Chapter 399
0403 Desperate
Wang Liang's yellow-green military uniform was so easy to find that he was carried out immediately.

Seeing that Wang Liang was wounded, He Xingrong, who took over the Xicheng Gate, quickly ordered the military doctor accompanying the team to bandage him: "Treat Captain Wang's wound!"

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, Wang Liang, who had lost too much blood, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

He Xingrong arranged for several soldiers to send the deputy division commander Shui, Wang Liang and the seriously wounded away, and then came back to supervise the battle with guns in hand.

The city gates were crowded with unarmed stragglers, and some stragglers with guns exchanged fire with the enemy under the command of the company platoon leaders.

At this time, the devils who occupied the east gate tower captured the northeast city wall corner, and then stormed the north tower on the city wall.

The casualties of the defenders of the North Tower increased sharply, because they were too weak to support them.

At this time, the devil's strategic intentions were completely exposed. The Japanese occupying the city wall were not eager to go down the wall to avoid street fighting, but focused their attack on capturing the city wall.

In this way, many preparations made by the Sichuan Army for street fighting were wasted.

What I have to admit is that the Japanese army's move is really vicious.

When the Japanese army completes the four-wall encirclement, the remnants of the defenders in the city will immediately fall into desperation.

Lv Kang, commander of the [-]th brigade of the [-]st, [-]th and [-]th divisions, also came to the west gate. He immediately gathered dozens of people including the remnants, and personally led them to the north tower.

He also repelled the devils who attacked on the east wall.

And assign soldiers to fight against the enemy according to the fortifications.

At this time, the enemy's machine guns on the east, south, and west walls concentrated their fire on the north wall.

A gust of bullets shot from several directions at the same time. Many officers and soldiers were knocked to the ground in a hail of bullets.

It was at this time that Lu Kang, commander of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Division, was shot twice in the head.

One pierced his forehead and exited from the left side of his nose.

Another one penetrated from the right cheek and exited from the base of the left ear.

Lu Kang, who was seriously injured, fell into a coma.

Ji Wendian, the captain of the staff who fought next to Lu Kang, was seriously injured, and Luo Yiwei, the chief of staff of the brigade, was killed.

The situation inside the Dongcheng Gate has become more and more one-sided, more and more devils are pouring in, and the casualties of the Sichuan Army are getting heavier and heavier.

At this time, the devils bombarded the east city again with incendiary bombs, and all the wounded soldiers of the Sichuan Army were burned to ashes.

The wailing was endless.

Brigadier Wang Zhiyuan and Regiment Commander Zhang Xuanwu, who commanded the battle, were both wounded and were rushed out of the battlefield, and were transported to the rear by a stretcher team organized by Teng County Magistrate Zhou Tong.

So far, there is no command system in the entire county, and it has become a state of self-made warfare.

Seeing that the situation was completely hopeless, Chief of Staff Zhao Weibin said to Wang Mingzhang: "Soldiers outside the city can no longer be brought in, the ammunition controlled by the headquarters has been exhausted, and the troops inside the city can no longer be commanded. We have fulfilled our mission and tried our best. Yes. Now, the headquarters should be transferred to Zeng Suyuan of the 372nd Brigade, and some troops will be accommodated to continue to command operations.”

Wang Mingzhang thought about it and felt that this was the best choice right now.

Then Wang Mingzhang made a phone call to Commander Xiong Shunyi of the 122nd Division and Commander Zeng Suyuan of the 124nd Brigade of the 372th Division who were fighting at the train station outside the West Gate to explain his intentions.

Wang Liang said: "This is the last call made by General Wang Mingzhang in the city, and also the last call in his life."

After Xiong Shunyi answered the phone, Wang Mingzhang wanted to talk to Zeng Suyuan. Xiong Shunyi hurriedly handed the phone to the brigade commander. The enemy began to charge the station again, and Xiong Shunyi immediately went out to command the battle again.

The guard platoon protected Wang Mingzhang and others and rushed to the west gate, but what they didn't expect was that the situation at the west gate had completely reversed.

The Japanese army occupied the city wall to the south of the West Gate Tower and then occupied the West Gate Tower. The North Gate Tower was also captured by the enemy and was pressing westward.

Machine gun bullets were pouring into the face like water, and the last way out of the city was being strangled.

Now, only the city wall north of the west city gate is still in the hands of the Sichuan army.

Wu Jingwen, commander of the tenth company of Lu Gaoxuan Battalion, led the last eleven soldiers of the company to use sandbags on the city wall to form fortifications and exchange fire with the enemy occupying the north city wall, and stood firm at the corner of the northwest city wall.

The remnants of Company Commander Zhang Chunshan of No.11 Company of Lu Gaoxuan Battalion defended the northern section of the West City Wall and fought fiercely with the enemy inside the West City Wall.

There is a ramp to go up and down on the northwest city wall where the Sichuan Army finally controlled. Chief of Staff Zhao Weibin commanded the guards to retreat here.

At this time, Wang Mingzhang saw that the whole city was blocked by the Japanese army, and he had no intention of moving out, and decided to die here with the city.

No matter what Wang Mingzhang said, he refused to go up the city wall and take the ramp to evacuate.

Zhao Weibin winked at the guards, and the two guards understood.

Set up the division commander, surrounded and covered them, and went to the top of the city.

Wang Liang said with tears: "But this ramp is only a hundred meters away from the tower occupied by the Japanese army. The Japanese devils in the tower can observe this unusual team without binoculars."

The Japanese devils in the tower howled.

"Attention! Northwest City Wall."

"The concentration of pistol soldiers and their distinctive costumes must be the Chinese commanding authority!"

"Concentrate machine guns and artillery fire together, shoot!"

At this time, General Wang Mingzhang, who had climbed up the city wall with the forcible support of the guards, turned his head and scanned the ancient city for the last time.

I saw that the whole city was already in ruins, and the streets were filled with the corpses of Sichuan Army soldiers in gray cloth military uniforms.

From privates to generals, they abound.

Japanese artillery shells and incendiary bombs continued to explode in the city, machine gun bullets flew all over the sky with screams, raging fires were burning everywhere, and countless smoke and dust merged into a huge smoke column and rose into the sky.

Three and a half of the four city walls in the southeast, north, and west have been occupied by the Japanese army, and they are about to be fully encircled.

The Japanese devils on the city wall were running back and forth, chasing the targets below the city and firing guns. The ferocious sun flag was constantly shaking at the top of the city, indicating the occupied areas.

Wang Mingzhang was not reconciled, he ordered the last guard around him to line up: "Go, charge south, take back the West Tower, and protect this passage."

The general thought that he could take more remnants out of the city.

General Wang Mingzhang's guard platoon is equipped with all Mauser pistols.

Dozens of pistolmen received the order from the division commander, brandished their knives and pistols, leaped out of the fortifications piled up with sandbags and charged towards the tower.

Unexpectedly, the Japanese army occupying the city wall had paid attention to them long ago. After an exchange of fire, dozens of Sichuan soldiers in the guard platoon were all knocked down on the top of the city wall under the wild fire of Japanese machine guns, and died heroically.

Immediately afterwards, another burst of machine gun fire and shells hit.

A shell exploded nearby, and the flames flickered.

Several officers and soldiers fell to the ground. General Wang Mingzhang covered his stomach with his hands and fell down slowly.

Li Shaokun, the head of the guard, quickly hugged the fallen Wang Mingzhang and lifted his military uniform.

I saw that the teacher's abdomen was cut open twice by the shrapnel, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

(End of this chapter)

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