reckless detective

Chapter 119: People-Swallowing Island

Chapter 119: People-Swallowing Island (11)

The little guys who were still watching and releasing the water also realized the seriousness of the problem, and rushed up one by one with a desperate posture.

Among the four minions, two jumped at Xiao Tian who was protecting the buffalo, one jumped at Wang Tao, and the other helped Brother Kun to attack the boss of the boat.

On the one hand is Brother Kun, who is vicious and extremely dominant, and on the other is the policeman and the boss of the boat who may be reversed if it is delayed for a second.

The two groups' eyes were red, and they didn't know the pain after being injured.


Brother Kun's men fell into the water again.

"Trash! Fucking bunch of trash!" Brother Kun was angry and anxious, and kept yelling.


This time it was a buffalo that fell into the water.

Taking advantage of Xiao Tian's preoccupation, a young man dragged the nearly fainted buffalo to the side of the boat and threw it into the water.

"Good job!" Brother Kun laughed loudly, and the little boy also showed his complacency.

"No!" Xiao Tian jumped off the boat desperately and plunged into the water.

The moment his body crossed the side of the boat, he ruthlessly grabbed Brother Kun.

"Go away! You fucking... ah—"

Brother Kun fell into the water, and the boss of the boat looked at the three young men on the boat suspiciously.

"You guys, let's go together."


The moment he fell into the water, Xiao Tian had already seen Director Buffalo lying on his back on the water.

The stimulation of falling into the water brought him back to consciousness, he waved his hand at Xiao Tian and said, "I'm fine."

Xiao Tian swam over at the fastest speed and lifted the buffalo up.

"Director, hold on! Wu Cuo and they are coming soon!"

The buffalo smiled, "Don't worry, I was born on a fishing boat, so it's not easy to die."


When they were not far from the fishing boat, the three of Yan Ruyu had already seen the fighting scene.

The first mate's face was pale, and he kept chanting: "It's over, it's over, the boss who got off the ship will kill me... He must already know it's me... It's over, it's over..."

The three stopped the boat nearby, quickly got off the raft, and rowed towards the person who fell into the water.

Xiao Tian supported Director Buffalo to swim towards the raft.

"What's the matter with you? Want to run away?!" He loudly questioned Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo.

The two of them didn't bother to answer at all, they just paddled the raft with all their strength.

They found that Brother Kun and the two young men in the water were swimming towards Xiao Tian with fierce faces.

"This grandson!"

Wu Cuo yelled, picked up the oars and stood on the raft, which meant that as long as these people dared to do bad things, he would definitely greet them with a stick without hesitation.

"Quick! Save the chief first!"

Xiao Tian lifted Director Buffalo onto the raft, while Yan Ruyu and the chief mate pulled hard.

As soon as the buffalo was dragged onto the raft, Brother Kun also arrived and stabbed Xiao Tian in the back with a knife.

Wu Cuo had guarded against his hand early, swung the oar round and greeted Brother Kun's head.

Wu's wrong force was not strong, he had no intention of killing people, as long as he could knock Brother Kun unconscious, so that he would not make trouble.

However, the paddle did not touch Brother Kun's head.

When the oar was less than 5 centimeters away from Brother Kun's head, a flash of swift silvery white streaked across him, and at the moment of passing, his bloody mouth opened wide, biting Brother Kun's abdomen all at once.

Brother Kun's terrified and incredulous expression, as well as the three layers of fangs in his bloody mouth, made everyone around him stunned.


"Help! Mom!"

The surface of the water seemed to be boiling, and there were thumping and cries for help one after another. Looking around, there were five or six sharp shark dorsal fins around.

Xiao Tian climbed onto the raft with a pale face, while Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo pulled him onto the raft almost mechanically.

The moment it was pulled up, a shark that was one and a half meters long jumped up with its mouth wide open.

Xiao Tian flinched and rescued his calf from the shark's mouth. He even felt one of the shark's fangs hanging on his trousers.

The moment he fell into the raft, Xiao Tian collapsed to the side in collapse.

Surviving a catastrophe, this is living a catastrophe!

The excess adrenaline made his muscles spasm uncontrollably. He wanted to laugh, but the sound he made was like crying, and tears and snot flowed out involuntarily.

At this moment, he is far from the only one who is having difficulty calming down.

Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo saw Kun Shao being caught by the shark and struggled for less than 3 seconds. Before he even had time to call for help, he was dragged into the deep water.

At the last moment, he tried to twist his neck to look in the direction of the raft.

It seems that he is looking forward to someone on the raft to rescue him, and it seems that he is infinitely unwilling to Xiao Tian who escaped from the shark's mouth.

"I died for you!"

He conveyed this meaning with his eyes and expression.

If he didn't want to kill Xiao Tian, ​​he wouldn't have swam behind Xiao Tian and sandwiched Xiao Tian between himself and the raft, making himself a barrier for Xiao Tian.

Wu Cuo suddenly had a strong sense of fate.

He has solved hundreds of cases and seen all kinds of victims.

However, no matter how horrific a corpse is, nothing is more shocking than watching a fresh life die.

The former is the result, the latter is the process.

Wu Cuo would rather face and deal with the consequences of death directly than to see the process again.

The remaining two people in the water could not be rescued. They were torn apart and eaten by the shark in just a few seconds, leaving a bloody color that dyed the sea black.

"It's just... dead?" Wu Cuo's voice was dull.

"Yeah." Yan Ruyu lit a cigarette, took a sip, saw Wu Cuo's dull expression, and stuffed the cigarette into his mouth.

Wu took a breath by mistake, but was choked and coughed again and again, and tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

Why can't he be happy even though all the dead are enemies?
Yan Ruyu lit another cigarette for herself, raised her head with the cigarette in her mouth, and looked at the people on the fishing boat.

On the fishing boat, among Brother Kun's three remaining minions, two were beaten unconscious by the boat boss, and the remaining one hid in a corner and watched everything that happened in the sea shivering.

The captain of the boat and the sailor Wang Tao beside him also watched the tragedy in the water.

When Yan Ruyu looked at him, he hadn't had time to withdraw his expression of wishing everyone would die.

Standing on a high place, he could see the shark's dorsal fin long ago, but he deliberately didn't remind the people in the water.

The two looked at each other through the space between the fishing boat and the raft.

Yan Ruyu, the boss of the boat, has already seen through his thoughts, but the boss of the boat is still unclear about Yan Ruyu's thoughts.

The strong smell of blood attracted more sharks.

They knew that there was food on the raft, so they lingered and refused to leave. The blood excited them, and they swiped the water vigorously with their tails.

From time to time, the dorsal fins of sharks passed between the rafts and fishing boats, and some anxious guys even showed a large part of their backs, showing the greed and bloodthirsty of this group.

"Get on the boat?" the boss of the boat asked, and the words were obviously lacking in confidence.

"No, let's go back to the coast guard ship. There is a first aid kit there. The director is injured and needs to be dealt with quickly." Yan Ruyu's refusal was reasonable, "Go through this night first, and then pick you up after dawn."

It's going to be a tough night for anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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