reckless detective

Chapter 225 Playing a Big Sword in Front of Guan Gong

Chapter 225 Playing a Big Sword in Front of Guan Gong (9)

In a certain orchard in the western suburbs, the forester's hut has become a temporary command center for the police.

Wu Cuo and the special police captain who came to support have finalized the details of the rescue.

"We can't wait any longer, the hostages are in danger at any time."

"Old Yan...why isn't he there? Didn't you see him when you were investigating the situation inside?"

The SWAT captain replied again: "Really not, even the heat sensor system is used, but your colleague still hasn't been found, now we have to attack first, control the kidnappers and then ask the specific situation.

And... Team Leader Wu, in the current situation, I still think it's better for you to avoid it, after all, the relationship between Yan Ruyu and you is not an ordinary colleague... Don't be fooled by emotions..."

Wu Cuo waved his hand and said decisively: "Attack immediately!"

According to the thermal system, there are three people in the courtyard house in the northern suburbs locked by the police. Among them, there are two people in the West Room. Judging from the shape, one is Qin Shouru who was kidnapped, and the other is in charge of guarding him. There is another person in the main room who has been smoking. And looking at the phone, stand up and take a few steps from time to time, looking very anxious.

There are still 8 minutes before 10 o'clock. According to the information sent by Xiaobai and Minghui, the kidnappers are likely to tear up the ticket around 8 o'clock.

The critical moment has come.

At the gate of the courtyard, the special police were already in place, and three special police climbed up the ladder on the wall, ready to jump over the wall and enter the courtyard at any time to arrest them.

Wu Cuo checked the movement of the three people in the courtyard through the thermal system.

It was 2 minutes before 8:[-], and the people in the main room came out and went straight to the west room, saying as they walked, "I haven't called yet, let's do it, it's not a few minutes away."

The door of the Westinghouse opened, and one hand stretched out and threw a cigarette butt into the yard, "Brother Hao won't be really arrested, will he?"

"Whether you catch it or not, that kid has seen your looks, so you can't stay..."

Just when the man was about to enter the West Room, the special police captain gestured to the people on standby, and the three people on the wall jumped into the yard with a bang.

The two went straight to the Westinghouse, went to subdue the two kidnappers, and the other opened the door with the iron bolt from the inside.

The special police on standby at the door stepped forward in an orderly manner, assisted the special police who entered first, and pinned the two kidnappers to the ground.

Wu Cuo and the special police rushed into the house together.

He first smelled a smell of blood, and then found a small pool of blood in the corner of the room.

"Where's that person?!" Wu Cuo roared at the kidnapper on the ground, "Where's that policeman?!"

His eyes were bulging, his face was flushed red, and the veins on his forehead were exposed. He was as ferocious as a deadly ghost.

The two robbers knew that the matter had been exposed, and this time it was a big deal to lose their heads. They were all ashen-faced, and they didn't care about Wu Cuo's problem at all.

"I'm asking you something!" Wu Cuo stepped forward and kicked a robber on the body, hitting the tip of the ribs, causing the robber to roll his eyes in pain.

Two special police officers stepped forward and stopped Wu Cuo, who was still roaring desperately, "Where's the old Yan? Ah?! Talk!"

"He...protected me...and died...'

A timid voice sounded.

Qin Shouru.

Only then did Wu Cuo realize that he also had blood on his body.

Is it Yan Ruyu's blood?
"What did you say? You say it again?"

"he died……"

"You fucking say it again?! Who's dead?! Who's dead?!"

Wu Cuo desperately broke free from the special police's obstruction, stepped in front of Qin Shouru in two steps, and grabbed him by the collar.

"You kind of say it again!"

If Qin Shouru was just dazed and at a loss when Yan Ruyu died, then now, Wu Cuo vividly expressed the sorrow brought about by a person's death.

Qin Shouru didn't know why he was crying, he just couldn't restrain it.

That kind of sadness leaked from Wu Cuo's eyes and the smell of sweat, forming a powerful magnetic field that instantly enveloped and penetrated him.

This dude has never experienced life and death in his life. He doesn't know how to deal with it, so he can only let his tears flow down his nose and keep saying "I'm sorry".

His weakness and stupidity made Wu Cuo unable to attack him, but just cried to him.

The two men never imagined that they would meet in the form of hugging each other and crying.

Wu Cuo was the first to wake up slowly from his grief. He wiped the snot and tears from his face, and squeezed out eight words from between his teeth.

"Live to see people, die to see corpses."

"Where is he?" Wu asked by turning to the captured two.

The emotions of the two of them became a little bit normal, and the person who had been calling him the boss in the main room shook his head, "We don't know either."

Wu Cuo squinted his eyes, and he hurriedly said: "I really don't know... He died... After his death, I sent two people to take him out to bury him at night, but those two people never came back... Maybe he ran away?...Is anyone buried and where...I really don't know..."

Wu Cuo's face was as black as coal.

He still couldn't believe that Yan Ruyu would die at the hands of these bastards, so dead that even the body could not be found.

He pinched his thigh hard.

Wake up quickly, this is a dream, God, this must be a dream.

Wu Cuo has great doubts about the world around him.For a moment, he couldn't even figure out whether his own existence was real or just masturbated by some third-rate writer.

A hand on his shoulder brought him back to reality.

It was the taciturn SWAT captain.

Years of training made his eyes look extraordinarily sharp and resolute.

He is a policeman rushing to the front line, and of course he knows how to say goodbye to his comrades.What's more, they have cooperated with Wu Cuo many times, and although the two haven't talked in depth, they know each other's situation well.

Yan Ruyu is like a younger brother who Wu Cuo depends on each other for life, he knows it.

"We must find him, even if we dig three feet into the ground."

This taciturn man doesn't know how to comfort others, he only uses actions to help his comrades who are fighting side by side.

Wu Cuo nodded his head at the special police captain, and then the world was spinning, and his whole body was taken away.

He sat slumped on the ground, and everything around him gradually moved away.

The special police escorted the two suspects away, and Qin Shouru was also picked up by family members and medical staff who came later. People came in and out until everything finally calmed down.

In the end, Xiaobai and Minghui also came, and there were two groups of criminal police. Hei Baogong led people to inspect the scene, and everyone was silent.

Xu Xinger collected the blood sample at the scene and left in silence. Soon, the blood sample comparison result came out, and the DNA matching rate with Yan Ruyu was as high as 99.99%.

Minghui's tears finally burst when he got the inspection report.

"Look for someone! Find him even if you die!"

Wu mistakenly took out the cigarette in his pocket and lit one.

Those were the cigarettes he picked up from Yan Ruyu's table. He was busy investigating the case these days and didn't bother to buy cigarettes. Ask him for cigarettes.

He didn't want to disappoint him.

Over the years, they have never let each other down, only this time.

Old Yan, you can't do this!

 Ann, Lao Yan will still come back... Ahem, I didn't want to remind you of this, but I was afraid that you would all abandon your books... There is no way, it's just being so cowardly...

(End of this chapter)

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