reckless detective

Chapter 212 Pure White Sacrifice

Chapter 212 Pure White Sacrifice (5)

"After the incident, I went to school to find out the situation, and I heard that Zhuang Yadong had a girlfriend."


"Nowadays middle school students, as you know, it's normal to have a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Besides, Zhuang Yadong's popularity, family conditions, and appearance are all good. According to his classmates, he is also very good at basketball... This kind of boy is always popular... Don't ask me how I know, if there is an adolescent in your family Son, if there is a little girl running home every day, you will know everything. "

Wu Cuo just opened his mouth. He actually wanted to know why he wasn't treated like this when he was young.

Yan Ruyu raised an eyebrow at him, which meant that he was entitled to this kind of treatment, deliberately wanting to anger Wu Cuo.

Wu Cuo rolled his eyes and continued to ask: "What happened to Zhuang Yadong's girlfriend? Is there anything unusual?"

"His girlfriend the words of you young people, she is a prostitute, and the little girl is quite a prostitute."

"How to say?"

"Zhuang Yadong once fought with people because of her. One of them, he was blocked by gangsters from the society at the school gate. Fortunately, he is very popular and has classmates to help support the scene, otherwise he might suffer."

"Wait!" Wu Cuo approached the female criminal police excitedly, "That is to say, he has made enemies with the gangsters in the society?"

"At that time, we took the two gangsters who took the lead in looking for him as key suspects. We detained them for interrogation, but unfortunately we ruled out their suspicion of committing crimes. These two people have no time to commit crimes.

I'm telling you this because I thought maybe his girlfriend was in other trouble, but we didn't investigate further at the time.

Now you are continuing to investigate this case. I can't say the reason, but if you ask me, I will start the investigation from his girlfriend. "

"Do you have information on Zhuang Yadong's girlfriend here?"

"There is a record. It's in the notebook I used last year. How about it. I'll look through it when I get home, take a picture and send it to you."

"Thank you very much then."

The female criminal policeman bid farewell to the two after eating, and hurried home. She said that it was early off work time at this point, and she could take a look at her son when she got home. Usually, she would go back after his son was asleep. Yan Ruyu and Wu made a mistake. Deeply understand.

When there were only two people left at the wonton stall, Yan Ruyu asked Wu Cuo, "What do you think of the clue of girlfriend?"

"No matter how I look at it, it is necessary to investigate further. If it is a recent college entrance examination, after the summer vacation, they may go to other places to study in university. It will be more difficult to investigate."

"It makes sense," Yan Ruyu nodded.

"Not only Zhuang Yadong's girlfriend, but also those gangsters who had conflicts with Zhuang Yadong, should be screened again. And his parents, unfortunately, after Zhuang Yadong's death, his parents have settled overseas, otherwise, I really should ask them for more details. ..."

Yan Ruyu shook her head, "It's not necessary, the focus should be on his girlfriend."


"Fa card, I can't associate the street gangster with the girl hair card. As for his parents who have not been around for a long time, how much do they know about him? It is better to find classmates and girlfriends who have a good relationship with them to find out the situation.

I'm like... the lesser of two evils. Although I don't have much hope for a few clues, let's give up the least likely one first, so as not to take a detour. "

Wu Cuo said happily: "You really should run more on the front line."


"Thinking about how you used to point out the country with the case file, I get angry. You think that the clues in the case file are all dropped from the sky? Didn't we dig them out bit by bit? Sometimes a clue will involve several people. ..."

Yan Ruyu reached out and patted Wu Cuo on the shoulder, and said in the tone of a leader inspecting: "Little ghost, if you have the awareness to serve the people, how can you complain about hard work?"


"Haha, if I don't interrupt you again, I'm afraid you will be possessed by the chattering spirit of Xiao Jinzi."

The next day.

According to the information of the female criminal police, Yan Ruyu and Wu found Zhuang Yadong's girlfriend by mistake.

Contrary to the imagination of the two, the girlfriend is a year younger than Zhuang Yadong, so she does not need to face the college entrance examination this year.

In fact, I'm afraid she won't have to worry about the college entrance examination in the future - she has already dropped out of school.

Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo found her in an Internet cafe. At that time, she was playing competitive games with a cigarette in her mouth. She kept swearing and dropped her keyboard or mouse.The two boys of the same age sitting next to her seemed to be her attendants, and one of them even reached out to light a cigarette for her.

This is a girl who has a ruffian air in both her dress and her conversation, words and deeds, ten centimeter red high heels, mesh stockings, a short skirt, the kind of short skirt that feels like she will disappear if she just bows her waist, big holes and small eyes A short T-shirt, revealing a waist that can be grasped, and a mandala tattoo on the waist is very eye-catching.

Her whole body is like a slogan "Youth is for spoiling".

Her clothes were too frivolous and revealing, Wu Cuo stood opposite her, not knowing where to put his gaze, and finally he just glanced sideways at Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu despised him from the corner of her eye, and said straight to the point: "We came to you because we wanted to know about Zhuang Yadong's situation."

"Which Zhuang Yadong?"

Before Wu Cuo's surprised expression was fully revealed, the girl said again: "Oh, you said him, I don't even remember how many boyfriends he is, I don't remember him at all."

Seeing that Wu Cuo added resentment to his surprised expression, the girl seemed to have won some kind of victory, and said proudly: "The two police officers may ask, but I don't guarantee that they will be able to answer."

Compared with Wu Cuo, Yan Ruyu was much calmer. While chatting with someone on the mobile phone, he asked absently, "When Zhuang Yadong was killed, you hadn't dropped out of school, had you?"


"Were you still a couple then?"

"Yes, in fact, he is quite a nice person. Except that being with him is not exciting, the rest is pretty good. I used to think that we are not suitable, and we have to separate sooner or later. I didn't expect to separate in the way of his death. "

"A few days before he was killed, did he have any abnormal behavior?"


"Think about it."

"Officer, I really forgot."

"It's okay, I can remind you." Yan Ruyu handed her mobile phone to her eyes, "This is a screenshot of your QQ chat, your husband and wife call you very kindly, and it's all about basic necessities, the other party should be you Let's be a real boyfriend, he yells and cuts this and that every day, it's very powerful.

Look at this again, and this... Tsk tsk tsk, the chat records between you and the other two should really be marked up, even a grown man like me is too embarrassed to read... Who are these two?Mental cheating?Or a one night stand?

I think, if your boyfriend sees these two screenshots, he will really have to kill him.

How about it, does it remind you of something? "

 Ah, I finished making up yesterday and the day before yesterday, and I still owe a chapter today, let me pay it back tomorrow... Why is it like a tongue twister...

(End of this chapter)

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