reckless detective

Chapter 107 Broken Hamstring

Chapter 107 Broken Hamstring (14)

"You! This is a crime!" Wu Cuo was furious.

"Officer Wu, I'm serious. From a legal point of view, at most it's a negligence." Wei Shao looked at his watch again, "Your time is running out, you know, carbon monoxide poisoning can damage the brain, I think, for Yan Ruyu In other words, making him a fool is better than being dead."

Wu Cuo took one last look at the simple dormitory unwillingly, and gritted his teeth, "You lead the way! Go save Lao Yan!"

"Just wait for your words."

Before starting the car, Wu Cuo asked, "Why do you intervene in this case?"

"I promise to return Boss Song's favor. I always keep my word."

"Hehe, is that so?" Yan Ruyu opened the rear door and sat next to Wei Shao.

"Old Yan!" Wu turned around by mistake, looked Yan Ruyu up and down, made sure that everything was fine with him, and then continued: "Didn't you get caught by him..."

"Almost." Yan Ruyu lit a cigarette and smoked heavily, as if she hadn't smoked for a long time, and she was quite hungry.

"If I don't pretend to be caught by him, how can I wait for him here?" Yan Ruyu took out a small pill from his pocket, "If you play this trick with me, Wei Shao is not afraid of losing the price?"

A trace of annoyance flashed in Wei Shao's eyes, but his face remained calm.

"Even if you two are not my opponent!"

"Who says it's just the two of us? City Hall isn't just for the two of us."

Two police cars stopped at the gate of the construction site, and six special police officers with live ammunition got out of the car and quickly surrounded the staff dormitory.

The special police broke into the door, and the window at the back of the house was open, but the inside was empty.

"Run away!" Wu Cuo looked at Wei Shao fiercely.

Wei Shao shrugged, deliberately annoyed him.

Yan Ruyu lit another cigarette, and said calmly, "You've procrastinated enough, and you've paid back the favor, so why don't you leave? Wait for me to catch you?"

Wei Shao smiled, and was about to leave with oil on his feet. He got out of the car and said, "I promise, I will never delay your handling of the case in the future."

Yan Ruyu curled her lips and shook the small pill in her hand, "Your reputation is worth considering."

As soon as Wei Shao left, Wu Cuo's problems came overwhelming.

"Old Yan, where have you been? How did you hang out with this kid? Where did he come from? Did you already have an answer to this case? Why didn't you answer the phone?..."

Yan Ruyu's cell phone rang, and he hissed, motioning for Wu Cuo to listen to the call with him, connect it, and turn on the speakerphone.

Minghui said excitedly: "Brother Yan, Song Xiaoer and Yang Guangzhu have been caught! How is your situation?"

"On my side, people ran away."


"It doesn't matter, we will set up surveillance on the way out of the city to prevent the suspect from escaping. We will go back with key physical evidence. As long as we catch my brother, he will be gone soon."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Cuo wanted to continue the question just now, but Yan Ruyu had already opened the car door and got out of the car with one foot.

"Search for evidence first, and I'll tell you in detail when I go back."

Wu Cuo had no choice but to carry the evidence collection box and came to the simple dormitory with full of doubts.

There is nothing in the dormitory except for a few bunk beds and a few cardboard boxes that the workers use as tables.

Wu Cuo has already understood that the key physical evidence Yan Ruyu said is fingerprints.

He quickly collected several fingerprints on doorknobs, window frames, and ladders of high and low beds. When Minghui arrived, Wu wrongly handed over the follow-up task of collecting evidence to Minghui, and he and Yan Ruyu rushed back with fingerprints city ​​hall.

The result of the fingerprint comparison came out quickly: it was consistent with the fingerprint on the glass slag at the scene of the hamstring case!
Faced with this result, Song Xiaoer remained silent, while Yang Guangzhu wept bitterly.

This man in his thirties took off his honesty and honesty, pointed at Song Xiaoer and said, "I didn't expect that! Neither you nor your brother can escape!"

Song Xiaoer's eyes were also red, but no matter what the police asked him, he would not say a word.

In the interrogation room, Yang Guangzhu told everything he knew.

"Boss Song came to join me first, probably 4 or 5 months earlier than Xiaoer Song.

He said that he escaped from killing people, and he couldn't go back to his hometown.He asked me to help find a job, as long as the unit didn't look at the ID card, I asked my fellow villagers to find him a job as a small worker on the construction site.

At that time, I was busy asking the contractor for money every day, and I almost set up a tent in front of his house. Thanks to Boss Song's wages, I had a meal with him, and I have survived until now.

A few months later, Song's second child also came, and I figured that he still had about a year to finish his school, so I asked him why he didn't go to school anymore?He didn't like going to school, and he didn't like to talk about it with me. I thought it would be good if they came, and we could have a care, so I didn't ask any more questions.

Although I have sponsored them, I am an outsider after all, and there are some things that the brothers may not have told me.

Later, the contractor who owed me my wages had his hamstrings picked, and I felt something was wrong. Picking his hamstrings, is that something ordinary people can do?At that time, I thought it might be the brothers who did it.

I went to ask Song Lao Er, and he swore and swore that he didn't do it. I know this kid has a straight temper, and I believe it wasn't him.

I went to ask Boss Song again, Boss Song didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it, he just told me that he was leaving, and before he left, he wanted to do something for me, to repay me for saving the two brothers.

When you asked me for fingerprints, I felt that my secrets might be revealed, hey! ..."

The interrogation of Yang Guangzhu had just ended, and progress had been made in the other interrogation room. Song Lao Er was finally willing to speak.

"I did it, it has nothing to do with my brother." Song Laoer's statement was very vague.

"Then tell me, what have you done?" Wu Cuo responded vaguely, in order to prevent Song Laoer from guessing the police's grasp of the clues of the case.

"The dead man was not my brother, but Du Youzhi, and I killed Du Youzhi.

I didn't do it on purpose. At that time, he wanted to hit me, but he had already pushed me to the ground. I pulled out the knife I was carrying with me, just to scare him, hurt him at most, and really didn't want to kill him.

I remember that the knife pricked his thigh, and the blood spurted out, like a water pipe. Just lay on the ground motionless.

I touched his breath, it's gone!
I was terrified and called my brother to help.We don't know what to do with the body. Whether it is buried, thrown into the river, or burned, it may be discovered in the future. Once Du Youzhi's body is found, I have a problem with him, and I will definitely be suspected.

I don't want to go to jail, and I'm afraid of the days of hiding from XZ.

Later, my brother thought of a way.

Since everyone knows that I have a feud with Du Youzhi, what if I am the one who died?As long as the police think that the person who died is me, the disappearing Du Youzhi will become absconded in fear of crime.

It just so happens that Du Youzhi's height, body shape, and even his hairstyle are quite similar to mine, it's God helping me.

In this way, as long as I change my identity to live in other places, no one will care about a dead person.

But I have been in prison, I know, the police have my DNA sample, just do a test, the police will know that the body is not me.

What if I die for you? — That’s what my brother asked me at the time. "

 The next story (that is, the content that will be posted tomorrow) will have more adventures and suspense plots. Relatively, the reasoning plot will be slightly weakened (but the quality is still guaranteed). Thank you Yin and Taiwei Han for your timely corrections. Let me find that the previous plot is indeed too compact and easy to make people tired. I am indeed too entangled in the aspect of "not hydrological".Well, I sincerely apologize and will immediately correct it, thank you both!

(End of this chapter)

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