reckless detective

Chapter 232 The Empress Departs

Chapter 232 The Empress Departs (2)

This is the first time for Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo to take a cruise ship, and they have only seen such luxurious ships in some blockbuster movies before.

Seeing it moored in the port now, tens of meters high, like a monster that swallows people, both of them were a little shocked.

Minghui was also staring blankly, and murmured to Wu Cuo, "Leader, let's leave Xiaobai and come out to it really okay?"

Wu Cuo glared at Qin Shouru, "Xiaobai wants to save the vacation for the wedding, and stay on duty for life and death."

Qin Shouru chuckled, "It's getting late, shall we board the ship?"

Minghui frowned watching the long line of people, and Qin Shouru said courteously, "Beauty walks this way, we have a VIP channel."

It is even more luxurious when you board the boat. The European-style hall is nearly 5 meters high. There are resplendent restaurants, casinos, and dance halls. Four people live in four comfortable suites with two pairs of doors. There are huge oil paintings hanging in the living room. It is full of medieval style and looks like a very comfortable big bed. Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows in the bedroom, you can directly see the sea scenery.

Qin Shouru's room was the most luxurious, with a mahjong table and a round bathtub inside.

In his own words, in addition to accompanying Yan Ruyu and others on the trip, there is also the task of maintaining business partners. After all, many business leaders on board have business contacts with his family.

After the four visited their respective rooms, they were all full of praise.

While talking, the door next to Yan Ruyu's room opened, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses and three young women came out.

The four of them nodded towards Qin Shouru and stood aside respectfully.Qin Shouru introduced: "This is my personal doctor, Dr. Zhao, and nurses, who are right next door to you. If you need anything, just ring the bell in the room, and they will arrive as soon as possible."

Dr. Zhao nodded to Yan Ruyu, "I have already obtained your medical records from the hospital. I will take good care of your diet and daily life, and ensure that you will continue to recover steadily during these few days on board."

Yan Ruyu is really not used to it, probably this is Qin Shouru's normal daily life.

"Thank you very much then."

Qin Shouru waved his hands at the doctor and nurse, and they nodded politely, and then returned to their room, which meant "all the gentlemen retreat".

Qin Shouru continued: "After setting sail, I'm going to attend a small reception. The captain routinely invites partners to express his gratitude or something. These receptions are all the same and nothing interesting. I will try my best to make a quick decision. A few people want to hang out on the ship. , or want to rest in the room.

After sailing, the entertainment venues are officially open, let's have some fun together. "

After explaining, Qin Shouru returned to his room, and not long after, he changed into a neat formal attire and went to the banquet.

Yan Ruyu, Wu Cuo, and Minghui simply packed their luggage, and they all gathered in Yan Ruyu's room.

"Let's find something to eat," Wu Cuo suggested, "I was busy packing things early in the morning, and I haven't had any water or rice yet. My stomach is already singing empty plans."

When Minghui heard that he was looking for food, his eyes lit up and he agreed with both hands, revealing his foodie nature.

According to the floor plan in the room, the three of them walked around to the restaurant on this floor.

The ship hadn't set sail yet, the passengers were busy looking for rooms to store their luggage, and the crew was shuttling around, looking a bit chaotic. Compared with this, the restaurant seemed very deserted.

"Is anyone there?" Wu asked by mistake.

No one responded.

There is no waiter at the bar, and no sound can be heard from the back kitchen.

"No one? It shouldn't be!" Minghui picked up a wine glass from the bar, which was stained with wine, "It looks like someone had a drink here just now."

"Is anyone there?" Wu Cuo raised his voice and asked again.

Still no response.

Wu wrongly rubbed his growling stomach, and pushed the door of the back kitchen unwillingly.

The door was locked tightly and was not pushed open.

"What should I do? Wait here or go to the restaurant on the next floor?" Minghui asked.

"Just wait here! The ship is too big. I can see it on the map, and it will take at least 20 minutes to walk to the restaurant on the next floor."

After making up their minds, the three of them sat on the table next to the bar and waited.Ruhui also casually poured himself a glass of red wine, took a sip, and wrinkled his face.

"Sure enough, the more expensive this stuff is, the harder it is to drink."

After Minghui drank a glass of wine, the door of the back kitchen of the restaurant opened, and a sweaty fat man came out from inside.

The fat man was wearing a chef's uniform that didn't fit well, holding a menu in his hand, he went straight to the three of them and said, "Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time, the back kitchen was busy with the delivery just now, what would you like to eat?"

Wu took the menu by mistake, "Let's take a look first."

Seeing that the three of them didn't mean to blame, the fat chef felt a little relieved.After the three of them ordered, the fat chef hurriedly collected the menu, went into the back kitchen, and locked the door of the back kitchen from the inside.

"Why is this guy... so sneaky?... Do you feel this way?" Minghui asked.

Wu Cuo curled his lips, "Why do I feel that the back kitchen doesn't seem to be stocking goods, but rather cheating. Look at his sweaty face."

Yan Ruyu raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, "Team Leader Wu, you are quite experienced."

After chatting and laughing for a while, the fat man served the meals ordered by the three of them.

"have a good meal."

The fat chef went back to the back kitchen and locked the door again.

Yan Ruyu looked at the door of the back kitchen, frowned and said: "There is something wrong. It is a luxury cruise ship anyway, even if there are a table of guests, it's not like there is not even a service staff."

"Never mind him, as long as there's something to eat." Wu Cuo was really hungry, and he ate two mouthfuls of noodles with meat sauce before he felt any taste.

"I'll wipe it, what the hell is this?!" He spit out the noodles in his mouth on the napkin, "Is this damn... hard? The noodles are not cooked?"

Minghui also took a bite of his own steak, " a bit strange, why do I feel that this steak is not fried...such a severe dehydration, it seems to be...microwave...that's right! Microwaved to medium-well, then sprinkled with a little cold sauce.

This is too improvised, right?How about first class or VIP?The local tyrants eat this all day long?Should I be sympathetic? "

Only Yan Ruyu honestly drank the porridge in front of him, "My taste is not bad, but the glutinous rice porridge is sticky, do you two want to try it?"

Although he was joking, his mind was obviously thinking about other things.

A few seconds later, Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo suddenly said in unison: "There is a problem! Go and have a look!"

As soon as the words came out, the two rushed to the door of the back kitchen at the same time.In comparison, Minghui was obviously a step slower, and she couldn't help being surprised, the two of them had a tacit understanding.

When Minghui arrived, Wu Cuo had already taken out a length of thin wire from his pocket.

It was not a strong lock at all, and it opened with a snap when it was poked by the wire.Wu mistakenly opened the door a small crack.

Quiet, it's very quiet inside.

It wasn't until the three of them entered the room completely that they realized that there was no one inside.Another door was open, through which the occupants had evidently exited.

"This is fucking weird, what are you running for?" Wu Cuo muttered.

Yan Ruyu squatted down and carefully looked at a piece of ground next to the cabinet.

Clean white floor tiles, but there is a dark red line at the joints of the tiles.


(End of this chapter)

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