reckless detective

Chapter 115: People-Swallowing Island

Chapter 115: People-Swallowing Island (7)

"Xiao Wu! Xiao Yan! What's the situation, are you two alright?" The voice of Director Buffalo came from not far away.

The two hurriedly followed the sound and finally entered the cabin.

There was no light in the cabin where the four lived, and a dim candle was lit. When the cabin door was opened, mist came in, which almost swallowed the weak candle light.

"This black mist... what's going on?" Wu Cuo asked as soon as he entered the cabin.

Director Buffalo said: "Ghost cover eyes, no one can explain how this thing appeared... I met it once when I was a child, just once, I didn't expect to meet it again today, it's really evil."

"How long will it take for this fog to dissipate?" Yan Ruyu was also a little anxious.

If it was true what the ship's boss said, they would approach Laitou Island in the early morning—that is, now, in such a thick black fog, even if Laitou Island was close at hand, they might not be able to find it.

Director Buffalo frowned and closed his eyes and recalled: "When I was a child, when I met a ghost covering my eyes, my dad hid me in the cabin, which is almost the same as now. It feels like it took a long time for the black fog to dissipate, but in fact... thinking about it now It shouldn't be long. For a child, waiting alone for even 5 minutes is unbearable.

Later, I also asked people about ghosts covering eyes.

One theory is that the Dragon King treats guests.The Dragon King is a god, and of course his friends are also gods, so they can't show their true colors casually when they come and go.In order to prevent the sea people from seeing these gods, the shrimp soldiers and crabs will release black mist to block their sight.Therefore, when encountering ghosts covering their eyes, fishermen cannot lower their nets to catch fish, but have to bow down at the bow of the boat and send off all kinds of gods respectfully.

If any fishing boat casts a net to catch fish, captures the shrimp soldiers and crab generals around the Dragon King, or collides with the gods, it will suffer retribution.

Another theory is that many people died in this sea, such as large-scale shipwrecks, or fishing boats encountered sea robbers.Wronged souls want to reincarnate, so they turn their grievances into black mist, dragging passing ships. It is said that there have been cases where ships disappeared in the black mist. "

Ship missing?Bermuda?

This is the only thing Yan Ruyu can think of.

Criminal investigation work made him firmly believe that behind all unreasonable phenomena, there will eventually be a reasonable explanation. At the same time, he also understands that many phenomena in the world cannot be explained by the existing knowledge of human beings.

Someone divides human knowledge into four grades.

The lowest is science.What is science?It is what humans have mastered and can explain.

Above science is philosophy. Philosophy is not an explanation for something, but a method and proposition, which covers and includes more extensively than science.

Above philosophy is theology, that is, things that human beings cannot explain, are all done by gods and ghosts, and are God's will.

On top of theology, there is also metaphysics, which is mysterious and mysterious. Those who can penetrate one or two layers of mysteries are already masters.

Yan Ruyu didn't know which level Guizhaiyan belonged to. Anyway, he encountered too many strange things when he went out this time, and he already felt that there were too many lice and he was not afraid of itchiness.

"Let's think about it, what should we do if we miss Laitou Island and can't wait for rescue."

"There's plenty to eat in the sea, don't worry about it, but if there is not enough fresh water on board, it will be troublesome. Also, the boat has no power, and if it encounters another storm, it will definitely end. These are not the most troublesome things..." Director Buffalo Glancing around, he met the eyes of the three of them in turn.

"The most terrifying thing is the human heart."

These words made the three people present feel dignified.

Wu Cuo was the first to break the deadlock. He climbed onto the bed, lay down, and said to everyone: "Sleep, we have to conserve energy. In addition, we must guard against others. Let's take turns to watch the night every 2 hours. I am on the first shift." .”

Yan Ruyu also got on the bed, "I'm on the second shift, you call me in 2 hours."

"Then I'm on the third shift." Xiao Tian said, "Director, you are exhausted in the storm, sleep more, I'll take care of you."

Yan Ruyu couldn't fall asleep at first, he let today's strange events pass through his mind like a revolving lantern.

From the boss of the boat, to Brother Kun, to Chief Buffalo and Xiao Tian who obviously concealed something.

From falling into the water in a storm, to the sailors in the water who want to make trouble, to the people sneaking up in the black fog.

What is the connection between all this?
correct!that knife!

The knife was in Yan Ruyu's sleeve, and he had already taken it out at this moment.

One side of the blade is a sharp blade, and the other side is a tooth-like hook.

Shark Tooth Knife!

It is said that if one is stabbed in the abdomen by this kind of knife, the intestines will be hooked and brought out.

It just so happens that Brother Kun also has a shark-toothed knife.

Could it be him who attacked in the dense fog?

No, he was younger and more vigorous, and assassination and assassination is a job that requires patience, not him.

Is it his sailors?
Yan Ruyu thought of the sailor who cut the rope connecting him and the fishing boat in rough seas and tried to stab himself.

He was beaten up by Wu Cuo with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Do you want revenge?Or was he instigated by Brother Kun?
Will it be him?


well!If only there was a cigarette...

The slowly rocking bed made Yan Ruyu's thoughts confused, and he finally fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Ruyu was woken up by Wu Cuo.

"It's time for me to watch the night?" Yan Ruyu asked in a daze.

He licked his lips. He hadn't drank water for most of the day, and his lips were a little chapped.

"Hush, listen!" Wu Cuo's voice was not loud, but it made Yan Ruyu alert.

He listened attentively, breathlessly.

The first thing I heard was the snoring of Chief Buffalo. He must have been exhausted. The snoring was deep and loud, and he slept soundly.

Then there were footsteps outside the cabin that were neither hurried nor messy, and the sound of someone talking.

"Look! Light!"

"The ghost blindfolded has passed! It has passed! Great!"

"Yes, yes! The fog seems to have dispersed."

"But what is that light?..."

Yan Ruyu and Wu got out of bed by mistake and looked out through the round window.

Sure enough, there was a little white light where the sailors were pointing.

The white light swayed up and down, like a will-o'-the-wisp, very strange.

Sure enough, the thick black fog gradually dissipated, and the outline of a ship gradually appeared in the direction of the white light.

The white light is exactly the light in the wheelhouse of the ship.

Could it be... already saved?

Good luck too!There is a flash of hope in everyone's heart.

The fog came and went quickly, and the bright moonlight made the sea sparkle, and everyone could see clearly that the word "marine police" was written on the body of the boat.

Maritime Police?This time I was really saved!
The two ships were very close, less than [-] meters away by visual inspection.

The boss of the ship shouted to the other party with the loudspeaker on the ship, and turned on all the lights on the ship, but the other party did not respond.

The boat boss took out his binoculars and looked in the direction of the fishing boat for a while, his expression became increasingly ugly.

"I met a ghost ship!"

A ghost ship is not a ship with ghosts, but an empty ship that drifts on the sea all year round. No one knows where the people on board have gone, whether they are dead or alive.

The most famous ghost ship in the history of navigation is the "Mary Celeste".

The ship was discovered in 1872. At that time, the goods and valuables on board were all there, and there was enough food and drinking water, but there was no one in sight, and all reasonable explanations were ruled out.

In the end, one can only imagine that the people on board were "abducted by aliens" or "attacked by a sea monster."

This phenomenon is like being haunted, so this unmanned ship is called a ghost ship.

Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo looked at each other, exchanging their thoughts with their eyes.

This ship is very new, far from being as mottled and dilapidated as the imagined ghost ship, and according to Director Buffalo, two criminal police officers, a marine police ship, and the crew on board are all missing.

This... is probably the missing ship!

 Starting tomorrow, I'm going to try Chapter [-] of the daily update!Please supervise everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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