Veteran never die

Chapter 385 That was a modernization battle.

Chapter 385 That was a modernization operation.

0389 That's a modernization operation.

The engineers used demining equipment to detect and report: "Platoon leader, we have broken into a minefield!"

"Can you clear mines?" Wu Jiwu asked.

The engineer shook his head: "The density of mines is very high. We only have two engineers. It will take a long time. Moreover, the enemy situation in this area is unclear. The explosion just now may disturb the nearby Japanese troops."

"Let the radio soldiers call for support." Wu Jiwu quickly made a decision, "The engineers check the situation of the explosive vehicle, the medical soldiers treat the wounded, and the rest stay in the car and get ready for battle!"


"Report to the platoon leader, squad leader Mao Chengyou, sergeant Li Zhuang and private Sun Dayou in the car have all died."

Wu Jiwu asked, "Where's the oil barrel?"

"Platoon leader, fortunately, the oil drum did not leak." Said the engineer.

"Contain the remains of the three martyrs and bury them properly when we go out." Wu Jiwu's tense strings were relaxed when he heard that the oil barrel was fine, but he couldn't help but think of the three brothers who died.

Yesterday, they were still alive!
There are many times, Wang Liang is also emotional.

Who decides the fate of a person.

The three martyrs who sacrificed were destined to be lonely.

The truck that hit the landmine was not the one of Wu Jiwu. The second lieutenant escaped. Later, he was admitted to the US military academy and studied the management methods of the US military at the US Armored Corps School and the US Army Staff College.

He served as a translator for Panmunjom negotiations.

After he retreated to Taiwan with the Nationalist Army, he served successively as the commander of the [-]rd Battle Group of the [-]st Armored Division, the deputy commander of the [-]st Armored Division, the second brigade commander of the [-]th Independent Armored Brigade, the deputy director of the Operation Planning Department of the Army Headquarters, Director of the Intelligence Agency of the Army Headquarters, the rank of promotion is at least general.

It can be described as success and fame.

If the three oil soldiers hadn't died, maybe they would have the same or a better future, right?
This is the sorrow of being born in troubled times.

It is also the tragedy of war.

In a sense, war is essentially a tragedy.

After receiving the oil group's request for help, the advance group with engineers at a relatively short distance went to support it, led by Wang Liang himself.

After merging with the oil group to briefly understand the situation, Wang Liang ordered the engineers to start working, demanding to open up a passage for trucks in the shortest possible time.

While moving towards the oil group, the scouts found that sporadic Japanese troops were also approaching this minefield.

Wang Liang reminded the soldiers in charge of security: "Pay attention to the movements around you! Watch out for the devil's snipers."

Just as the engineers took out the mine detectors to remove the mines, gunshots suddenly rang out.


An engineer fell to the ground in response.

"Throw smoke bombs! Save people. Tell the search truck to shoot with machine guns!" Wang Liang quickly issued an order.

In the vast forest that stretches as far as the eye can see, it is impossible to determine where the cold gun came from, and it is even more difficult to determine the hiding place of the sniper.

It had to be covered by throwing smoke bombs and suppressed by machine gun fire.

Finally, the passage was opened, and the smoke bombs were exhausted.

On the way to evacuate, they will encounter Japanese snipers from time to time.

If you show your head a little, you may be hit by a Japanese devil's bullet in the next second.

"The devil's snipers are hidden in trees, rocks, and even in hollowed out tree trunks. It is very difficult to find. In the process of advancing, I can only let the whole group fire, from bottom to top, from left to right, repeatedly The strafing formed a large-area fire net to cover the advance of personnel and vehicles, so the daily advance was very slow." Wang Liang said.

Wang Liang will never forget those difficult days.

Risking your life to push forward during the day.

In the evening, after eating, the most pleasant thing is to pull out the biting leeches on the skin.

During the day, I don't have the time to take care of these things. The taste of being bitten by leeches is not pleasant at all.

In the special climate environment, as long as you exercise a little, the military uniform on your body will be soaked with sweat.

The clothes are full of sweaty smell, and there is no way to change them even if they are rancid.

That kind of sourness is really a test of the will of a soldier.

In order to prevent attacks from devils, snakes, insects and other poisonous substances, I can't take off my clothes when I go to bed at night, and my whole body is sticky, which feels very bad.

The officers and soldiers can still fall asleep quickly, because the work during the day has exhausted them.

This is what a group of Chinese soldiers went to foreign countries to fight against the invaders during the war years.

In this way, a full five days.

Under the precise guidance of the advance team commanded by Wang Liang, the Chariot Battalion made a successful detour.

Arrive at Varuban.

Wang Liang introduced: "Varuban is the headquarters of the No.18 Division of the Japanese Army. It is surrounded by mountains and water, with cliffs on one side and Nambi River in front. Although the water is not deep, the river is wide and the banks are steep. Extremely dangerous."

It is precisely because there are dangers to defend that the division head Shinichi Tanaka set up the division headquarters here.

And it took more than a year to build the position. There are many warehouses near the command post and the tents are connected.

The deep positions built along the coast are more than 2000 meters long, and are covered with obstacles such as barbed wire, deer villages, and landmines.

The fortresses are dotted with trenches and ditches, and the fire nets are densely woven.

Fortunately, the Chariot Battalion is a mechanized unit, which can reduce many unnecessary casualties when attacking.

Through the walkie-talkie, Wang Liang issued a combat mission: "The tank platoon is dispatched. Your mission is to eliminate the Japanese strongholds outside the Waruban. The third company of tanks will assist you."

There is only one way to attack Waruban, which is backed by mountains and rivers, and that is to cross the Nanbi River.

The water of the Nanbi River is not deep, and the depth of the river is only half a meter when the river is wide.

But even so, there is no way for tanks to cross the river without a tank ramp.

So Wang Liang could only risk his life and get out of the car with a few engineers to conduct reconnaissance by the Nanbi River.

Choose a few crossing points and have the engineers build tank ramps.

Da da da -- da da da -- da da da --

As soon as Wang Liang and the others got out of the car, they naturally became the focus of the Japanese attack.

Bullets and shells greeted each other.

I couldn't move for a while.

"What the hell, call the Allied planes for labor and management!" Wang Liang roared.

Within half an hour, the Allied planes arrived, and they took cover from the air.

The tank companies of the tank battalion also rushed to support them one after another.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

The Japanese army wanted to prevent the engineers from building tank ramps through fierce artillery fire, but the Allied aircraft and tank battalion guns were not vegetarian.

After a violent bombardment, the Japanese camp was full of flames and smoke.

That was Wang Liang's first attempt to command a mechanized unit to fight, and he also had the air force to assist him.

The advantages of modernization are completely on the side of the Chinese army. The feeling of elation is really
(End of this chapter)

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