reckless detective

Chapter 110: People-Swallowing Island

Chapter 110: People-Swallowing Island (2)

Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo, who were going to sea for the first time, had no idea what Xiao Tian's "preparation" included, and they could only follow the arrangement.

I saw that Xiao Tian first tied up the luggage of the two of them tightly, stuffed it into a wooden box fixed on the ground, and locked the wooden box.

While he was busy, he explained: "The boat will shake violently when caught in a storm. It's best to secure everything brought up, so as not to hurt people when it happens."

After setting up the luggage, he took out a bottle of seasickness medicine from his pocket, "Take some, you may not even have bile left when you take a boat in a storm."

Wu took it by mistake, poured out a few pills, threw it into his mouth, and handed it to Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu waved his hand.

"Are you sure you don't?"

"Eating this stuff hurts your brain."


Wu Cuo swallowed half of the medicine in his mouth. When Yan Ruyu said this, he neither swallowed nor spit it out, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

"Fuck! Smoking hurts your lungs!" Wu gave Yan Ruyu a wrong look.

Yan Ruyu sat down on the bed, opened the case file, and waved at Wu Cuo, with the look of "I'm busy, don't gossip".

Wu Cuo pouted aggrievedly.

All this was seen by Xiao Tian who was on the side, and he leaned over to Wu Cuo and asked, "This is...?"

Obviously, just now he thought that Yan Ruyu was just a small person under Wu Cuo, so he didn't need to pay attention to it, but now he has come back to it.At least, he had seen that Wu Cuo did not regard Yan Ruyu as a small person.

"Yan Ruyu, you can call him Old Yan. This guy is very withdrawn. He can't say a few words a day except for case analysis. By the way..." Wu Cuo said in a low voice: "This guy is a young man with Internet addiction. There is no WiFi on the Internet, enough for him to feel uncomfortable..."

"Ahem——" Yan Ruyu said without raising her eyelids, "Old Wu, it's not easy to whisper in a room."

Wu Cuo thief smiled, deliberately trying to anger Yan Ruyu, but Yan Ruyu didn't look at him at all.

After a while, Yan Ruyu took out a cigarette and handed it to Wu Cuo, but was rejected when he handed it to Xiao Tian.

"I don't smoke." Xiao Tian smiled, "It's okay, just smoke yours, don't worry about me."

When he said this, the two felt embarrassed to smoke in the cabin, and simply came to the deck.

"Nine lives." Yan Ruyu sighed after taking a puff of cigarette.

"Yeah, this case is troublesome!" Wu Cuo frowned and said, "Laitou Island is so close to the high seas. If the person on the foreign ship is the murderer and the body is brought to the island after the murder, where should we go to investigate?"

Yan Ruyu also rubbed her temples worryingly, "Now I can only take one step at a time, in case the situation you mentioned really happens..."

He looked at the sea level in the distance, "Do your best and obey the destiny."

Looking at it, Yan Ruyu found that the sea level, which was still sunny just now, was now covered by clouds and there was only a gloomy black line.

He didn't know how to observe the weather at sea, but he also knew that it was not a good thing.

"It's really going to change."

As soon as the words fell, the shaking of the ship increased significantly. The two sailors hurried past, and the boss of the ship ran behind them.

Unlike the first two people wearing rubber shoes, the boss of the boat was barefoot. Yan Ruyu saw that his feet were obviously thicker than ordinary people, and there were calluses like flesh pads on the soles of his feet.The ten-toed octopus suckers are generally firmly grasping the deck, and the knuckles are a little white due to the force.

At this time, the feet were stopping in front of the two of them.

The boss of the boat yelled fiercely at the two of them: "I'm dying?! Why don't you go back?! Smoking! Smoking! Wait until Lord Hades arrests you to light up cigarettes!"

The two had no choice but to run into the cabin, even so, the boss of the boat was still swearing, it looked like two short-lived ghosts, no one would take back their souls after falling into the water, anyway, it was hard to hear.

Yan Ruyu was still calm, but Wu Cuo clenched his fists in anger.

In the cabin, Xiao Tian saw this scene, and as soon as the two of them entered the cabin, Xiao Tian explained: "You don't know, the boss of our ship has a criminal record before—fighting with people, using a harpoon to stab people into serious injuries— ——It was the buffalo that caught him in. At that time, the buffalo was just the leader of the serious crime team.

Mr. Chuan Boss is not bad, but his temper is a bit grumpy, otherwise he wouldn't hurt others.

In addition, you didn't deal with the buffalo. Just now, you took your anger out on you. Don't be as knowledgeable as him.

But, this guy has a lot of talent and is a good fisherman. When he first came out, he worked as a helper on other people's boats, and even worked on ocean-going fishing boats. In just a few years, he bought a boat and became his own boss. I heard that Well, this year when their village offered sacrifices to the Dragon King, he stood behind Yutou, that was an incredible position, and the people standing there were basically Yutou's successors.

Oh, you don’t know what Yutou is, how should I put it... Just like the previous patriarch, he is the most prestigious person in the village. Unlike now, there are meteorological units to forecast storms, and there are laws to prohibit fishing during the fishing season. For a while, the whole village has to listen to the fisherman in matters related to fishing. A good fisherman can not only prevent the villagers from sacrificing needlessly in the storm, but also lead the whole village to fish more, so that the villagers can live a good life. "

While Xiao Tianxu was talking about this, the sky outside the ship was almost dark, there were raindrops falling on the deck, and the ship began to shake violently.

Wu Cuo said worriedly: "Our bureau chief, buffalo, won't he come in and hide?"

Xiao Tian said: "It's okay, he is the son of a fisherman, on the boat it is the same as on the ground."

Wu Cuo was still worried, and opened the cabin door to look out. It happened that a wave hit, and Wu Cuo became drowned instantly, and his whole body was soaked.If Xiao Tian and Yan Ruyu hadn't reached out to hold Wu Cuo in time, he would have fallen out of the cabin.

Xiao Tian and Yan Ruyu didn't feel any better either, water entered the cabin, their shoes and trousers were also wet, and they were half soaked by the rain.

Amidst the howling wind and rain, the boss of the boat could faintly yell and curse, and occasionally there was the roar of buffaloes.

The three of them struggled to close the cabin door. Wu Cuo, who has always been bold, turned pale. He sat down on the ground, supported the bed and said, "The old saying is true, bullying mountains but not waters, it's terrible."

Xiao Tian also had lingering fears in his heart, "Old Wu, you are really a man of action. I was too slow to say a word, and you opened the hatch. Do you know how dangerous it is? A wave will sweep you off the boat. In this kind of storm, Even the gods can't save you!"

Yan Ruyu also sat on the ground, reached out and touched his pocket.


He took a pack of cigarettes soaked in seawater from his pocket.

The cigarettes had just been unpacked, and they had only smoked one or two. Visually, this was the only pack of cigarettes that Yan Ruyu carried with her.

Of course, Wu Cuo understood that Yan Ruyu couldn't get away from the stink of smoking, so he smiled ugly, which was an apology.

Yan Ruyu bared her teeth, explaining how angry she wanted to bite someone at the moment.

The ship was shaking violently, and the three of them could only lower their center of gravity as much as possible, and clung to the edge of the bed tightly. Wu Cuo asked Xiao Tian, ​​"When will this storm pass? Can our able to bear it?"

Perhaps it was to appease the two people who boarded the ship for the first time, Xiao Tian said: "It's okay, there is no problem at this level, even if the wind and waves are bigger, they can handle it."

The Dragon King seemed to be disrespectful to Xiao Tian. As soon as his words fell, the ship shook violently a few times, almost turned over to 90 degrees, and the buttocks of the three of them left the cabin floor for a while.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, and it seemed that something had hit the deck.

There was a creaking sound from the hull, as if the ship would break apart in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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