Veteran never die

Chapter 397 What is tragic

Chapter 397 What is tragic
0401 What is tragic
Wang Liang recalled: "Later, I learned about the whole process of the martyrdom of Commander Wang Lin from the wounded who were withdrawn from the 740th regiment."

After the Japanese army surrounded Teng County, Dongguan, where Wang Lin's 740 regiment was stationed, naturally became the focus of the Japanese attack.

Dongguan is a village next to the east gate of Tengxian County.

Originally, Yan Yiying of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]nd divisions stood firm.

The Yanyi Battalion repelled the Japanese army's violent attacks many times. The whole battalion suffered heavy casualties, and the battalion commander was seriously injured.

Later, General Wang Mingzhang had to transfer Wang Lin's 740 regiment to replace Yan Yiying to guard Dongguan.

After Wang Lin took over Dongguan that night, he left one battalion as a reserve team, and the other two battalions were deployed at the front of the Dongguan position.

In the early morning, the Japanese army made every effort to attack Dongguan.

The bombing and shelling went on for a full hour, and Dongguan was almost flat, all the fortifications were destroyed, and even the wall of the village was uprooted.

The Japanese army used ten tanks to open the way, covering five hundred devil soldiers to attack Dongguan from different directions at the same time, and the whole Dongguan was suddenly plunged into a melee of blood and fire.

The battle lasted from early morning until dawn.

A morning of fierce fighting has repelled repeated waves of Japanese attacks.

The regiment reserve team and the heavy machine gun companies temporarily assigned to the division all pulled up to the front line.

When the battle is fierce, all the commanders of the regiment headquarters will command at the front.

At this time, the head of the regiment, Wang Lin, was wounded, his head was wrapped in a bandage, and he was carrying a submachine gun in his hand to supervise the battle back and forth.

The command post of the regiment is located in the east gate of the city gate.

Just after twelve o'clock in the morning, the fierce Japanese attack began again.

The artillery fire of the Japanese army was directly aimed at the city wall of the east gate of Teng County. The east gate tower had been bombed and collapsed.

Wang Lin saw that the city gate had become a dangerous place, and planned to transfer the regiment command post.

At this time, the battalion commander Lei Xun, who was commanding the battle at the forefront, ran over desperately from the rising explosion smoke, and reported: "Commander, our ammunition has run out, and the brothers have all died. , In my battalion, there are less than ten people left, and the position has been occupied by the Japanese army."

"Where is the attached military doctor? Order the wounded to be rescued immediately!" Wang Lin was heartbroken when he heard that the soldiers who came out of Sichuan with him had suffered so many casualties.

"Regimental Commander, Medical Officer Wang, the chief medical officer of the regiment accompanying the regiment, was also killed." Battalion Commander Lei Xun almost said it in tears.

"Little Japanese devils, labor and management are fighting with you. Immediately order all the staff in the regiment headquarters to take up weapons and follow behind the guard platoon of our regiment!" After speaking, Wang Lin picked up his submachine gun and rushed up.

The original regiment guard company has been compressed into a guard platoon.

It is said to be a platoon of guards, but in fact there is only one squad of guards.

In this way, under the leadership of the head of the regiment Wang Lin, nearly No. 50 soldiers of the Sichuan Army charged forward at the risk of constant shells falling.

Sworn to regain the position.


He Xingrong, the deputy head of the lieutenant colonel who was running at the front, suddenly felt the ground under his feet vibrate violently, and saw a flash of fire in front of him, and a gust of hot gas passing over his face. He was held up by a pair of invisible big hands and fell out heavily.

As soon as He Xingrong's eyes went dark, he completely lost all feeling.

When He Xingrong suddenly woke up from the coma, he realized that he had just been hit by a shell.

He Xingrong turned over vigorously and got up, and asked the guard beside him, "Where is the head?"

The guard was spitting blood, unable to say a word, only saw his finger pointing not far away.

He Xingrong, who couldn't stand up and walk, rolled over and ran over, pushed away the guards surrounding there, and saw that the head of the regiment, Wang Lin, was already lying on the ground upright.

His whole body was already soaked in blood, a piece of shrapnel passed through his jaw, and his jaw was shattered.

The guard was leaning over Wang Lin's body, covering Wang Lin's wound with a piece of torn military uniform covered with Yunnan Baiyao.

Blood bubbles kept pouring out of the blood hole, and Wang Lin was already unconscious, only exhaling but not inhaling.

Then he looked at Hu Qingxi, the major's political trainer who was lying beside him.

Hu Qingxi was blown to a bloody mess and died for his country on the spot.

He Xingrong, the deputy head of the regiment, quickly called several guards to lift Wang Lin up and went straight to the general headquarters for rescue.

But before Wang Lin returned to the headquarters, he died at the age of 36.

Wang Lin, head of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division, was killed in Dongguan. The Japanese army captured Dongguan outside the east gate of the county seat and the south wall of the county seat.

Wang Liang knew very well what this meant. So far, our army has run out of ammunition, reinforcements have been exhausted, and the defenders of Teng County are at the last juncture of life and death.

"Captain Wang, you have also seen the current situation. I am grateful to you for providing weapons and equipment for our Sichuan army and assisting us in fighting. Before the devils are closed, take your supervising team to break through." Wang Mingzhang continued: " Don't worry, I, a disciple of the Sichuan Army, swear to live and die with Teng County."

"Master, you are looking down on me, Wang Liang. My four hundred brothers and I are willing to guard Teng County together with the brothers in the Sichuan Army." Wang Liang said.

"Okay! After the battle is over, if you survive, I'll treat you to a drink and let's sworn brothers!" Wang Mingzhang laughed.

So far, unlike the situation of other supervisory teams, the supervisory team commanded by Wang Liang has become one with the Sichuan Army soldiers.

Da da da -- da da da -- da da da --

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

The Japanese army occupying Dongguan immediately launched a fierce attack on Dongchengmen after a short period of rectification.

At the same time, the enemy occupying the south wall also seized the southeast wall corner with fierce firepower and charges, and continued to approach the north on the wall to capture the east tower.

Wang Mingzhang asked the staff: "What's the situation over there at the East Tower?"

The staff officer replied: "Most of the defenders on the southern half of the east city wall were killed or wounded and could not support them. The rest retreated to the position of the east gate tower and used the incomplete fortifications to hold on."

"Wu Zhongmin's Battalion of the [-]th Regiment is defending the East Gate, right?"

"Yes, division commander, Commander Zhang Xuanwu of the City Defense Commander and Brigadier Commander Wang Zhiyuan are both supervising the battle in Dongcheng."

"Get me Wang Zhiyuan from the east gate."

It took a long time to connect to the phone, and the other end was intermittent. Wang Zhiyuan said: "Master, the attacking devils bombarded the tower that had already collapsed with artillery fire. The gate of the city gate was completely opened under the continuous blows of the flat-fired artillery fire. Regardless of casualties, the attacking Japanese army repeatedly charged towards the east gate of the city with a steady stream of troops, and some devils climbed the wall and jumped into the city. Street fighting. But don’t worry, sir, as long as I, Wang Zhiyuan, are here, the little devil won’t even try to pass through the East City Gate!”

It took a long time before Wang Mingzhang said the word "good", and the call was cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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