continued: "We can't speculate on a rapist's psychology and...physiological needs with the thinking of normal people."

"Indeed," Yan Ruyu agreed, "Previous statistics show that more than half of rape and molestation offenders have physical or psychological problems. Lao Wu, continue to talk about the situation of the on-site investigation?"

"Okay, first of all it's Yu Sina. She was killed on the surface for money, but there are doubts. The murderer took her cash and lighters—even the lighters. At first, I thought the murderer had some eyes. , but the diamond watch worth more than 5 yuan on Yu Sina's wrist is still there, could it be that the murderer didn't find it? This is temporarily doubtful."

"Could the murderer's purpose not be to make money at all? He doesn't have much discernment," Ming Hui said, "Maybe he took the lighter just to... smoke a cigarette?"

"It is indeed possible, because the property of the deceased Yang Xiu was not lost. Yang Xiu's gold necklace, diamond ring and other jewelry are all there, and the cash is also intact in the wallet.

The murderer seemed to be purely sexually assaulting Yang Xiu.

Yang Xiu's clothes had a lot of grass scum on them, but Yu Sina's clothes didn't... By the way, this detail cannot be ignored. Yang Xiu went out after lunch, so of course her clothes would not be stained with grass scum. This shows that she got out of the car halfway, not only got out of the car, but also... was sexually assaulted by the murderer on the grass, maybe because the murderer was tall and couldn't... use his powers in the car.

I deduce that the murderer is tall because the hem of Yang Xiu's sun protection coat is very long, and there is half a footprint on the hem, which should be left by the murderer during the sexual assault. From the analysis of the footprints, the murderer wears size 43 shoes and is a tall man. man. "

Yan Ruyu asked while looking at the autopsy photos, "Is there any difference between the death conditions of Yu Sina and Yang Xiu?"

"The difference is gone, but there is one thing that I can't figure out. The police in the jurisdiction investigated the relationship between the two and found that there is no intersection. Apart from living in the same community, the two have no connection at all. Could it be that the murderer killed them indiscriminately? Antisocial personality?"

"Not a murderer." Yan Ruyu said.


This time, all eyes were on Yan Ruyu's face.

Yan Ruyu put the photos of the strangle marks on the necks of the two deceased in the middle of the table, "The interlaced positions of the ropes are all on the left side, which means that when the two men were killed, the murderer was indeed in the passenger seat, but there is one detail...Look carefully , on Sina's neck, where the ropes staggered, the left side pressed the right side, indicating that the murderer's right hand was on top when the neck was strangled, and he was right-handed, while Yang Xiu's situation was just the opposite, the person who killed Yang Xiu was left-handed.

The fact that the murderer is not the same person can explain why Yu Sina's property was stolen but Yang Xiu's was not, and why Yang Xiu was sexually assaulted but Yu Sina was not.

Also, grass residue, this detail cannot be ignored. "

"Two murderers... this is too..." Wu Cuo wanted to say it was incredible.

"But the two murderers must have some kind of connection, cooperation or...competition..." Yan Ruyu patted her head, as if to open her memory, "There were two serial murders in 14, which happened in two places far apart. In a distant city, I would occasionally look through major and unsolved cases across the country, and accidentally found that the victims of these two cases had similar occupational backgrounds, and the victimization scenes were also very similar. Lao Wu should still remember it? Help them solve the case It was later discovered that the murderers on both sides had been communicating through a certain game forum, and it was a killing contest."

"You mean...the current case is similar to the old case?"

"It's not unusual."

"Okay," Wu Cuo stopped writing, and concluded: "What we know now:

First, there are two murderers who killed Yu Sina and Yang Xiu in a similar way. There may be some kind of connection between the two murderers. Of course, I have doubts about this inference for the time being. "

When he said these two words, Wu took a wrong look at Yan Ruyu, who raised his eyebrows, meaning "It doesn't matter, I don't want to bother with a mortal like you".

Wu Cuo breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Second, the murderer who killed Yang Xiu wore four or three sizes of shoes, so it can be inferred that he is tall, and we have obtained the DNA test material of the murderer;
Third, the murderer who killed Yu Sina was relatively young. According to eyewitnesses, his size was around 175 to 180.

Fourth, the murderer had a well-planned plan, was familiar with the road conditions, and was able to skillfully evade road surveillance.

Regarding the direction of the next investigation, my suggestion is to investigate the monitoring in and around the Lily Manor community half a month before the incident. Since the murderer chose to attack the two owners of the Lily Manor, he will probably come to the vicinity in advance to find targets. . "

"Leave the surveillance to me!" Jin Ziduo said.

"There are a lot of them, so I'll help you." Minghui said positively.

Yan Ruyu pressed his hand to the two people who had already started to look at the monitoring, meaning not to worry, and then said to Wu wrongly: "There are still a few questions. For example, we know that the murderer pretended to drive in Yu Sina's car, How did the other murderer—I still think the murderer was at least two people—get into Yang Xiu's car?
In broad daylight, why did the murderer choose to sexually assault Yang Xiu on a piece of grass?This point is really... unreasonable, but if it wasn't the grass, then how did the grass dregs get on Yang Xiu's clothes?
One more point, how was Yang Xiu's body found?What about the complainant?You never said this. "

Yan Ruyu handed the conversation to Wu Cuo.

This time, Wu Cuo didn't answer the call. The director of the District Public Security Bureau said: "The matter is a bit complicated. It's like this. On the morning of September 9, 1 received a call from the masses, saying that someone had fainted in the car. After 120 arrived, The victim, Yang Xiu, was found dead—it took some effort to open the car door, so I won’t go into details—then the 120 emergency personnel called 120 to call the police. Soon after our police arrived, the case was declared serious. The group took over.

We have found the phone number of the informant, but the informant said that he has been out of town for the past two days and it is not convenient to answer the phone. He will come back tomorrow and will cooperate with us to accept inquiries. "

(End of this chapter)

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