reckless detective

Chapter 181 Biting the Ear

Chapter 181 Biting the Ear (26)

"I didn't expect that you could say those words, as if you stood by and watched us steal gold back then. I was really shocked by you."

Yan Ruyu just nodded, he was used to this kind of praise.

Hao Xingxin continued: "It's the cleaning of the bank, a woman named Li Cuiping, probably in her 40s.

Li Cuiping has no children, lives alone, and her relationship with our vice-captain... is not normal, and she often comes to fool around when the vice-captain is on night shift, and our duty room has become a place for them to date... So that day she When I came early to fool around with the deputy captain, I happened to be standing in a daze at the door of the vault.

I will never forget that picture as long as I live, really, I have never seen so much gold.At that time, there was a feeling of being drunk by Jin Guanghuang, as if drunk, and there was only one thought in my heart: mine, everything is mine.

Li Cuiping was also taken aback, and we looked at each other knowingly.

"Get some?"

"Take some."

We only said a few words, and at that time, all the words were in the eyes.

We took more than a dozen gold bars, and we didn't stop until she couldn't hold them anymore.

She took the gold bars out, and we agreed to share the gold at a later date, and I stayed on the first floor to clean up the place where the two of us might have left traces.

As you all know later, Huo Yu and other leaders arrived and lied about the amount of stolen gold, including the part I stole was also covered up.

I thought the matter would be over now, but I didn't expect to be entangled by Yuan Zhijie. "

"What happened to you and Li Cuiping afterwards?"

"Later when the gold was distributed, she proposed [-]% and only gave me [-]%. She said that she did all the work of transporting and hiding the gold, and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even want to get a dime.

Can I bear this?
In addition, after having gold, she began to spend money lavishly.When I went to find her, I saw a high-end handbag hanging behind the door, and there were several luxury shopping bags on the sofa.

I asked her what her plans were in the future, and she said that the cleaner would definitely quit, and she wanted to enjoy it.

How strict is the criminal police on this case? With her going on like this, sooner or later she will reveal her secrets. If she reveals her secrets, can I still run away?

Combining these circumstances together, when my mind was hot, I..."

Hao Gaoxin closed her eyes, her lips trembled a few times, "I still remember what she said before she died.

If only the gold bars hadn't been found, she said, and she wouldn't have risked her life. "

"How did you kill her?"

"I hit her on the head a few times with the glass fruit bowl on the coffee table."

"How did you dispose of the body?"

"She was so fat that I couldn't carry her on her back, so I could only dismember her body and take it out piece by piece to bury her."

"Where is it buried?"

"Back in 98, Jingbei City hadn't expanded to such a large size. The place where I buried my body...has already built a building. When the ground was broken, I was still worried that things would be revealed, so I went to the construction site to see it.

Fortunately, the large excavation machine used directly to dig the foundation did not have a large body, and after so many years, the flesh must have rotted away, leaving only the bones, so they were not found. "

Yan Ruyu frowned. The body could not be found, and the chain of evidence for the crime of homicide was incomplete. It would be difficult for the judge to make a judgment based on the confession alone—after all, the current judicial work is a lifelong accountability system. Judges are cautious. No one wants to overturn the case they have decided in the future due to insufficient evidence, and the responsibility will be great.

When Wu Cuo woke up, Hao Xingxin had finished his narration, and in a few hours, his family would be able to come and reunite with him.

Hao Xing asked worriedly: "Will they... be implicated?"

"Your daughter was still young at that time, not old enough for criminal responsibility. As for your wife, actively return the stolen goods, take the initiative to explain the problem, and strive for leniency."

Another tiring night, finally over.

On this day, Xiaobai, Minghui and Jinziduo were not idle either.

Xiaobai checked the hotel surveillance and found that the female suspect had just left 5 minutes ago.


The three young detectives were naturally very sorry, they wished they had come sooner!
In the surveillance video, the woman is wearing a white casual sportswear, with a slender figure, about 165 in height, with shawl and curly hair, and wearing a pair of sunglasses.

She kept her head down, deliberately avoiding surveillance, so her face was not photographed.

"I'm going to get fingerprints."

Xiaobai entered the hotel elevator and observed the floor buttons with the side light.

Hao Xingxing booked a room on the 7th floor, and there was a fresh fingerprint on the corresponding elevator button.

After Xiaobai collected his fingerprints, Jinziduo and Minghui also watched the surveillance video of the hotel.

Ming Hui said: "When this woman left, she took a taxi at the entrance of the hotel, but unfortunately she didn't get the license plate."

Jin Ziduo said: "I will call the monitoring of the surrounding roads, and I can always screen out the taxis."

The three of them returned to the car, Jin Jinduo turned on the computer, first ran the fingerprint comparison program in the background, and then called up the nearby monitoring to screen the taxis that had passed by in the last 20 minutes.

The location of the hotel belongs to the bustling road section, although it is only 20 minutes away, there are hundreds of passing cars nearby, and taxis account for about one-third.

The three of them stared at the screen with wide-eyed eyes, and Minghui reminded: "There is a red string tied to the side mirror on the right side of the green taxi taken by the suspect."

According to this feature, the three quickly locked three cars.

But there was no one in the co-pilot position of the three cars.

As for the rear seat, due to lighting and shooting angle problems, only a small area in the middle of the rear seat can be seen through the front windshield, and it is still very blurry.

"Look at the car just now, can you zoom in on it again?" Xiaobai said.

Jin Ziduo re-enlarged the screen as required.

"Here, have you noticed? The back seat is not well lit, so it's dark in the photo, but this one is extraordinarily black, see?"

"so what?"

"Backpack! Remember that black backpack? The woman entered the hotel empty-handed, and she carried a black backpack when she left. I guess the woman is in this car. She is sitting in an area that cannot be photographed by surveillance cameras. , and put the backpack next to it! The black piece that was photographed is the backpack!"

Xiaobai's analysis is very reasonable, but no one can guarantee that it is 100% correct.

The follow-up is very important. If you follow correctly, you may be able to catch the suspect immediately. If you follow wrong, the clue may be broken.

The three of them looked at me and I looked at you, all hesitant, they had never made such an important decision.

Suddenly, a reminder popped up from the fingerprint comparison running in the background.

The fingerprint proposed on the elevator actually matched with a person in the fingerprint library!
Guo Qiaoyan, 24 years old.

He was detained and fined for committing suicide.

"Catch it! Even if you lose your track, you can check again based on your identity information." Xiaobai has already started the car.

Jin Ziduo hurriedly continued to call the road monitoring to determine the direction of the taxi.

After chasing for a while, Xiaobai said, "Why do I think this car is going to the airport on the expressway?"

"Guo Qiaoyan is quick, it looks like she has already planned it, and she will run away after taking the money." Ming Hui said, "Speed ​​up, don't let her run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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