reckless detective

Chapter 204 The Day I Don’t Understand the Darkness of the Night

Chapter 204 The Day I Don’t Understand the Darkness of the Night (15)

"Impossible! You can't know Shinan Village! Even Shi Chao doesn't know! We never told him!"


Shi Chao really didn't know anything about the drug manufacturing business, but he said two small things.

First, his father often went back to his hometown, Shinan Village.

But according to our investigation, there are no relatives in my hometown, and some are dead or scattered. Why do I have to go back so often?

Second, the three members of Shi Chao's family have no formal economic income, and rely on his father to help your business to make some money, so they have no worries about food and clothing. "

"Just because of this?"

"Based on this, it can be deduced that there is a den in Shinan Village, which is in charge of Shi Chao's father. As for the conclusion of drug production, it comes from a piece of social news."

"Social News?"

"In the past three years, seven villagers in Shinan Village have suffered from headaches, dizziness, convulsions, chills, dilated pupils, and arrhythmia. One of them died of heart failure, and two of them died of respiratory failure.

The hospital could not detect the disease, nor could it explain the cause of the disease. The family members of the deceased villagers suspected that the water source was polluted by a paper mill not far away. They went to petition several times, and a media reported on the matter. Unfortunately, the matter finally died down. Of.

You can look it up on the Internet, search Shinan Village, and the first search result is this news. "

"So what? What does this have to do with drug making?"

"Symptoms, the symptoms of these people are consistent with the symptoms of ephedrine poisoning, and ephedrine is an important raw material for poisoning!
This kind of special drug poisoning can only be detected by special tests, so the hospital could not determine the cause at that time.

The ephedrine poisoning reaction, coupled with the fact that the main members of the drug gang often appear, it is reasonable to speculate that the drug manufacturing den is in Shinan Village. "

There was a gloomy look on the middle-aged man's face, and he finally took out a pistol from under the seat.

"Go to hell! You have no chance to deliver the message."

Wu Cuo said unhurriedly: "No news is also news, try shooting me to death."

"What do you mean?"

"Unless I send back the news, the arrest operation will start at 3:40. Now only..." Wu looked at his watch by mistake, "...5 minutes, even if you kill me, call your accomplices, It was too late.

You must know that, unlike other links, drug production is often stolen and obtained. Once caught, as long as the person who helped you make drugs is arrested, it is equivalent to mastering your criminal evidence.

If you want to save yourself, let's make a deal. "

"What deal?" The other party also looked at his watch, obviously speeding up his speech.

"Help me catch Ruan Sen."


"Your boss, that man named Ruan Sen, the real high-ranking member of the gang, I want to get his criminal evidence, you know, enough evidence to get him out of prison."

For this middle-aged man, it was a night of constant fright.

First, the nephew was kidnapped, and then the criminal den that had been operating for many years was exposed under the noses of the police.

But compared to the name Ruan Sen, all the previous ones were just appetizers.

What kind of person is Ruan Sen?

When he tries to clean you up, you won't notice anything unusual.

He will gently cut off your wings, pluck your wings, and take away everything that is important to you. When you become a bird in a cage, you will know what it means to live and die.

He's a born actor, psychologist, criminal.

Sometimes he is ruthless and ferocious, and sometimes he is personable and gentle.

Not to mention betraying him, just hearing his name is enough to make one's hands and feet tremble, and the whole body tremble.

The middle-aged man sitting next to Wu Cuo shivered, and the hand holding the gun was sweating.

"I advise you to put away the gun first, make your own pistol, and it doesn't even have insurance. If it goes off, you may be the one who will die and who will be injured."

"Ruan Sen... how do you know?"

"There's no time," Wu Cuo looked at his watch again, "There are still 4 minutes, tell me about Ruan Sen's crime, and there must be evidence."


"Sell Ruan Sen, I'll catch him, I'll give you time to pack up the gold and silver and run away. Or just kill me, and then fight with other policemen." At this point, Wu Cuo glanced out of the car window, as if out of the window Thousands of troops are ambushing.

"They will catch you in, and they will also find out the drug production and trafficking dens under you one by one. However, the police are not the most terrible thing.

There is also Ruan Sen.

Even if you managed to escape the police's pursuit, just because you screwed up the drug business, maybe Ruan Sen will attack you before us, you really have to be careful. "

"You are a policeman! You will let me run away?! I don't believe it!"

"Arresting you is a business matter, and arresting Ruan Sen is a private matter, so I made an exception and let you go. Believe it or not, you can only bet... There are still three minutes."

"Personal matter? What do you mean?! Do you have a grudge against Ruan Sen?"

"Two minutes and 50 seconds, don't delay any longer, it won't do you any good."

"Criminal evidence... Ruan Sen... I can't even think about it..."

"Two minutes and 40 seconds, 38 seconds, 35 seconds..."

"Let me think! Let me think!"

"He has a gun in his hand!"


"Possessing a gun illegally! Is it enough to catch him? I know where the gun is!... I can't think of anything else... I heard that he killed someone! I just heard! Where can I find evidence?!"

"Where is the gun hidden?!"

"At his house!"

"Where is his house?!"

" study! In the desk drawer! I've seen it with my own eyes!"

"You drive! Go to Ruan Sen's house now!"

"What? No!"

"I promise to let you run away, on the condition that you help me catch Ruan Sen. Before you catch him, you don't want to leave my sight.

With a final shiver, there was no time. "

The man gritted his teeth, put the gun in his trousers, got out of the car from the back seat, changed to the driver's seat, poked his head out and said to the younger brother standing outside the car: "Stay here! Don't follow!"

Wu also changed to the co-pilot position by mistake.

"Hand over the gun!"

"You call first!"


"You first……"

"Gun! Bring it!"

The man handed the gun to Wu Cuo and shouted, "Are you satisfied?!"

At 40:10, [-] seconds to go, Wu Cuo finally called Yan Ruyu.

"How about it?"

The three words on the other end of the phone were all out of tune, which showed that the speaker was extremely anxious and nervous.

"Successful." While speaking, Wu Cuo kept pointing the gun at the man, "Have you followed?"

"Well, when I saw you getting in the car and saw the car driving, a team of special police and I followed behind."

"Let's go to Ruan Sen's house now."

The other end of the phone obviously took a deep breath, "His criminal evidence...found?"

"I didn't know until I got to his house."

"How many percent?"

"Up to thirty percent."

"Enough." After a second of silence, Yan Ruyu continued: "I notified the anti-drug team, so many people can't be transferred without following the anti-drug procedure."

"Okay! All the evidence and suspects related to drug crimes belong to the anti-narcotics team. We only want Ruan Sen."

 Recently, there has been a lot of noise in the Internet literature circle. Some say that Internet literature has been taken over by radio and television, and that a "one-size-fits-all" censorship will be carried out. The article is not allowed to contain sexual hints. There are different opinions. It seems that some works have been badly castrated to varying degrees, and some of them have been banned. A cowardly and timid person like me hates this kind of battle the most, so I was tossed around last night. After a long time, I lost a lot of hair, and finally thought of a way to quickly end the story of "Strike the Black" related to the main line. It is expected to finish "Strike the Black" tomorrow, and continue the detective story of the branch line.It is not easy to do any line of work. You have to face various challenges and work hard to overcome them. Otherwise, what can you do?Share with you.

(End of this chapter)

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