reckless detective

Chapter 280 Escape!

Chapter 280 Escape! (14)

Under the guidance of Kerim, Wu found the crime scene by mistake.

It was also the first foothold for Tiger and others after they established themselves.

It was a dilapidated residential building in the wilderness of the suburbs. It was an old-fashioned tube building. It seemed to be at least 25 years old. A large piece of wall ash on the side of the building had fallen off, revealing red bricks. There was a big word "demolition" written on the red bricks. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dilapidated building.

The lighting in the corridor is not good, even in the daytime it is dark.

Wu Cuo took a group of police officers upstairs and walked up the aisle on the second floor.

There are more than a dozen rooms on the right hand side of the corridor, and some of the doors of the rooms are missing.

The three rooms 201, 202, and 203 on the far side are where Tiger and others stay.

The door was ajar. Wu pushed open the door of Room 201 by mistake, and first smelled a... unique smell during the decoration—damp wall dust and putty smell.

The walls inside the house are very white. At first glance, it looks like the newly painted white. It seems to be to cover up the fact that the walls have been newly painted. There are several mud spots on the white walls, and one of them extends to the ceiling.

Next to the door is the light switch. Wu Cuo stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the light turned on.

There's electricity in this damn place!
The old-fashioned 1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 bathroom house has no kitchen, so you have to cook in the corridor.

Wu Cuo and Yan Ruyu's family lived in such a house before, when their parents were still alive.

The living room is furnished with only a round table in the middle of the room, and there is dust on the table, which is not thick.

The newly plastered walls indicate that the scene has been carefully handled. According to experience, Wu Cuo put down the table first when he came up.

He bent down to look carefully at the place where the bottom of the table leg touched the ground.

There was no missing blood.

He went to the bedroom again.

A few low-quality mattresses almost covered the floor of the bedroom. It was conceivable that adults and children slept here.

There is no bedding on the mattress. I don't know if it is because it is not needed in summer, or it has been disposed of.

Wu wrongly checked the mattress again, but there was still nothing.

The situation in room 202 was similar, which made several auxiliary police officers look embarrassed.

If there are no clues at all, the next step is probably to deal with the wall.

To put it mildly, to treat the wall is actually to slowly scrape off the layer of putty that has just been painted on the wall, without destroying the evidence that may exist inside.

Time-consuming, drudgery that no one wants to do in the heat.

Wu Cuo didn't have much expression on his face, he had already opened the door of 203.


A few frightened flies took off and staggered out of the house.

Wu Cuo regained his energy immediately, walked into the house quickly, and searched around.

The living room is empty.

The bedroom is also empty, not even a bad mattress.There was a knife on the ground.

A bloody machete.

A few flies were still lying on the bloodstain, moving a few steps from time to time.

Wu picked up the knife by mistake and extracted several clear fingerprints from the handle.

But he was very confused, if the scene was carefully handled, why was the knife left?
Criminals careless?There is no reason!

Minghui also looked at the knife, and asked in a low voice: "Why is this thing so weird? Why do I if...someone put it here on purpose, just waiting for us to find it... Really, too It's obvious..."

"Send it to the identification department immediately."


"The rest, scrape the wall!"

Although the police assistants thought it was troublesome, seeing Wu Cuo and Minghui take the lead and roll up their sleeves to do it, it was hard to show anything.

The wall treatment lasted for five full days. Fortunately, it was already the beginning of autumn, and the autumn rain brought a little coolness.

Everyone scratched the wall, and they would discover something from time to time.

"Boss! There's blood here!"

"There are also here!"


From the next day, when blood was found again, everyone calmed down a lot.While the police assistants were working on the wall, Wu Cuo also started to work in front of the building.

He sprayed the alkaline luminol reagent on the aisle in front of the door, and the luminol reacted with hemoglobin to show blue-green fluorescence.

The advantage of this reagent is that its sensitivity is extremely high, even reaching [-] in [-]. Even blood stains that have been repeatedly scrubbed and diluted can be revealed.

The downside is that fluorescence can only be recognized in a dark environment, and the time for luminol to glow is limited, so hurry up and take pictures.

For this reason, Wu Cuo specially asked someone to send a large amount of blackout cloth.

When a large piece of fluorescent light appeared in the corridor, all the criminal police were shocked.

Come to the right place!
Wu Cuo searched all the way down along the bloodstains, and there were splashes, throws, drops, and columns of blood everywhere in the corridors and corridors.

It is enough to see that this is a brutal killing. The victim was suddenly attacked, terrified, and staggered while running while avoiding the knife and stick.

At the top of the stairs, a huge pool of blood appeared.

Judging from the size and depth of the blue fluorescence, a victim had fallen here.

Wu mistakenly pried open a piece of broken cement on the ground, and collected a little blood from the cement gap.

He continued to search outwards. This kind of search was a physical test. He had to cover himself in a blackout cloth, spray reagents on the area under the blackout cloth, observe, and take pictures to collect evidence.

He was like a police dog, almost kneeling down to complete the work.

When five more pools of blood were found, Wu Cuo's knees were bruised and purple, and his calves were a little swollen.

After completing these forensics work, Wu Cuo felt that his legs were not his own, as if he had only half his life left. Fortunately, Minghui took his place for a while, otherwise he would really be unable to hold on.

Wu Cuo got into the police car parked in front of the building, stretched his waist hard, lit a cigarette, and couldn't wait to take out the digital camera used for evidence collection, and flipped through the photos.

Five lives, six pools of blood.

The biggest pool of blood was in the living room of Room 103 on the first floor.

The floor of the living room of about 10 square meters is full of shades of blue fluorescence.

"This should be the place where the corpses were dismembered." Wu Cuo analyzed in his heart: "Judging from the distribution of blood, the five wounded were dragged from the place where they fell to room 103, and it was done by Tiger and the master.

When they were dragged here, at least two people were still alive, because after scraping off the freshly painted putty on the wall, two dense splatter-like bloodstains were found on the wall and ceiling of Room 103.

The bloodstains were obviously formed by the rupture of human arteries, which meant that after dragging the people over, the tiger and the master finally chose to kill them by cutting their necks. "

The case has progressed, and Tiger and Master are suspected of major crimes.

Now, there was only one problem left: the machete left in room 203.

After Mazi's identification, he was sure that the machete was exactly what he brought and left behind at the scene.

The fingerprint identification results on the machete came out very quickly, which was surprising.

It was the fingerprint of a child, the one who took the lead in opposing cooperation with the police. At this time, he had been brought into the interrogation room.

(End of this chapter)

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