reckless detective

Chapter 129: People-Swallowing Island

Chapter 129: People-Swallowing Island (21)

Tonight, there is only a thin crescent in the sky, but it is very bright, like a smiling mouth.

After Yan Ruyu finished smoking the cigarette in her hand, she squinted at the moon, "It's time to visit Old Wu."

Wu Cuo had already woken up and was in good spirits, seeing Yan Ruyu yelling in pain.

"Old Yan! I thought I couldn't survive! What happened to the case? Also, what is that thing? Is it a snake? Damn it's too big?! It's so damn good! I caught someone Is it? Has it been interrogated? Has there been any progress?..."

Seeing Wu Cuo's full of anger, he probably won't die for a while, so Yan Ruyu felt relieved.

Yan Ruyu sat beside his bed, let him finish his questions, and then said softly: "Why did you become a chatterbox after being injured? Jin Zi has a lot of upper body?"

Wu Cuo grinned, and Yan Ruyu smiled too.

"Just take care of your wounds, leave the rest to me, the case... is basically solved—unless my inferences are wrong—you know best, my inferences have never been wrong.

As long as the chief mate is caught, the rest will be the responsibility of the local police..."

Wu Cuo sighed heavily, Yan Ruyu stopped and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I feel aggrieved."

"I didn't expect the case to be solved so quickly?"


"Didn't expect to miss the final process of solving the case?"


Yan Ruyu waved her hand, "I thought it was a big deal! Whoever solves the case is different, the key is to give justice to the dead."

"When did you learn to speak these great principles?" Wu Cuo raised his hand, wanting to take a picture of Yan Ruyu, and the pain caused him to frown because of the rib injury.

"I'm probably getting old." Yan Ruyu lay down on the bed next to her, "Go to sleep for a while, it will take a few hours to go ashore."

In the middle of the night, the sea breeze was chilly, and Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo were already sound asleep.

In another part of the sea, the lights of a fishing boat were all off, and the speed was also the lowest.

It's not that the first mate didn't want to drive the boat fast, but that Li Qijin's boat he found on Laitou Island turned out to be broken!
After all the calculations, I never expected to stumble on such details.

The first officer finally understood why Li Qijin chose to ask for the police boat instead of Baobao. It turned out that his boat was broken!

The first mate had no choice but to fix the ship patiently. He tried all kinds of methods, but the hard work paid off. The ship could really sail, but only at the slowest speed.

Better than being stranded on an island.The chief mate knew that the police would soon send more manpower, and even carry out a blanket search on the island, so he had to leave Laitou Island as soon as possible.

However, will there be police waiting to arrest him at the pier?Is it safe to go back now?

Before the boat docked, he still had a few hours to think about it.

He kept pacing in the cockpit, occasionally went to the deck to enjoy the sea breeze, and sometimes went to check on his baby in the cabin.

There are five large boxes, including plates, bowls, and several beautifully shaped jars. There are hundreds of them in total.

He doesn't know what to do with these things, where can he find a buyer?How much will people pay?What if you can't sell it?Thinking of these questions gave him a headache.

He only knew that more than a dozen people had died because of these treasures.

"Perhaps these things belong to the sea, and whoever takes them away will suffer bad luck, or... throw them back into the sea?" For a moment, the first officer even had such a thought.

He quickly shook his head to drive the thought out of his mind, and said to himself: "You will be rich immediately! You are only one step away from success! You don't have to smell fishy fish on the fishing boat anymore! Seize the opportunity! "

He didn't notice that two coast guard ships that also turned off their lights were forming a siege around him.

When the searchlights on the coast guard ship suddenly turned on, the three ships were already very close.

"Stop the ship immediately for inspection! Repeat, stop the ship for inspection!"

When the coast guard found five well-preserved boxes of antiques from the ship and handcuffed the first officer, the anxiety that had been growing in the first officer's heart since boarding the ship suddenly dissipated.

Getting rich overnight is nothing more than a daydream, and at this time the dream wakes up, leaving nothing but nothing.

"The two policemen who went to the island with me, one named Yan and the other named Wu, what happened to them?"

The coast guards were very surprised that the suspect's first sentence turned out to be this.

However, the person in charge of the ship decided to give him the answer.

"Alive, Officer Wu is injured and is being sent to the hospital."

"Fortunately, fortunately... I almost killed someone."

When the coast guards asked again, the first officer refused to say more. It was not until he entered the local police station and met Xiao Tian that the first officer truthfully confessed his crime.

"I'm afraid of poverty. I've seen what happens to people who work on fishing boats. When they are young and strong, they can still earn a living. When they are old and can't do it anymore, no one will hire you. You just Can die!
I am over 30, and my physical strength is obviously not as good as before in the past few years. I will work for another ten years. One day, if there is a disease or disaster, I will have to die. So besides working on a fishing boat, I have been thinking about how to make money .

About 20 days ago, four or five people came to the pier to inquire about chartering a boat.

I happened to be working on the boat that day, so I chatted with them. The price they offered was very good. I became greedy and lied that the boat was mine and I could rent it out to them, and I also took a deposit from them.

After these people left, I discussed with the boat boss that I wanted to rent a boat for a few days. The boat boss asked me what I was doing, and I said that my relatives came and wanted to go out to sea for a few days. The boat was rented to me.

Hey, to put it bluntly, it's better to have money.

I rented the boat from the boat boss, and then leased it to these people. The price difference between them was about a thousand yuan. In addition, these people hired me to drive the boat and paid extra wages.

The next day I sent them to Laitou Island. The person who chartered the boat told me to stay and watch the boat instead of letting me follow.

But I thought these people were weird, so I followed the island secretly.

In the end, I didn't find the person I sent, but I found another group of people.

They are digging holes and burying things on the island, and they are burying these treasures. While burying them, they are chatting about the business that will wait for a while, and supporting them, I just guessed.

These two groups of people went to the island to do underworld business!

I was so frightened that I could only hide and wait for them to leave before I ran back to the boat.

When I got back on the boat, I thought, what if the business is done later, what if these people want to kill me?Don't let them aboard!I didn't wait for them, and sailed back directly.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, the police found nine dead people on Laitou Island!
I remember that I sent 5 people to the island that day, and then I found that 4 people buried the treasure on the island, exactly 9!These people must have died on the island.

Later I heard that Li Qijin organized a group of brothers from the same family to go out to sea, and they left for several days without returning. I asked other fishermen in the village and learned that Li Qijin had rented a boat for others a while ago, so I decided to I figured it out, the four people who buried the treasure should be sent to the island by Li Qijin.

Now that the person is dead, of course Li Qijin wants to find the baby.

However, he brought so many people and hasn't come back for such a long time, which shows that he doesn't know where the treasure is hidden.

I dare not go to the island rashly. After all, there are so many of them. If there is a conflict, I will definitely suffer.

When Brother Kun and the others rented a boat to Laitou Island, I knew that these people must be here for the baby. When the opportunity came, let Brother Kun and Li Qijin fight.

Unexpectedly, the boss of the boat has poisonous eyes. He saw something tricky in it, and even called your police. I can only play by ear.

Fortunately, brother Kun was eaten by a shark later, so you can only let the police fight with Li Qijin.

I have never harmed anyone. Those people died because they were too anxious and greedy. I can't blame me! "


The truth of the case came to light. After interrogating two of Brother Kun's subordinates, the police followed through and found out the identities of the nine corpses.

Three days later, Director Buffalo and Xiao Tian came to the hospital ward to visit Wu Cuo.

At this time, the fracture on Wu Cuo's body has been treated, and the injury is stable, and he only needs to rest.

"So the boss of the boat really didn't participate in the treasure hunt?" Yan Ruyu asked.

"At least he actively cooperated with me to control Brother Kun's two subordinates when returning to the voyage, and there is no evidence to prove that he participated in this case." Xiao Tian said.

Director Buffalo also echoed: "Yes, this guy has made meritorious service this time. He has become a model of prison reform. He was awarded 1 yuan and was invited back to the prison to give speeches to other prisoners."

"What is that monster on the island? Is it a snake?" Wu Cuo said with lingering fear: "It's too scary! I've never seen such a scary thing!"

The buffalo handed him a photo, "Is this what you're talking about?"

Wu Cuo took a look, and saw a giant black snake lying in the woods, a large area of ​​surrounding trees fell down, and the snake's eyes were sunken, very hollow.

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Wu Cuo wanted to stand up excitedly, and the pain caused him to gasp, "Where is this monster?"

"Experts say it's a kind of sea snake, but it's bigger. Fishermen call this big snake a jiao. Have you ever heard of a jiaolong coming out of the water? In the old society, everyone was superstitious and believed that this thing was a fairy in the sea.

When the People’s Republic of China was first established, there were big snakes attacking fishing boats in our sea area. At that time, the industry was backward, and the fishing boats were small, and it was easy to capsize if they were hit by such a big snake.

At that time, the higher-ups even sent a boat to use torpedoes to fight snakes, and they also put forward a slogan, as if to fight against all monsters that violate the interests of communism... Hey, I can’t remember clearly, and I don’t know how to kill the big snake in the end. Did you kill him?

The big snake was dissected on the spot, and there were several dead people in its stomach, as well as a lot of fish and shrimps. I guess, Laitou Island is the old den of this big snake, and you have got into the snake's den this time. "

(End of this chapter)

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