reckless detective

Chapter 276 Escape!

Chapter 276 Escape! (10)

Yan Ruyu wanted to be in charge of the interrogation of Tiger and others, but Wu Cuo expressed that he wanted to talk to him.

"It's hard to see a clue." Before entering the interrogation room, Wu Cuo left a sentence with some deep meaning.

He didn't go into the interrogation room where the tiger was, but went to the driver's room.

"You are their leader, right? What Tiger told me, Eighth CD is true, except for one thing, he is just a thug, and Huang Fang is in charge of looking after the children. They both have to listen to you."

"Don't bother, I won't tell you anything. If you have the ability, go and interrogate the children to see if they will report me."

"Of course not." Wu poured a cup of hot water by mistake. "If it's true what the tiger said, you brought these children from hell to...uh, a hell with slightly better conditions. Of course they should be grateful to Dade."

"Drink it. During the few days you were there, you treated me well. Count me in return." Wu Cuo handed him the water.

The driver took it and took a sip, "Damn it, the fortune teller at the beginning of the year told me that the year is not good, so let me not make any big moves.

I didn't listen, and brought someone out to do it alone. Sure enough, I was picked on by the beard twice in three days, hehe, and now you are arrested again.

Okay, I admit it, give me a quick word, how many years will I be sentenced in this situation? "

"The question now is: Are you unclear about this situation?"

"How to say?"

"You saw it when you came in. What is this place? Serious Crime Squad, you don't really think that petty theft is also under our control, do you?"

"You mean..." The driver shrank his eyes for a moment, "Don't scare me, that's just what happened to me."

"What about the dead child?"

"I've never died here! If you don't believe me, ask them, ask them!"

"Where is the beard? Didn't you work there?" Wu Cuo asked.

"The matter of the dead has nothing to do with me. I have long since seen the beards and they are not happy. I was the one who brought up the idea of ​​raising children to steal. Children are cash cows. How can there be any reason to abuse money trees? But he didn't listen. In the end we had to Parted ways."

"Tell me specifically, how did the child die? Have you seen it? How many died?"

The driver rolled his eyes, "Comrade policeman, if I tell you, it will be regarded as a report, right? Can the sentence be commuted?"

Wu Cuo said calmly: "You can continue to negotiate conditions with me, play smart, and wait for Tiger and Huangya to put the matter aside, it doesn't matter if you say it or not."

"Don't, don't, I said, uh... let's get down to business... You asked about the dead children... There were a few sporadic deaths, but I can't remember them all. I only remember one big event, once Five people died."


Hearing this number, Wu Cuo's heart beat like a drum.

In the morgue, five mutilated corpses are still waiting for the murderer to be brought to justice.

"How do people die?"

"I don't know the details, I only know that someone wanted to escape and was caught, and five children were lost the next day.

You can figure it out with your toes, it must be killed, you have to look at the beard specifically, we are all small shrimps, isn’t there a saying?Catch the big and let go of the small, officer, I really didn't do anything serious. "

"What about the tiger?" Wu Cuo asked: "Isn't he a thug? Did he participate in the killing of children?"

"! I understand this person, he is actually doing it for money, but to put it bluntly, who comes out to work with his head up, isn't it just for a few tickets?
The key is that Huzi didn't give the money in place, and the tiger is not stupid. If he doesn't give the money, who will kill him for him?So he shouldn't have done anything to kill children.But...he should have seen it. "

"Have you seen it?"

"Once I saw a tiger drinking alcohol. I've never seen him like that. His hand holding the wine bottle was trembling. I asked him what's wrong, and he said he killed someone. I didn't dare to ask more questions. Needless to say, he must have killed a child."

"Looks like I should go talk to the tiger," Wu Cuo said, "The last question, what were you responsible for when you worked with Beard?"

The driver stretched out his right hand, and saw that his right index finger and middle finger were obviously longer than ordinary people.

"I'm in charge of training. When those children are kidnapped, they don't know anything. I'm in charge of teaching them to steal. They must have a craft to survive.

Some of them are talented, bold and cautious, and some are stupid, really not suitable for this line of work, or too timid... those children... those who were eliminated... I... I only know that they will been dealt with..."

"Then write it down..." Wu Cuo pushed a pen and a piece of straw paper, "Write down everything you remember, those children who disappeared without a sound, and write as much as you can remember."

Wu Cuo decided to talk to the tiger. According to the driver, the tiger had at least killed people.

The interrogation room where Tiger is.

"I didn't expect you to play tricks." Tiger glared at Wu Cuo viciously.

"How many years have you played with those children? You are only allowed to play with others? Is there any reason?" Wu Cuo asked back.

"Hey, the way of heaven is reincarnation." The tiger sighed, "Anyway, I won't say anything, if you have the ability, go pry the children's mouths."

"Isn't it just a matter of finding an interpreter? Do you really think you can stump me?" Wu Cuo showed a soft and hard attitude, "Also, you don't think those children will always unconditionally defend You? Do you really think you are the savior? You are different from the driver. He has a serious teacher-student relationship. At least he has taught children a craft. What about you? A thug? I really can’t think of a reason for them to protect you .

Especially, those companions who died, you may have forgotten, but I believe those children still remember. "

After a few words, Tiger's original tough attitude began to waver. He looked at Wu Cuo for a while, and then at his handcuffed hands for a while.

"I just felt something was wrong, the serious crime team, hehe... so it was for the dead." Tiger lowered his head and rubbed his nose, "What do you want to know?"

"There were five kids who tried to escape, what happened to them?"

"What can I do? I'm dead."

"Who killed it?"

"Huzi's two subordinates, one is Wang Er and the other is Mazi, they are basically doing the dirty work of killing people, and I know the market, one life is five thousand—damn it's only five thousand!"

"What happens after the murder? What do they do with the body?"

"Maybe it was buried somewhere, or it might be thrown into the river... I don't know too well. After all, this kind of thing has to be hidden behind people's backs. I haven't seen it before."


When Wu Cuo walked out of the interrogation room, he saw Yan Ruyu standing in front of the surveillance glass and thinking.

"He lied." Yan Ruyu said.

"how do you know?"

"The method of disposing of the corpse. I remember Lao Xu said that the two murderers used brute force to dismember the corpse. It was more like a novice's method. Obviously Wang Er and Mazi had experience in killing and disposing of corpses. them."

(End of this chapter)

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