reckless detective

Chapter 146 The Second Incident

Chapter 146 The Second Incident (17)

Surveillance footage captured several food stalls in the night market, including Wang Jian's food cart.

When the lights came on, it was the time when the night market was full of people, and the people standing in front of Wang Jian's booth attracted everyone's attention.

Zhuang He!

Even if there is only a back view, everyone can be sure that it is Zhuang He!
Zhuang He talked to Wang Jian for a few words, ordered a snack, and while Wang Jian was not paying attention, he reached for the bag containing the packing box.

The bag was hanging on the handle of the cart, very close to Zhuang He.

His movements are very fast, stretching out and withdrawing his hand, only in an instant.

Fortunately, the surveillance is high-definition, and the plastic bag in which the box is stored is transparent. Everyone widened their eyes and saw that what fell into the plastic bag was a red rectangular object about the length of a thumb.

"Scalpel!" Hei Baogong's voice trembled with excitement: "Red! It's red! The wrapping paper of the surgical blade found at Wang Xiaolong's house is also red!"

Arrest Zhuang He immediately!Check fingerprints!
The atmosphere of the task force became very heated, and everyone knew in their hearts that the case was about to be solved.

No one expected that Zhuang He's emotional breakdown would be more terrifying than Wang Xiaolong's.

In the interrogation room, this 1.8-meter tall middle-aged man burst into tears.

The result of the fingerprint comparison came out. Half of the fingerprint on the wrapping paper of the surgical blade came from Zhuang He's right index finger. He had no way to refute it in front of iron evidence.

He just cried and babbled while crying.

"What to do, what can my mother do? I went in, who will protect her?...You can't arrest me! She will be bullied, beaten, and eaten! She will die!
I kill all the bad guys!Eating villains!Not breaking the law! ……let me out!let me out!My mother is in danger! "

Killing bad people is not illegal.

It is hard to imagine that this is the words of a highly educated professional doctor.

Seeing his appearance, Yan Ruyu frowned, and Wu Que who was beside him worriedly said: "Is there any mental problem?"After working for a long time, the murderer has no capacity for criminal responsibility, so I really want to cry.

In the interrogation room, Hei Baogong was very calm.

"What danger is your mother in? Who will hurt her?" Hei Baogong asked.

Zhuang He barely stopped crying, but he still sobbed and paused several times when he said a word.

"Cannibals! ghosts! They'll chop my mother into pieces and put them in a cook, maybe they'll eat her before it's cooked!"

"Who told you that?"

"Teacher Li."

"Li Qi?"

"He has seen it with his own eyes! You can ask him! His mother will be eaten by his father! If I don't protect my mother, she will be eaten too!"

"Then how did you protect her?"


"You kill to protect her, don't you?"

"No! No!" Zhuang He's emotions became agitated again, he stood up suddenly, trying to stand up from the chair with handcuffs and shackles, but his hands and feet were caught, and in the end he only struggled a few times.

"It's not murder? What is that? Tell me!" Hei Baogong also raised his voice.

"It's protection! Kill those cannibals, and she won't be eaten!"

"Is this what Li Qi taught you?" Hei Baogong asked.

"It has nothing to do with others! I did it alone!" Zhuang He, who was still crying just now, his mouth hardened again.

"Forget it." Hei Baogong was noncommittal, and continued to ask: "Tell me about Li Qi's mother, how she was eaten."

Zhuang He looked at Hei Baogong like a fool, "Don't you know? Some people are born to eat people! They are cowards! Cowards! They only eat women and mothers, so I must protect my mother!

Teacher Li's father is such a person!Such people should be damned!Teacher Li regretted not killing him himself. ! "

"He told you so?"

"That's what he thinks, I know!"

"Maybe." Hei Baogong was noncommittal again, "But what your teacher Li told us is not what it means at all."

"What?" Zhuang He didn't respond.

Listen to it yourself, Hei Baogong opened a recording, it was the conversation between Wu Cuo and Li Qi in the detention center.

"...When you were lying on the bed, you passed out several times from hunger. Every time you passed out, your dad would secretly pour you a bowl of broth—yes, that broth—so that you would boil again After half a month, when the rescue team sent from above..."

"...You are right, I still remember, I did drink human broth..."


"I dare not say anything else, but three things are obvious:
First, Li Qi's family did eat his mother, but it was a famine era, people were extremely hungry, not like you said, some people are born cannibals;

Second, your teacher Li himself has eaten people;

Third, you are a tool he uses to redeem himself. "

"No! You don't understand! You don't understand at all!" Zhuang He kept shaking the chair, struggling desperately.

In his eyes, the light that made him strong was fading.Even Li Qi has eaten people, such a reversal is enough to destroy his worldview.

"You still want to hide it for him?" Hei Baogong asked.

Zhuang He didn't answer, he couldn't hear any voice, he was so confused as if he came to this world for the first time.

Overnight, Zhuang He's black hair turned half gray.

The next day, when it was getting dark, he finally told the story of being bewitched by Li Qi.

"My father died when I was very young, and my mother and I depended on each other for life. Compared with my peers, I am more considerate of my mother. Knowing that she is not easy, I am very kind to her.

When I was in college, I stopped asking her for money, and taught tutoring whenever I had time. I didn’t earn much, and I could barely make up enough for tuition and living expenses.

In the two years of postgraduate internships... Hey, what postgraduate internships, to put it bluntly, they use us as cheap labor.The most tiring work we did in the hospital was almost non-stop for two full years, and the hospital only gave 300 yuan a month as a meal subsidy.

Without money and time to tutor, I couldn't pay the tuition.At that time, Li Qi was our acting class teacher, and he asked me to talk about the tuition fee, and I didn't hide it, and told him the truth about my family's situation.Unexpectedly, he immediately offered to help me pay the tuition fee and arranged for me to practice with him.

This is the opportunity that many people dream of!I never thought that this piece of pie would fall on my head.

At first, I just wanted to flatter him, maybe I was a little afraid of him, after all, I owed him money.

Later I found out that he is really good, whether it is medical ethics or character, he taught me without reservation.Soon, we became good friends who forget the year. I feel that I have found a soulmate, and I can tell him everything.

One day he said that he would tell me a secret that had been buried in his heart for many years. This secret was related to medicine, ethics, and human nature.

He found someone was eaten!
Of course I don't believe it.This is a society ruled by law, how can there be people cannibalizing?

But he said it as if it was true.

He said that he found several female patients who were eaten by her husband, and he said that if you pay close attention, you will find evidence of cannibalism.

Later, he told about his mother, saying that his mother was eaten by his father.

I wondered if Li Qi had a mental problem, but I was a bit dubious in my heart, how can I put it... After all, he is a highly respected expert, and his credibility is there, and——Now that I think about it, I should be the one who was arrested. He was brainwashed—at that time, our department happened to have a female patient whose husband had abused her domestically, so Li Qi began to hunt for rumors.

The husband said that his wife lives in the hospital, doesn't take a bath very much, and smells bad, which means that he is afraid that his wife is too dirty and won't taste good.

Strict control over hormones and antibiotics. Those who ask this question are afraid of image quality.

I can't remember too many details for a while now, in short, it's all kinds of psychological hints.

Coincidentally, my wife suddenly fell ill, and she was critically ill as soon as she became ill. In such a critical situation, we immediately performed rescue surgery on her, and the operation was very successful.

But on the second day of the operation, the couple suddenly disappeared.

Li Qi's statement is that the husband eats his wife because the wife is dying, and if she doesn't eat it, the meat will not be fresh when she dies-I believe it-I'm so stupid.

I found out later that similar incidents had happened in almost every department in our hospital. It was just that I didn’t want to pay for the rescue fee.

I was brainwashed by him, he was like... a cult, I wasn't like that before!real……"

Outside the monitoring glass of the interrogation room, Wu Cuo let out a long sigh, "I'm blind, Old Yan, why do you think Zhuang He would believe such a thing?"

"Maybe it's because Li Qi gave his father the feeling that the words came from Li Qi's mouth. If it were someone else, he might not believe it."

A day later, Li Lan, who learned that Zhuang He had been arrested, also confessed to her crime.

This is how the huge murder case was solved.

Thanks to those journalists, this case sparked heated discussions about domestic violence on the Internet. Many celebrities also joined the discussion, and launched a public service campaign to persuade those who are suffering from domestic violence to choose to let go.Of course, it's hard to say how much of it is sincere propaganda and how much of it is hype.

However, there are still people who take more practical actions to assist those who suffer from domestic violence. The first domestic violence assistance foundation was established, the first domestic violence mutual aid website was established, and countless psychological counselors and legal aid providers joined to help victims free of charge. By……

"Finally something good happened." Looking at the news on the Internet, Wu Cuo said, "This case is too damn depressing!"

"Well, I hope the next case will be more interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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