Veteran never die

Chapter 377 The Sichuan Army's death flag, licking blood during wartime, and wrapping up after

Chapter 377 The Sichuan Army's death flag, licking blood during wartime, and wrapping up after death!
0381 The death flag of the Sichuan army, licking blood during the war, shrouded the corpse after death!
"As early as 90.00, the enrollment rate of elementary schools in Japan had reached [-]%. In contrast, in China at that time, going to school was a privilege for the rich."

Wang Liang gave a set of data.

"Let's take a look at the training methods of Japanese soldiers. In [-], the Japanese army promulgated the "Infantry Practice Code", which stipulated that the training of individual infantry and infantry units below the brigade included individual coaches, squadron coaches, and brigade coaches."

"After the recruits join the army, each month for live ammunition training, the bullets for rifles should not be less than 150 rounds, and the number of machine guns should not be less than [-] rounds. The infantry bullets used for training every year are [-] rounds."

Speaking of it now, Wang Liang will feel shocking.

The bullets used for live ammunition training per person per month shall not be less than 150 rounds.

On average, five bullets per day.

Look at the level of the Sichuan Army.

Each person only has about ten rounds of bullets, and there will be no bullets after shooting.

How can there be any bullets for training, don't be kidding.

Good shooters are fed with bullets.

Wang Liang fought against some ace troops of the Japanese army, and it was really formidable.

Many Japanese devils raised their guns and fired while driving, and they were still able to hit humanoid targets within [-] meters with great accuracy.

The operation and maintenance level of technical weapons such as heavy artillery is far superior to that of Chinese soldiers.

Wang Liang doesn't know if netizens are tired of listening to him talking about these things, but as a veteran, he likes to talk about the history of the War of Resistance.

Because apart from the War of Resistance, there is nothing else that he can be proud of.

No matter how many times people ask about the Anti-Japanese War, the veterans will patiently talk about it over and over again.

For the veterans, as long as someone is willing to listen to them tell the story of the War of Resistance and record the history they have experienced, the veterans are excited.

Perhaps, only in this way can veterans survive.

In the comment area, many people from Sichuan Province responded to Wang Liang.

How many years have passed, and the rarely mentioned Sichuan Army, the ancestors they regard as proud, finally saw the light of day again.

"The Sichuan army was once called the Two-gun Army, and some people said they were better than the scarecrows, but more than 300 came back after more than 80 million Sichuan troops left Sichuan, because they always remembered the saying that the Japanese pirates did not leave the country for a day, and the Sichuan army vowed not to return home. .”

"The bloodiness of the Sichuan people was vividly displayed during the war! The Sichuan army is not afraid of death, but they are afraid of losing the dignity of the Sichuan people! They would rather die standing than live on their knees!"

"Salute to all the veterans of the Anti-Japanese War! I hope that the society will pay more and more attention to the veterans of the Anti-Japanese War."

"No matter what the purpose is, to vilify the history of the Anti-Japanese War at will and spread wrong history is a disrespect for the entire nation's Anti-Japanese War. Only by facing up to history and facing the gap is the greatest respect for old heroes."

"Although our Sichuan army has no achievements worthy of publicity, in the flames of the War of Resistance Against Japan, we used our loyalty to the nation, our blood and life, to show the iron bones of the Chinese people."

"The death flag of the Sichuan army, licking blood during the war, and shrouding the corpse after death!"

"Sichuan people have never failed the country, and the Chinese have never failed Sichuan! The achievements of the Sichuan army have never been forgotten by the Chinese! After the Wenchuan earthquake, the Chinese have counted the achievements of the Sichuan army and given great support to Sichuan Province! Every time I think of this, I can't help but cry! "

The driver of the biubiu car is also from Sichuan. In fact, he recognized Wang Liang when he got on the car.

After listening to Wang Liang's talk, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

I can finally feel proud.

Wang Liang suddenly remembered that someone once posted a post mocking the incompetence of the Sichuan Army.

Others say that the Sichuan Army is a myth.

Here, Wang Liang really wants to say a few more words for the Sichuan Army.

Wang Liang said, "I'm just saying what I saw with my own eyes."

"The dead and wounded soldiers of the Sichuan Army couldn't be treated, and even food was a problem. The 41st Army fought several times in the east of Shanxi, just because the divisions, brigades, and regiments entered the battlefield in a normal marching posture, and they were not attached. Wartime health troops like bandage stations, stretcher teams."

"So in battle, all soldiers who are slightly wounded and able to move will walk back bloodied by themselves. Most of the soldiers who are seriously wounded or slightly wounded and unable to move freely will be abandoned in their positions or left behind. Temporary shelter in the rear of the position."

it goes without saying.

As long as you are seriously injured, there is only one ending.

Let the enemy kill and leave the corpse in the wild.

Only after the enemy left, the local people had to come forward to bury the corpse.

Loyal bones are buried everywhere, how many people in Sichuan cannot find the graves of their ancestors!
That situation cannot be truly restored.

The torn flesh, the great pain.

You are just abandoned.

It's not that the brothers don't want to save you.

Simply because there is nothing they can do.

With you, you can't live, you can only become a burden.

Wang Liang will never forget that one night in May [-], the entire brigade of the Sichuan Army retreated.

Seeing that they were about to be abandoned, hundreds of seriously injured officers and soldiers cried out in unison: "Oh! Company Commander! Battalion Commander! Regiment Commander! Brigadier Commander! We are all from Sichuan! We have followed you so far, so we have the heart to leave us behind. Leave it like this?"

"Hey! Brothers! We are here to fight the national war together! If you are injured, don't you care?"

"My God! This is how the national war is fought!"

"Your mother, it hurts Laozi to death, and killed me with a single shot, please, give Laozi a good time! Don't go, Laozi will give you earwax!"

"You son of a bitch, a street kid, a bastard, a stinking whore, a rotten bastard."

"This is fighting ghosts! Damn it!"


What awaits them is death.

Life is coming to an end, dying in this muddled war.

No guns, no guns, no logistical support.

They also have parents, brothers and sisters, wives and children.

never to be seen again.

Life is over like this, I am not reconciled!
No one will remember their names.

Tears burst out with the sound, miserable and unpleasant.

Wang Liang once saw with his own eyes that some seriously wounded people tried to kill themselves after the troops left, fearing that they would be tortured by the Japanese devils.

It's not that Wang Liang never gave a helping hand, but the number of people who can be saved is just a drop in the bucket.

More people died on the battlefield.

No one knows what they were thinking at the last moment of their lives.

Whenever he sees those posts on the Internet questioning and slandering the Sichuan army, Wang Liang really wants to arrest them and let them experience the pain of the Sichuan people for themselves.

Those old fathers and mothers who lost their sons.

The wives who lost their husbands.

Children who have never met their father.

This country, this nation, owes too much to the people of Sichuan.

(End of this chapter)

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