Veteran never die

Chapter 401 Flesh can really build the Great Wall of Steel

Chapter 401 Flesh can really build the Great Wall of Steel
0405 Flesh and Flesh Can Really Build a Great Wall of Steel
After recalling the whole process of General Wang Mingzhang's martyrdom, Wang Liang didn't want to say a word.

He just wanted to be quiet and finish watching the Sichuan Army Anti-Japanese War Museum without missing a single detail.

This is a review of the past.

Everyone is entitled to forget, except Wang Liang.

Because the Sichuan army is connected with him by blood.

Before the Anti-Japanese War, Sichuan warlords were well-known throughout the country for their notoriety for fighting civil wars.

None of the generals of the Sichuan Army came from a well-known Whampoa family. The general quality of the Sichuan Army is low, and the weapons and equipment are simple and crude.

Although the Sichuan army also participated in the war against Yuan Huguo, etc., they did not have much remarkable record in the battle.

Fighting against the Red Army under the leadership of the Communist Party has suffered numerous defeats.

Such an army is not welcomed by Chang Kaishen and the Central Army under his command.

But it's just such a motley crew with disheveled clothes, poor equipment, and rare military pay.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, they were thousands of miles away from the Japanese aggressors. They did not retreat when the country was in crisis, but they resolutely bid farewell to their relatives in their hometown.Dressed in rags and wearing straw sandals, he traveled thousands of miles to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War.

During the eight-year long war of resistance against Japan, 300 million Sichuan people's children joined the army.

The Sichuan army participated in almost all major battles, and one out of every ten anti-Japanese soldiers who died in battle was a Sichuan soldier.

As a result, it completely overturned the national view of the Sichuan Army at that time.

In recent years, for some reason, Wang Liang has heard less and less mention of the Sichuan Army.

Sichuan Army, don't forget!

No matter what time it is, the Sichuan Army will never be forgotten.

Strolling in the exhibition hall, Wang Liang was flipping through a history book titled "Wang Mingzhang's Martyrdom and the Sichuan Army's War of Resistance".

There is the most authentic record on it: "In September 20, the [-]th Army of the Sichuan Army, led by Yang Sen, went to Shanghai to participate in the war. This army is the poorest army in the Sichuan Army, and its equipment is also the worst."

"The 20th Division of the 26th Army is equipped with a company with only 90 to [-] soldiers, only one light machine gun and fifty or sixty rifles. Some guns have been used for too long and are too old, so they don't even have rifling lines. There are a few rifle handles tied with hemp rope to prevent them from being lost, and the poor quality of the weapons can be imagined..."

"But with such equipment, Yang Sen's 20th Division of the 26th Army became one of the five divisions with the best record in the Songhu Battle, which is enough to show the bravery of the Sichuan Army."

It is also enough to demonstrate the stupidity and incompetence of the Central Army.

"The officers and soldiers of the 20th Division of the 26th Army paid a heavy price on the Songhu battlefield. Of the four regiment commanders of the division, two were killed in battle. Fourteen battalion commanders suffered thirteen casualties, and company and platoon commanders had a total of more than 250 casualties."

"There are only three or five soldiers left in each company, and at most eight or nine soldiers... There are more than 4000 soldiers in the whole division. After this battle, there are only more than 600 soldiers left."

"The 26th Regiment of the 0th Division was ordered to regain the lost position. The regiment commander Xiang Wenbin led his troops to fight fiercely that night and regained the position. However, Peng Huanwen was the only one left among the officers and soldiers of the regiment, and the battalion commander. There are only four officers left, and only 120 soldiers left! Xiang Wenbin was promoted from lieutenant colonel to colonel and from colonel to major general within three hours of a day."

This is the historical fact.

Wang Liang browsed word by word.

Feeling gratified but also a little sad.

It is gratifying that someone has not forgotten them and recorded them, so that when future generations want to understand this period of history, there will be evidence to check.

Wang Liang felt sad for those ordinary soldiers who died in battle, not to mention the video data, but they couldn't even keep their names.

Wang Liang remembers that in 1944, Sichuan people built a monument to the fallen soldiers of the Sichuan Army in Chengmen Cave, Dongmen, Chengdu, also known as the Bronze Statue of the Unknown Hero.

The bronze statue is a young National Revolutionary soldier, wearing tattered straw sandals, shorts, an old military uniform and leggings, with two wooden handle grenades hanging on his chest, a big knife and a knife on his back. Bamboo hat.

Holding an old bayonet-mounted rifle in his hand, he leaned forward, stooped and stepped forward to charge, his appearance was mighty, and his resolute face was facing the east.

Outside the east gate of Chengdu, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army left the city from here to participate in the War of Resistance.

Many people never came back.

The ragged clothes and dilapidated equipment of the young soldiers on the sculpture are a true portrayal of history.

The soldiers of the Sichuan Army back then had such ragged clothes and worn-out equipment.

Most of their rifles were singles made in Sichuan, and they were powerful enough to hit a chicken or a rabbit. Even the hand grenades were twisted grenades made in Sichuan. In the eyes of the world at that time, they were inferior equipment that was unusable.

But in the hearts of these soldiers who were born in troubled times and many of them can't even write their own names, they are loyal to the country and the nation.

Wang Liang really didn't dare to think about it, didn't dare to think about it.

That statue, that young National Revolutionary soldier, is the embodiment of 300 million soldiers of the Sichuan Army.

It entrusts the thoughts and concerns of countless martyrs.

Every year during the Ching Ming Festival, countless Sichuan people will silently put flowers in front of the stele, and then leave silently.

In the 70s and [-]s, a storm came as promised. This landmark building in Chengdu, which entrusted countless Sichuanese to miss their loved ones, was smashed on the charge of Kuomintang persecution.

Twenty years later, the bronze statue was erected again.

But when Wang Liang walked up to the bronze statue to pay his respects again, he felt different and changed.

"The [-]th Division of the Sichuan Army in the Battle of Nanxiang"

Wang Liang recognized the author of this book, Hu Yichu, who was a second lieutenant trainee officer in the 20th regiment headquarters of the 124th Division of the 805th Army of the Sichuan Army.

There is a passage in the book that records: "Our regiment also suffered heavy casualties. It is really appalling to hear. At the beginning of the war, people had to stand on the stepping pits to see the trenches about two meters deep. Then The trenches were gradually filled with the flesh and blood of the soldiers. At this time, the dead bodies were piled higher than the trenches. The living people used the flesh and blood of the martyrs as a cover to continue to attack the enemy... Thousands of people from the regiment participated in the battle, and only 150 officers and soldiers remained , many of them are still slightly injured and have not left the team."

Wang Liang gently stroked every line and every word in the book. Through the words, he could see the tragic situation at that time.

起来! 不愿 做奴隶 的 人们!
把 我们 的 血肉 , 筑 成 我们 新 的 长城!

When the Chinese nation is at its most dangerous, everyone is forced to make a final roar.

The national anthem, the national anthem that everyone sings.

Build our new Great Wall with flesh and blood.

Only those veterans who participated in the war know that this is no exaggeration, flesh and blood can really build a Great Wall.

(End of this chapter)

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