Veteran never die

Chapter 406 Wang Liang's Advertisement

Chapter 406 Wang Liang's Advertisement

0410 Wang Liang's advertisement

"In order to activate the memory of a nation, to preserve the memory of a nation, and to continue the memory of a nation, Mr. Jianguo gave up all wealth, reputation, and even looked down on his own life and death. We paid for a ticket to visit, which is It should."

"Definitely go!"

Wang Liang was very happy to see that the comment area exploded all of a sudden, and netizens responded enthusiastically.

Wang Liang joked: "The boss who plans to organize employees to visit, thank you. When you come, please contact the marketing department of the museum and give your group tickets."

Wang Liang asked Fan Jianguo, "Oh, by the way, Jianguo also built a museum in Chongqing, right?"

"Yes, Uncle. Chongqing has a rich Anti-Japanese War culture, and it also needs a museum like Sichuan Province." Fan Jianguo replied.

Wang Liang: "Didn't you run out of money, kid? How did you think of building another museum?"

Fan Jianguo: "Haha, in order to build a museum in Chongqing, I have become a veritable negative man. Money, on the one hand, is the income from the operation of the museum, on the other hand, it is still relying on selling my own things. I have a hotel. It was sold after the Spring Festival, and then I borrowed some money from the bank, mortgaged the house, and a friend contributed some, the total is about 5000 million."

"I thought, even if I don't build it, someone else will. Of course I have to be one step ahead. So, after struggling for nearly a year, I made a decision: to build eight of the 24 air-raid shelters in Chongqing. Exhibition hall."

Wang Liang continued to ask: "What kind of exhibition halls are there?"

In fact, Wang Liang is aware of the situation of the museum in Chongqing. The reason why he asked this question is because Wang Liang wants to introduce this new museum to netizens in this way.

Ad placement.

Fan Jianguo answered without hesitation, "Well, including the Museum of Weapons Development History, the Museum of the Former Site of the First Arsenal of the Ordnance Industry Administration, the Museum of Anti-Japanese War Relics, the Museum of Chongqing Stories, the Museum of Folk Blessing Culture, the Museum of Chinese Happy Culture, the Museum of Ticket Life and the Museum of Chinese Culture. There are eight themed museums in the Medical Culture Museum."

"If Director Ma fails to find satisfactory information in the red series exhibition hall here, you can take the time to go to the ticket life museum over there to have a look. There should be what your crew needs." Fan Jianguo said to Ma Xiaogang.

Ma Xiaogang nodded, and he also made up his mind. In the future, his works must give Jianguo Museum a wave of advertisements.

Wang Liang continued to ask questions: "There should be many problems in building a museum in Chongqing, right?"

Wang Liang’s question was right on point, and Fan Jianguo replied enthusiastically: “Yes, after all, it was built in an air-raid shelter. If it was in a conventional building, I can take eight air-raid shelters in four months. But in the air-raid shelter, not only the time is doubled, but also the cost is more than doubled.”

"When I devoted myself to the construction of this museum in Chongqing, I soon discovered that there were far more problems than I expected."

"In addition to the expected problems such as moisture and lack of oxygen in the air-raid shelter, we must often deal with sudden problems such as rockfall and collapse in the air-raid shelter."

"I personally made the final decision on the design and planning, and I have the final say on how to solve the problems on the construction site. I am physically and mentally exhausted. Time waits for no one, and there is not so much time to discuss, so I can only 'reckless'."

When it came to building a museum, Fan Jianguo couldn't stop at all.

"Uncle, you don't know. In order to turn the air-raid shelter into a museum, I have thought of many ways. The top of the air-raid shelter is equipped with reinforced safety facilities. In addition to brushing with multiple layers of concrete mortar, the top is also covered with double-layer steel wire mesh. Reinforce it so that no rocks fall."

"Dehumidification and sewage discharge are one of the biggest problems. I found that the air humidity in these air-raid shelters is mostly above 90.00%, while the air humidity in museums must be controlled below 60.00% to ensure that the cultural relics collection is not damp. Therefore, ventilation and dehumidification are installed in each air-raid shelter and sewage pipes.”

In the comment area, netizens expressed their views one after another.

"It brought tears to my eyes! It's so touching! What kind of heart is this, which made him have such a historical deed!"

"There are such men in China, why fear foreign aggression, why affliction is hopeless!"

"I wish my brother good health and a long life, and make more contributions to this country!"

"Once again, pay tribute to the people of Sichuan!"

"Everyone has wishes, but in fact it is very difficult to realize them. It is really remarkable for a person to realize his wishes in his whole life. Especially for the goal of public welfare, and to devote half of his life's efforts selflessly, no one can match such a mind! My own hometown, for future generations, China has great people like you to pay high respects to.”

"I admire a persistent person who takes things lightly for himself, but takes history very seriously. An unforgettable commemoration."

"Fan Jianguo is like Zhuge Liang! In real life, everyone is pursuing fame and fortune, and enjoying life! What Fan Jianguo is pursuing is history, the hard-won today, China! This kind of person with strong feelings, the feelings for the country ! There is only Fan Jianguo! There is only him in China, a unique person! A real man! Heroism, I admire him!"

"This is a Chinese with a real conscience, a Chinese with a real sense of responsibility, everyone is like this, so why worry about foreign troubles!"

"It takes so much emotion and willpower to accomplish such a magnificent feat. Looking at the front, it feels like it's a show. After reading the full text, it really brought tears to my eyes."

"Set the flag, you must visit his museum this year!"

"When I saw it, I couldn't stop crying. I feel that the spirit of faith is so respectable. If I have the opportunity, I will go to these museums."

"Looking up to the sky, bowing down to the ground, a five-foot man stands up to the sky"

"It's the deep national feelings that made him devote himself to it without hesitation. In this era of material flow, we must not forget the era of aggression and those national backbone soldiers who sacrificed for the country."

"I shed tears just looking at it! A person with very rich material conditions has left an unforgettable memory for the future generations of the country and the nation, and I have left behind the body and shock of scientific research for others to see the light. The skin of future generations. It's really manly!"

"You are the backbone of the nation, and it is meaningful for every person who lives with dignity to make something that makes people with blood and national consciousness remember a painful memory."

"I have been, I have been to all the museums he built, and I have driven hundreds of kilometers to go there. I have seen them all, and I have never missed a single museum. I cried, I I have cried hard, and I have stared at every piece of historical memory. Bloody handprints, the soul of our clan. Thank you, Mr. Jianguo!"


The museum section is completely over


Fan Jianguo, the prototype of Fan Jianchuan.

Museum name: Jianchuan Museum.

real people.

(End of this chapter)

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